What do you do when you feel "uncovered"?


New Member
The daddy's girl I am, I got a wake-up call this week from something that my dad said.... It's like I hear the words repeatedly in my mind. I cannot get them out of my head. He basically said that I'm almost ___ years old and I need a job. (I got laid off three years ago and I've been a full-time grad student since then).

It was the first time I truly felt "uncovered" as a single female. Spiritual/religious stuff aside, some of us know that the steps for a traditional church girl like me is to graduate from high school and get married. Anything over 25 is considered "old maid" status. You don't move out of the parents' home until marriage. Well, finally broke down and got my own place about nine years ago (single, live alone). No sign of a relationship as far as I can see/sense.

My parents will be married 40 years next month. My mom got married at age 20. She doesn't know what it's like to be out here alone with no husband, no covering. It's so lonely and so scary. It's so unstable. For the first time I feel like I don't have anyone to turn to...not even my father.

I have been praying about this so much. All I do is cry when I pray.
RelaxerRehab said:
The daddy's girl I am, I got a wake-up call this week from something that my dad said.... It's like I hear the words repeatedly in my mind. I cannot get them out of my head. He basically said that I'm almost ___ years old and I need a job. (I got laid off three years ago and I've been a full-time grad student since then).

It was the first time I truly felt "uncovered" as a single female. Spiritual/religious stuff aside, some of us know that the steps for a traditional church girl like me is to graduate from high school and get married. Anything over 25 is considered "old maid" status. You don't move out of the parents' home until marriage. Well, finally broke down and got my own place about nine years ago (single, live alone). No sign of a relationship as far as I can see/sense.

My parents will be married 40 years next month. My mom got married at age 20. She doesn't know what it's like to be out here alone with no husband, no covering. It's so lonely and so scary. It's so unstable. For the first time I feel like I don't have anyone to turn to...not even my father.

I have been praying about this so much. All I do is cry when I pray.


I felt this way previously, I just came out of a bad marriage and for the first time that I could remember, I was by myself. I always had someone in my life and I had never lived alone, I went from straight from my parents house to marriage... and now this was a totally different world to me, being by myself. I felt so vulnerable and incomplete. I had to start "covering myself" by looking at what I did have in my life to make me feel complete: God, my health, family, friends.....I took classes to further my education, got involved in a lot of community activities through my place of worship ...It helped build me up and made me realize how covered I really was. Not that I didn't think about being in a relationship, it helped me personally realize that I put to much emphasis on relationships and not enough emphasis on myself.

Parents are going to say things to us, because frankly, they are our parents and will say things to us like we are still children, sometimes they don't realize that what they say can hurt us to the core. But like you mentioned, you are a daddy's girl and he loves you to death. Have you talked to him about what he said to you? That might put you at ease a little if you do that.

You are furthering your education that is a covering in itself and I commend you for that. Hope you feel better. :kiss:
Don't cry. Sorry to hear your dad speaking his truth hurt your feelings. Hugs girl. Your going to be ok. You have to be happy for all the wonderful things you have in your life and God has blessed you with right now. We all face some obstacles in life but they are simply momentary.
I love ya girl!:)
RR: Don't forget, whether you are 8 or 80, you always have HIS covering! But I know exactly how you feel! Don't stop praying, He hears you.
Situations like this is so hard and I can really, really relate to this as matter of fact for last few days off and on I have been feeling the same way and ironically enough I just came out of prayer before I saw this messge. Just today I felt a little distance from everything and every one including God so my spirit kept leading me to pray, pray and pray so I went into my prayer room and did that and now I feel a little better but not quite the way I want to feel so after I finish typing this I will be posting prayer request on many prayer sites. And, every time I get others to intercede for me I always feel strengthen and get a second wind. I think when we go through this God wants us to reach for Him more because I know He is there for me but there's a reason for everything and sense I have come so far with God all I need is flash back in my memory to know he loves me and will never leave even in my lowest moments. So try posting some prayers online by going to google in typing Christian prayer request and then post prayers. I do have staple sites I visit at least twice a month who I know pray like T. D. Jakes and other churches.

Be encourge and know that God is still right there with you. Love you and is praying for you even now in Jesus name.
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Baby, please don't cry. It's going to be okay. :kiss: I know that 'words' may not seem to be all that you need to make it through this, but you will.

Come here, precious angel. For whatever it is worth, I give loving 'Mommie Hugs.' I know they don't cover as you Dad or your future husband, but whatever loving comfort that they can give you, that's how I extend them to you....With all my heart.

Baby, you're not alone. Not ever, nor will you ever need to worry about

Would you like 'fries' with that? ;). How about a special song, instead?

Here is a 30-second sample of it...


"Ain't no need to worry by the Winans...."

Ain?t no need in worrying
what the night is gonna bring,
it?ll be all over in the morning.

There?s a fear of night fall,
when darkeness comes and covers all the day.
Sometimes we feel pain,
but there are things that we can change, just pray.

Ain?t no need to worry,
what the night is gonna bring,
it?ll be all over in the morning.

Troubles come, but they do past,
heartaches, hurts, oh but, they don?t last always.
Sometimes we feel pain,
but there are things that we can change, just pray.

In the morning, the morning,
it?ll be all over in the morning.

It?ll be all over in the morning.

Makes no different how dark the night,
if you trust in God, it?ll be alright;
(it?ll be all over in the morning).

It makes no difference how long the day,
trust in God, He?ll make a way;
(it?ll be all over in the morning).

Weeping will last, but only for awhile,
but when the sun shines, you?ll wear a smile;
(it?ll be all over in the morning).

And I say, thank you Jesus,
in the presence of all those who hear my voice;
(it?ll be all over in the morning).

Now you see, need to worry. :nono:

Sweet Sleep, angel...;)
RelaxerRehab said:
Thank you all for your words of comfort.... I wish I could express more but that's all I can say right now....

Here Pumpkin'.... :kiss:

Now, don't waste the 'pretty.' ;) And don't waste Beautiful 'you.' ;)