What do you do with products you dont like?

B-U-M-P-I-N-G this great thread!

Has anyone tried selling stuff on Ebay? (even products you've already used). I'm trying to get rid of the products I put on the Black list thread.
I tend to keep stuff, eventually use it up and never buy it again. But I do have some Fantasia IC gel that I imagine I'll never use; I've had it for about 3 years now. I guess I should throw it out or donate it. :look:
I don't throw anything away. Not leave-ins, rinse-outs, or oils. The only thing I have ever been able to bring myself to throw away was hair color, good riddance!

The thing I do with conditioners is to put all of the partial bottles and stuff I'm not crazy about in a huge screw-top jar. Then I added oils I wasn't crazy about and some ayur powders.

I use this mix after a henna treatment or by the handfulls for a cheapie conditioner when I need some slip added to my hair while washing.

I do the same with leave-ins, minus the ayur powders.
Provided they arent harmful to your hair, what do ya do with products you're not overly impressed?

- stick em in your PJ graveyard with the promise to get to it one day? ( even though we all know ya wont)
- immediately throw it away?
- add it to a concoctions?
- not wanting to waste money, use it anyway with the thought to never buy it again?
- return to store for refund?

something else?

This is a good question.
It really depends on how much I don't like it. Some I use up and never buy again. Some just sit there until I get new stuff and throw it out to make space.
Give them to DH to use on his dreads. If he also does not like the product, I take them to work and give them to my coworker. She has 2 daughters plus her own head to handle.
I usually toss them or give them away.
Lately I have doing more tossing out, I dont have the desire to mix products together.
Depends on the product.....if the product is doing ok for my hair......then I'll keep it but I'l try other products and if those work better than I won't buy it again, if the product didn't work for me period, then I just throw it away......I know it's a wasted of money, but the money was going to be spent anyway........
Depends on the product.....if the product is doing ok for my hair......then I'll keep it but I'l try other products and if those work better than I won't buy it again, if the product didn't work for me period, then I just throw it away......I know it's a wasted of money, but the money was going to be spent anyway........
That's why I just can't bring myself to throw away products
If it's a serum, I use it on my half wigs.

If it's a conditioner, I try to mix them with something else or use them as a pre-poo.

If it's shampoo, I use it as a body wash.

Having said that, since I am a product junky, some of my stuff is in the graveyard. And every so often I'll toss the really useless stuff or the really old stuff.