What do you expect from your pastor?

Sweet C

Well-Known Member
I was on another board and the post was dealing with pastoral expectations. I was just curious to hear what do expect from your pastor?
Sweet C said:
I was on another board and the post was dealing with pastoral expectations. I was just curious to hear what do expect from your pastor?

When I was first saved, I used to think that I wasn't supposed to expect anything from my Pastors. I was a 'baby' looking up to my Spiritual Parents in the Lord.

Now, I realize that I do have to have expectations for if I don't then I won't be in prayer to cover them in these areas.

As long as I thought that they were perfect, it was dangerous for me and for them. For they would be not be upheld in prayer against the attacks that come to them.

So my expectations are that they:
  • are in true fellowship with God; not mere assoication.
  • lead of the Holy Spirit, not of the flesh
  • live circumspect before the Lord in and out of sight of others
  • are good stewarts of their finances
  • seek God's wisdom and walk in such
  • allow themselves to be a living sacrifice unto the Lord
  • allow themselves to be blessed and to be a blessing to others.
  • take time for themselves as husband and wife and as a family
  • be accountable to a Spiritual covering other than themselves
  • that I ask nothing of them that I do not ask of myself
Sweet C, this is an excellent thread which made me stop and really give some thought on how I feel about my Pastors. I hope this gives a helpful idea. ;)
I expect my Pastors to follow the Lord's will for them and their church and to be a Godly guide to the church.

It's not that I don't think Pastors shouldn't be accountable or anything like that. However, as my walk with God has grown, I have come to have more of a personal relationship with Him, and I realize that Pastors are people too. That doesn't mean that they can do whatever they want, but I no longer look at them when I want to see my Heavenly Father. I look at my Heavenly Father. I have been in churches where I did not feel that the Pastors message was completely Godly. Now, instead of looking at the pastor, I just look to the Lord.
cocoberry10 said:
I expect my Pastors to follow the Lord's will for them and their church and to be a Godly guide to the church.

It's not that I don't think Pastors shouldn't be accountable or anything like that. However, as my walk with God has grown, I have come to have more of a personal relationship with Him, and I realize that Pastors are people too. That doesn't mean that they can do whatever they want, but I no longer look at them when I want to see my Heavenly Father. I look at my Heavenly Father. I have been in churches where I did not feel that the Pastors message was completely Godly. Now, instead of looking at the pastor, I just look to the Lord.

Excellent observation. For me, it's just to follow God's word and to deliver to us, what God would have us do (living, fellowshiping, growth, witness, church work, etc.) Not to be perfect. I can't stand when people say pastors should be perfect. That's not possible!
Honey, I just wanted to encourage you. The major reason I made this post is b/c after being on another forum there was a post about this same topic, and I realized that pastors and ministers in general have certain pressures and expectations on them by the people, not by God. And if it is a need that the Word says they need to be doing, then as a member of the body, we should not feel restricting in sharing that with our leaders.