what do you do with your shed hairs?

I rinse my hands and the hair collects into a wad in the sink strainer. I then put the wad in the garbage.

Here's the bathroom sink strainer.
I collect mine in the sink, then flush them down the toilet. I heard when I was a child ppl can collect your hair and do voodoo or witchcraft, so I always flush my shed hair and anytime I sweep up hair on the floor...it either goes down the toilet or in the fireplace during winter to burn.

When I'm adding product to my hair and I get shed hairs on my hands, I keep an old hair towel on hand to wipe my hands and the hairs on. I'll either shake the towel in the toilet when done or into the sink, collect the hairs, then flush. I collect any hair balls in the shower drain with a drain catch (snags hair with teeth like a Tangle Teezer).

My neighbor is from Afganistan, and she said in her country, the women take their shed hair and plant it/bury it under a beautiful, strong tree or large bush. They say the tree as it flourishes will make your hair grow also.

Some ppl also just throw it outside, as the birds use it in their nests. I find the tradition from my neighbor's country to be very interesting, and she insists I do it b/c the women have long, beautiful hair there that do.
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i put them in an ashtray and burn them of coarse...everyone knows if u dont burn them your hair wont grow....

i was told as a child that we burn them to keep the birds from getting them and making a nest then coming back for more from our heads seriously
In a corner of my home office, I have a piece of white paper where I compare 6 weeks of all sheds! Don't judge me cause I'm weird! It helps me keep track of any product reactions that may cause excess shedding.
What do you gain with this "technique"?

Nothing but a freezer full of hair... :lol: No ,the lady that told me that is no longer a board member. She said to do it because you should test your hair over a period of time to see if it sinks or swims in water:perplexed

I did the test with freshly shed hairs, not frozen.
Girl throw them thangs out lol!!! How will testing frozen hair from 35 years ago help you determine the current health of the hair on your head (if the sink/float test is even accurate to begin with)?
Nothing but a freezer full of hair... :lol: No ,the lady that told me that is no longer a board member. She said to do it because you should test your hair over a period of time to see if it sinks or swims in water:perplexed

I did the test with freshly shed hairs, not frozen.


Ok. :look:
My family is full of superstition although I don't actively practice is the non-sense. I have heard plenty of stories such as, if a bird finds it you'll have headaches to a person can do voodoo with your hairs. I use to burn them but that became so extra for me. As previously mentioned, I trash them.
@KumakoXsd couldn't you keep track just by seeing the size of the ball each time? I mean, how does collecting it over time help you track how much you shed? Unless you collect in a different bag each time? Coz if it's all in one bag, how can you tell one day's shedding from another?

But collecting it is not a bad idea coz when you have a big bag collected, you can actually get the hair weaved into yarn and you can make yourself some clothes in any design you want. I think that'd be very resourceful of you if you did that. You wouldn't be the first, but perhaps the first using black people's hair. I dare you! Be a pioneer! Do it! Do it! Do it! :poke:

Ok I wasn't so specific, I thought people would understand... anyhow, I actually collect my hair in separate bags which I then label with the date collected (if that makes sense). I detangle my hair once a week and I find it easier to compare one hairball to another instead of trying to remember how much I had shed the previous week. For the 4 week detangling, I put them away in the 4 week pile, and I do the same for the 1 week, 2 week, 3 week detangling etc, to compare those to the pile they're in. And as my hair is going to get longer and a certain length, I'll keep on collecting it so that I can donate to charity to have wigs created etc.

I collect my hair because I need to see if what I am doing is working for my hair (I've struggled to grow my hair literally due to medication for months now) + I like to use the hairs for strand testing new products like dyes and henna.

The bold part, sounds like a really great idea... I'm quite resourceful so I'd probably give it a try.
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Recently (last 2 weeks) I've been keeping the shed hair to see how much I shed on avaerage within a week. I collect hair from my hands, detangling comb/brush and my drain catcher when I do my weekly washes so that I know how much Is average shedding for me. once I do my weekly comparison I throw out the previous weeks hair. After this month I will no longer do this.
I keep them to inspect them under a high powered microscope. Then I have a little fun with them and try to identify which region of my head they came from.:perplexed

# NAH!
I wash them off my hands and throw the rest in the garbage.
randomly inspect some of the strands, checking for breakage and throw them away

This is what I do. Randomly check for white bulbs. I throw the ones in my hands in the trash and if any are on my clothes, I wipe them off and sweep them off of the floor ou're get them up with a wipe. I sometimes inspect length too. :look:

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