What do you look for on the first few dates?


Active Member
When you are going out with someone new, what are the things that you look out for (good or bad) that will let you know whether or not you want to date that person in the future?
1. Smells good
2. Has fresh breathe
3. Has a fresh hair cut
4. Dressed like he put some thought into it

1. Has good conversation, someone who asks me questions who is taking the initiative to get to know me
2. Someone whose personality extends beyond his cute face
3. A sense of humor

I look for him to:
1. open doors
2. have something fun planned to do
3. not try to get my panties too soon
Well I haven't dated in 7 years cause I've been with the same man so I'll list the characteristics in my honey that attract me to him.

<ul type="square">
[*]Makes m laugh
[*]A great listener
[*]Respects his family dearly, mother included
[*]Holds God dear in his heart
[*]Doesn't smoke
[*]A good shoulder to cry on
[*]Ask me questions rather than speaks about himself
[*]FINE as hell!!!!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
[*]FINE as hell and doesn't even know it
[*]Kind and considerate
[*]Is very family orintated
[*]Not afraid of commitment

A person who:

Seems open minded
Is not one dimensional
Is compassionate
Is a great conversationalist
Hopefully is artistic in some way
Comes up with a creative idea or fun idea for the first date
Is polite and mannered without coming across as "stiff and phoney"
A man who is comfortable in his own skin
A man who does not make rude comments about other people
A man who does not make racist comments
um....that's all I can think of so far, I'll have to scope the other lists and see what I forgot to put down in my hurry.
I really like all of your lists. I think because of my limited dating experience I'm not as selective as I should be. I thought it would be a good idea to pick other females' brains on this subject.
Positive/Good characteristics to look for:
-If you are physically attracted to him
-If he is physically atracted to you
-Good conversationalist (not a lot of dead spots in the conversation)
-Good listener (if he asks you a question is he really interested and tuned in to your response)
-Good personality (not obnoxious to waiter or waitress; not a constant pessimist; etc.)
-Courteous/Respectful (opens doors for you, waits for you to be seated at table, helps you with your coat, accepts a handshake after first date, doesn't pressure you into something you are not willing to do, doesn't eyeball all the other women that are around)
Short and sweet, Sister Renee, shoooort and sweet. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

As for me /images/graemlins/blush.gif
-- I'm only going to have sex with my husband, so no sexual pursuit
-- At least as tall as me 5'7
-- Doesn't play act at being mean and tuff; that strikes me as obnoxious
-- Quiet. Very attractive perk to me!
-- Pecks are always a plus
-- Shy around me at first. Too flattering!
-- Can crack good jokes. Better than television! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Don't get me wrong Honey Vibe...There is a long list of things after that. Let's call it a "pre-qualification". I am a little older than most of you guys and time and experience has made me extremely weary of supporting lazy men. I get out there and hustle every day and they need to be willing to at LEAST bring as much to the table as I do.