What do you do when you can't find a church you enjoy?


New Member
I know I may get some harsh replies to this but I'm still going ask...

I'm just having a really hard time finding a church I actually look forward to going on Sundays.

I went to a great church for 3 years and then moved to another state and found an ok church which I attended to for a year. For reasons I'd rather not go into, I felt I needed to leave that church. Since then, I've just struggled.

For one, I'm getting so "scared" to walk into these churches alone.There are no other large ones where I can just walk in,sit in the back,and not be noticed.

Other ones have boring boring boring worship music - where I just wish I could speed it all up.

Others have very weak sermons in addition to boring boring music.

Others I haven't tried are more baptist churches - and I do not like that style of worship and teaching.

I want to find a ministry.
I want to make Christian friends.
I want to grow.

I've been reading a lot and I'm actually in two bible studies. I watch Christian television pastors like Dr.Charles Stanley and Dr.David Jeremiah. They have so much better teaching than anything else I've found.

I know there's no such thing as a perfect church. I just want one that I enjoy and at least look forward to attending on Sunday. I've been off/on church since January and I really miss it. :(
I am here to tell you, wait for God to direct you to one. I have been burned by a couple, then church hopped after that, got bored, then went a few years without going to one. I prayed to God to direct me to one and he has!!. I love the church I go to now.
I know I may get some harsh replies to this but I'm still going ask...

I'm just having a really hard time finding a church I actually look forward to going on Sundays.

I went to a great church for 3 years and then moved to another state and found an ok church which I attended to for a year. For reasons I'd rather not go into, I felt I needed to leave that church. Since then, I've just struggled.

For one, I'm getting so "scared" to walk into these churches alone.There are no other large ones where I can just walk in,sit in the back,and not be noticed.

Other ones have boring boring boring worship music - where I just wish I could speed it all up.

Others have very weak sermons in addition to boring boring music.

Others I haven't tried are more baptist churches - and I do not like that style of worship and teaching.

I want to find a ministry.
I want to make Christian friends.
I want to grow.

I've been reading a lot and I'm actually in two bible studies. I watch Christian television pastors like Dr.Charles Stanley and Dr.David Jeremiah. They have so much better teaching than anything else I've found.

I know there's no such thing as a perfect church. I just want one that I enjoy and at least look forward to attending on Sunday. I've been off/on church since January and I really miss it. :(
No harsh replies here... :nono:

Just a great big sister hug.... :bighug:

There's a reason for everything and in time you will be at the right place, at the right time in the right Church. All in due season.

The fact that your heart is open, is what makes it so special to God our Father, to place you in the right place to bring joy and 'fitting' to your heart, and to replenish your soul.

I pray this for you with all of my heart; that no longer will you be so hard on yourself, but live for the moments that you and God share; for going to Church or no Church, the moments we spend with God are the real treasure.

Also, I too am blessed by Dr. Charles Stanley (In Touch Ministries) and Dr. David Jeremiah (Turning Point).

God is 'In Touch' with your heart and it's desires and He is bringing it all to a wonderful 'Turning Point', just for you. :love2:

Go easy on yourself, okay? :giveheart:
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I really miss the Sunday services, after years of searching but being put off by the churches I chose I have not ventured out in years. Many Sundays I feel the lack of a home church but in the meantime I read my Bible nightly and do my best to live by its principles.
Blazing - I am glad you have found a place for you.

What I have bolded is most important. You can listen to any pastor, friend, or family but in the end What does the bible say? is what is most important.

hairlove I feel you on this one. Prior to the last few weeks about 5 weeks I hadn't been to service in a year. A FULL YEAR wasn't trying to go but I always believed in God, I just couldn't find a church that would meet all my needs. So it started with me. I learned to recommit myself to God each and every morning and then I started reading and studying and then I found that all I believed wasn't what was in the scriptures it was what I heard from family and friends and the pastor but it wasn't in the scriptures. So when I started examining the scriptures for the truth I found a website from TV and I started going on there and doing the studies and I have programs at home I did that are not connected to the TV program or the internet and it was all true. For me I was looking for a church that was teaching the truth and so I went visiting. As you can see from my post I choosed SDA because they were teaching what I was reading in the bible. Now every SDA church is different but they have the same beliefs and so I prayed about it and God blessed me and I found the church I am going to join there are some things I would like to see different. Service is really long, I have already found out that the pastor is trying to shorten it, Then them being more friendly so I made a decision that I am going to be more friendly to make up for those that aren't. I am going to sing in the Choir. I am going to get involved. I just think you need to really examine what it is your looking for from the service and pray about it. My hope is that the message is on point and your being feed by the word and everything else fall in place.

