What do you do to stay courageous when god is telling you its time for action?


Well-Known Member
I was reading another post on here and the basic jist is god puts us through the fire to refine us. I have personally been going through a very trying time over the past 5 yrs. I mean my whole life is basically in dissarray. Recently god has been putting it on my heart that the hard part is over and I need to get the courage to step out.

The thing is theres still that fear there...
This constant what if thinking

How do you fight against those negative thoughts that make you think god is not going to come through...You'll never make it out...God doesnt care about you.. Or the biggest one does he even exist???
Remember what He told Joshua when the Israelites were about to stop wandering in the desert and enter into the promise land. He told him not to be afraid because He would be with him wherever he went. Joshua was to read the scriptures and encourage himself daily in the word to be able to withstand the battle that was now about to start, and walk right into victory. I'm where you're at right now and I know its hard. I have to keep repeating scripture to myself and reminding myself to trust in His goodness. Isaiah is full of great scriptures about Him reminding us that we are His creation and His reponsibility. How we should not be worried or afraid. I carry around a promise from Isaiah 41:10 and it reminds me that this is and always has been God's battle, even the part where I am actively invovled with. He's just been preparing me for the fight, and if He says I"m ready to step out, its means I am ready to step out.

Here is what a devotional from Joyce Meyer's page said today, I hope this helps you!

No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you.
— Joshua 1:5

I have heard it said there are 365 references to "fear not" in the Bible. I know there are at least 355, according to Dake's Annotated Reference Bible, one "fear not" for almost every day of the year. Do you really want to obey the Scriptures and "fear not"? If so, you will be in good company because every person in the Bible who was ever used by God to any degree was told over and over by Him, "Fear not." One of those people was Joshua. Joshua, the man God chose to follow Moses, had a big job ahead of him: to lead the children of Israel into the Promised Land.

God wasn't telling Joshua to be like Moses; but that He would be to Joshua what He had been to Moses. God would not fail or forsake Joshua. He was saying, "Fear not, Joshua, I will be with you!" When God tells you He will be with you, that means no matter what the circumstances are like, everything will work out all right because God will never fail you or forsake you.
Oh and just to add, when what God has been telling you comes to pass, right then you will know for sure that He exists. Fulfilled prophesy is one of the deepest ways to stop those doubts in your mind. Keep asking God to make His word real to you, so that you will have encounters with Him each day that shows you just how much He cares. He absoutely cares about you and this is my prayer for you:

Ephesians 3:17-19
16I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
Thanks so much Ije

I need to definately reserve some time everyday to meditate on the word. I need to trust in the words of the lord and not entertain the words of the devil. Thats one of my biggest problems. Some of the things he has put in my heart have already come to pass but when the devil wants to attack you he finds ways of belittling them making those things seem like a coincidence or fluke.

I love Joyce Meyers and will start watching her program again. She can be very encouraging and is a great teacher of the word. I remember her saying or maybe it was one of those other church programs that fear is a entryway for the devil so as long as you have fear and anxiety the devil will always have a way to access you.

Thank you so much for your prayers and I will pray for your victory as well
Hi, BronxJazzy,

Ije4eva gave a good Biblical example in the story of Joshua. :yep:

Our mind is the battleground for good/evil...everything we say/do starts with what's in our mind. So, God has given us the best tool there is to keep negative thoughts at bay: His Word.

Renewing of the mind starts when we get saved, but it's also a battle that will continue as long as we're in our earthly bodies, because Satan will always want us to stray from God. That's the only way he can get to us...through our minds. I'd posted a nice piece of Renewing the Mind that I'll share in this thread.

But for the most part, I'll share some practical things I do to keep my mind on God and negativity at bay. It's not easy but I keep this in mind:

  • Read his Word. I don't read silently, because when I do, my mind can wander, so I read out loud to combat any thoughts. Philippians 4:8 is a good Scripture on heavenly thinking. You could start with this verse and repeat it daily. Another good one is Prov 23:7. You are what you think you are. :yep:
  • Pray (aka Talk to God) - when you pray (again, speaking a prayer instead of silently or in the mind is more effective.) It's not all the time you can do this, but if you're alone, praying out loud works wonders! :yep: You can pray at any time, in any posture. I sometimes pray when I'm driving...
  • Listen to music that edify God - besides praising God, you'll find yourself being uplifted in spirit and your mood will be altered, if you're not happy. Let folks think you're crazy..God knows you're not ;) Over time, you'll find your cd collection and what you listen to changing.
  • Nurturing my relationship with family/friends. Keeping in touch. Avoid strife as best you can -- it'll suck the life out of your spiritual life. Relationships is the most challenging arena for me. I avoid gossip and hearsay as much as I can. Iron sharpening iron, but it's been optimal for me in choosing friendships and whom I spend time with. If you guard your heart, you'll guard your mind.
HTH...the key is to profess with your mouth/speak the minute bad thoughts try to invade, and this will help stave any negative thinking.

