What do you guys think? Curl Pattern


New Member
I know curl pattern ultimately doesn't matter but its fun to know.
I have been fully natural since March and had my last relaxer Dec 17th. I claimed NL in the back and EL on the sides this past month. Hopefully I will be 1-2 inches away from SL by december/jan.

I had really been struggling with my curls forming properly due to them getting used to being curly...and some straggling relaxed ends. ALl of the relaxed ends are cut and now I am only having problems with my hairline. Which no matter what I do doesn't want to cooperate with me.

95% of my head is coiling and its making me really happy. I just for frivilous reasons wanted to know that kind of curl pattern you think think I have. I think I am somewhere in the 3c/4a range...the curls are mostly pen sized with a few small s curls here and there. This is my hair raked with eco styler from this morning. My hair is pretty undefined without gel and is really cloudy so I have to put gel in to define them.

What do you guys think?


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I'd say 4a. You have hair just like my oldest daughter. You have to keep looking for what's right for your hair.

ETA- Congrats on your journey.
Your curls are really pretty. You have a nice texture. You look about 3c/4a. I think when your hair gets a little longer, it will be easier to tell for sure what curl type u have.
Yep your hair looks on the looser end of 4a. And that sounds about right, no pattern w/o some type of product. I know back when I did my second big TWA chop (lol), I would wash with CON, put in some grease, then mousse. It was only certain brands I liked, but w/ that combo my curls were defined and soft. I hate gel :ohwell: The thing though eventually that was too much product daily and there was a buildup I didn't know what to do with (I think it was more so the CON).

So look into that...so pomade grease (a lil thicker, less oily) and some curling mousse (more creamy not alchohol) and see what happens.

Damn...I hope I don't get no itch to cut to a TWA instead of transitioning. But all these pics of texture look like so much fun :) Btw, pretty hair OP.
Love it! 4/a with some 3/c for good measure. Your hair is so pretty. It will be super pretty longer as well. :yep:
OP I 4got to ask have you tried aloe vera gel for the clumping? Also I've seen on some YT videos where they twirl the hair around the finger a bit to get definition. Even with your hair being short I think you can still twirl using 2 fingers. As the others have said you have very pretty hair and can rock your twa.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
OP I 4got to ask have you tried aloe vera gel for the clumping? Also I've seen on some YT videos where they twirl the hair around the finger a bit to get definition. Even with your hair being short I think you can still twirl using 2 fingers. As the others have said you have very pretty hair and can rock your twa.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF

I have not tried Aloe Vera gel. I have seen it working for others as well I am just unsure as to were to get it. I found the juice at Whole Foods but I have yet to find the gel.

And thank you guys so much! This makes me feel better about wearing it out :)
The curl system seems backwards to me. I think the pattern should be 1a since curly hair is supposed to be dominate. Whatever comes from there is in the recessive range. Anyhow it is beautiful. Peace