Thank you for the big ole hug. I am extremely hard on myself. :kiss:

I know that church is important for fellowship and teaching but I I know what I'm going to do in the meantime.

I'm going to continue listening to sermons by my favorite pastors, taking bible studies, and praying. There is also an "online" church that I actually have to find like an enjoy. http://live.lifechurch.tv/ I've also decided that just because I don't have a church home does not mean that I can't donate my time to a Christian ministry.

No harsh replies here... :nono:

Just a great big sister hug.... :bighug:

There's a reason for everything and in time you will be at the right place, at the right time in the right Church. All in due season.

The fact that your heart is open, is what makes it so special to God our Father, to place you in the right place to bring joy and 'fitting' to your heart, and to replenish your soul.

I pray this for you with all of my heart; that no longer will you be so hard on yourself, but live for the moments that you and God share; for going to Church or no Church, the moments we spend with God are the real treasure.

Also, I too am blessed by Dr. Charles Stanley (In Touch Ministries) and Dr. David Jeremiah (Turning Point).

God is 'In Touch' with your heart and it's desires and He is bringing it all to a wonderful 'Turning Point', just for you.

Go easy on yourself, okay? :giveheart:
Hairlove, I agree with you and its a great idea to participate in Christian ministry or cause. Every Sunday morning I feel that I should be at a church. But the ministries in my area, is not of interest to me. (Thank God most churches post their video sermons online so I can weed out the bad ones).

The only church I found that was PERFECT IN EVERY ASPECT, for me, was back in Chicago (I live in Denver now). I will just listen to tapes of my favorite ministeries and I know my old church does a weekly video recording online of their sunday sermons, plus they have online bible study materials.

I miss my church. :(

I feel you. My husband and I have been looking for a church for over a year. There was a church that I liked, but my husband didn't like so we didn't go back. About a month ago a high school friend that I had given my number to two years ago called me out of the blue and invited me to her church. We have been attending it for the past month and we joined last sunday. It's a small church center that doesn't have many members. They relocated from another city and are here building their ministry. They are supposed to have a church built real soon. Anyway, I love the church and so does my husband. I'm so happy....we've finally found a place to worship the lord.

I wish you luck, and I just wanted to say that I empathize with you.

I feel you. My husband and I have been looking for a church for over a year. There was a church that I liked, but my husband didn't like so we didn't go back. About a month ago a high school friend that I had given my number to two years ago called me out of the blue and invited me to her church. We have been attending it for the past month and we joined last sunday. It's a small church center that doesn't have many members. They relocated from another city and are here building their ministry. They are supposed to have a church built real soon. Anyway, I love the church and so does my husband. I'm so happy....we've finally found a place to worship the lord.

I wish you luck, and I just wanted to say that I empathize with you.

I'm so happy that you found a church home. There is no other feeling like it:yep:

I feel you. My husband and I have been looking for a church for over a year. There was a church that I liked, but my husband didn't like so we didn't go back. About a month ago a high school friend that I had given my number to two years ago called me out of the blue and invited me to her church. We have been attending it for the past month and we joined last sunday. It's a small church center that doesn't have many members. They relocated from another city and are here building their ministry. They are supposed to have a church built real soon. Anyway, I love the church and so does my husband. I'm so happy....we've finally found a place to worship the lord.

I wish you luck, and I just wanted to say that I empathize with you.

So happy for you!! I am glad you found a place that you and your husband enjoy! :yep:
I really miss the Sunday services, after years of searching but being put off by the churches I chose I have not ventured out in years. Many Sundays I feel the lack of a home church but in the meantime I read my Bible nightly and do my best to live by its principles.

this is so me, i'm experiencing the same exact thing. the churches i did visit i felt as if i was watching a television show/movie church scene. Everybody looked like they were playing church and the spirit was no where near the building.:wallbash:
These are all great responses!

I did come upon another church that I will try out in the next few weeks.

ETA: The reason I expected (some) harsh responses is that I know there's the school o f thought that there is no perfect church (not looking for a perfect one either!) and you should just pick one and get involved. I could do that (and have done that) but my heart/spirit just isn't into it so it fades quickly. I want to be inspired. :)
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I'm going thru the same thing. Just like others have said, use this time to really strengthen yourself on the Word, and in time He will lead you to a church that you can really grow from.