How do you fight against those negative thoughts that make you think god is not going to come through...You'll never make it out...God doesnt care about you.. Or the biggest one does he even exist???
That's a tough one. It can be paralyzing if you let fear get out of control. I've heard several pastors and teachers speak on the relationship of fear and faith. Faith and fear CAN'T coexist.

Study scriptures on faithfulness with a concordance and learn how people in the Bible exhibited faithfulness.

Study scriptures on fear and synonyms of fear and see how fear affected people in the Bible, find out what they did to stop being fearful.
I love Joyce! She's very inspirational...

I follow her on Twitter and get her daily quotes. A good book to carry along in a tote is her "Good Morning God"...someone gave this book to me as a gift and it's one of my fave little treasures.

Here is what a devotional from Joyce Meyer's page said today, I hope this helps you!

No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you.
— Joshua 1:5
Renewing the Mind​

Philippians 4:8;
2 Corinthians 10:3-5
Romans 12:2​

All too often Christians suffer from debilitating fear, depression and anxiety. To break out of despair and begin walking in Victory, we must take up the transformational work of renewing our minds (Romans 12:2).

Why is the mind so important?

Consider this definition from the Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible by AMG Publishers (1990): Mind, the organ of mental perception and apprehension, the organ of conscious life, the organ of the consciousness preceding actions or recognizing and judging them, the understanding of word concept, sense.

From this definition we see that the mind is what controls our perceptions (views, thoughts) and apprehensions (anxiety, fears).
It is our consciousness-the thoughts we think before we act, as well as our judgments or opinions about our actions. The mind is our intellect, the part that enables us to reason and make sense of ourselves, others, and the world around us.

The mind can be a challenging organ to maintain, because it is constantly influenced by what we see and hear, whether good or evil, by what we experience, whether positive or negative, and by what we feel, whether joy or sadness. When we don't regulate our thoughts, we allow the enemy to influence how we think, what we believe, what we feel, and how we act. The Word of God is our best defense against such attacks, so we must continuously feast on the life producing Word of God.

Here are some of my favorite scriptures pertaining to the mind:

2 Corinthians 10:3-5

"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ."

We don't have to be enslaved by our thoughts. On the contrary, we can command our thoughts to line up with the knowledge of Christ and the truth of His Word. We are who God says we are, and we can do what He says we can do!
Isaiah 26:3, "The steadfast of mind Thou wilt keep in perfect peace, because he trusts in Thee."

When we meditate on God and His goodness, we are full of peace rather than anxiety.

Nehemiah 4:6,
"So we built the wall and the whole wall was joined together to half its height, for the people had a mind to work."

If we purpose in our minds to do the work, we can overcome even the most impossible tasks by God's grace and power.

Philippians 4:8
"Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things."

Don't dwell on the enemy's lies; meditate on the Truth. When thoughts rise up against the knowledge of Christ, we must allow the Word to show us the truth, to give us peace, to renew and strengthen us, and to keep us in the center of God's will. Now that's life for today.

--- Rev. Dr. Zandra L. Jordan​
Thank you so much for that message.. I've realized from what you all are saying I've been doing things backwards. God has been telling me to prepare myself for a while now and I thought he meant preparing physically by exercising and eating right. Now I realize he ment preparing from the inside out not the outside in. It starts with the mind and rest will eventually follow.
Amen...this is true, being saved is from the inside, out. What's inside matters most...

OT...that little niece of yours is simply adorable!! :angel:
what do i do to stay courageous?

I keep my focus on the hereafter and not this crazy world; which is just full or play and distraction.

I talk to God as if He were visibly sitting with me. Apart from praying, I actually talk to God like the friend He really is and believe in the plan he set for me.

I keep my focus on what the outcome would be and try not to be shortsighted.

I think about the very righteous and corageous women of earlier times, who had unwavering faith in God and respect for themselves. Such as Mary and the Wife of Pharaoh, to name a couple.
Thanks so much Ije

I need to definately reserve some time everyday to meditate on the word. I need to trust in the words of the lord and not entertain the words of the devil. Thats one of my biggest problems. Some of the things he has put in my heart have already come to pass but when the devil wants to attack you he finds ways of belittling them making those things seem like a coincidence or fluke.

I love Joyce Meyers and will start watching her program again. She can be very encouraging and is a great teacher of the word. I remember her saying or maybe it was one of those other church programs that fear is a entryway for the devil so as long as you have fear and anxiety the devil will always have a way to access you.

Thank you so much for your prayers and I will pray for your victory as well

Yes that was Joyce Meyer in regards to fear is hte entryway for the devil.I feel your heart in this message as I'm dealing with alot it seems since birth.However I feel that because I want to deal with things head on and deal I have noticed God is really pruning me.I feel that I'm like a diamond going through the refinery..You will experience joy while your going through.I pray you are able to find the treasurers in your trial.I feel that even though Im 23 and have went through I feel those very painful things really developed me in being who God made me to be.I was listening to Joyce Meyer Living life without frustration last night while cleaning and she said something so profound that when we feel frustrated this is a way to see we have gone out of Gods coverage area.And she said that when we complain we are communicating to the devil but when we pray we are communicating to God.I felt very convicted that I have not been good about complaining and that I have been so gunho in trying to change myself bc Im very outspoken and very bold for a woman.And I wanted to be so badly a quiet little voiced woman and in Joyce's message she says its a insult to God to try to be like someone else bc God broke the mold when he made us..

