What do you look for when considering a church home?


Well-Known Member
Ladies, I have been visiting different churches for a few weeks now. I grew up in a church but, for a variety of reasons, I don't think it is the place for me at this point. For those of you who have ever switched churches, what made you decide to leave, and what drew you in to your current church?

Some things I am considering:

Spiritual things
Devotion to the Word of God and spiritually sound teachings

"True" sermons (not just a spiritual dog and pony show :look:)

A thriving singles/young adult ministry (not necessarily trying to find a husband, but I'm always open to making new friends and networking... though finding a husband would be nice :grin:)

Good music

Secular things

Distance from my house, since I plan to be involved in activities

Average age of the congregation

Demographics of the congregation ( I would prefer mostly black or racially diverse)

Array of ministries and activities offered
I am interested in a new church home as well. I want somewhere where the word is flowing, the truth and not so much of that negative reinforcement behavior. I am not there to be faced with innuendo or accusations. I would like some friendly people who are glad to see me. Warm and cordial helps. Music is good but I am truly at a word deficit. Take your time.