I hope I didn't highjack you thread
Just wanted to chime in about the devil stealing our joy/testimony/what God has put into our heart. Remember the parable of the sower:

Matthew 13:

3Then he told them many things in parables, saying: "A farmer went out to sow his seed. 4As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up....18"Listen then to what the parable of the sower means: 19When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is the seed sown along the path.

I have to remember that the devil's job is to STEAL (among other things), don't let him steal the treasure God put into your heart (I'm telling myself this over and over today trust me). Remember how much good God is up to in your life, you can't afford to get distracted by his schemes, just continue to fight it off until you get to your victory. And make you are strong through being well fed, like Joyce Meyer always says, pay close attention to your thought life (Phil 4:8-9). You can't feed yourself mind junk food and expect to be strong! Just know that the enemy does not give up his territory easily, he hates deliverance, but the Lord tells us not to fear and be anxious because if only we can open our eyes to see what He's up to, we'll see that He is so much bigger than the enemy and anyone else in our lives for that matter.

Be blessed sisters! We'll all have great testimonies in the end.
Yes that was Joyce Meyer in regards to fear is hte entryway for the devil.I feel your heart in this message as I'm dealing with alot it seems since birth.However I feel that because I want to deal with things head on and deal I have noticed God is really pruning me.I feel that I'm like a diamond going through the refinery..You will experience joy while your going through.I pray you are able to find the treasurers in your trial.I feel that even though Im 23 and have went through I feel those very painful things really developed me in being who God made me to be.I was listening to Joyce Meyer Living life without frustration last night while cleaning and she said something so profound that when we feel frustrated this is a way to see we have gone out of Gods coverage area.And she said that when we complain we are communicating to the devil but when we pray we are communicating to God.I felt very convicted that I have not been good about complaining and that I have been so gunho in trying to change myself bc Im very outspoken and very bold for a woman.And I wanted to be so badly a quiet little voiced woman and in Joyce's message she says its a insult to God to try to be like someone else bc God broke the mold when he made us..

I hope I didn't highjack you thread

I've gone through alot too from an early age. I use to think i was cursed or something. I now believe the reason why some people seem to go through so much more pain then others is because god is planning to use them in such a big way that the devil tries to get rid of us before we get to our god given place.

I do believe god lets us go through the tough times to be refined perfected so we can be who god needs us to be to fulfill his will. Its not fun going through the storm but honestly they have shaped me into who i am moreso than the good things.

I saw that episode of Joyce Meyers and she really spoke the truth. Alot of times we want things our way or in our timing not gods so we step out of his grace. Then when we fall we blame it on him.
Just wanted to chime in about the devil stealing our joy/testimony/what God has put into our heart. Remember the parable of the sower:

Matthew 13:

3Then he told them many things in parables, saying: "A farmer went out to sow his seed. 4As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up....18"Listen then to what the parable of the sower means: 19When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is the seed sown along the path.

I have to remember that the devil's job is to STEAL (among other things), don't let him steal the treasure God put into your heart (I'm telling myself this over and over today trust me). Remember how much good God is up to in your life, you can't afford to get distracted by his schemes, just continue to fight it off until you get to your victory. And make you are strong through being well fed, like Joyce Meyer always says, pay close attention to your thought life (Phil 4:8-9). You can't feed yourself mind junk food and expect to be strong! Just know that the enemy does not give up his territory easily, he hates deliverance, but the Lord tells us not to fear and be anxious because if only we can open our eyes to see what He's up to, we'll see that He is so much bigger than the enemy and anyone else in our lives for that matter.

Be blessed sisters! We'll all have great testimonies in the end.

My mother just spoke to me about this exact parable. (god is really confirming his words to me)

God put it in my heart just today that I allow the devil to sway me(steal my joy)too easily. God can tell me something and confirm his word with something in the natural. Then the devil will come and say the exact opposite is the truth and I give the devils words more weight then gods. He is pretty convincing.

At this point though i am challanging the devils lies. I am meeting fear head on with faith and you know what? Everytime I do that I realize that in fact what the devil said would happen doesnt. GO figure:rolleyes:
I've gone through alot too from an early age. I use to think i was cursed or something. I now believe the reason why some people seem to go through so much more pain then others is because god is planning to use them in such a big way that the devil tries to get rid of us before we get to our god given place.

I do believe god lets us go through the tough times to be refined perfected so we can be who god needs us to be to fulfill his will. Its not fun going through the storm but honestly they have shaped me into who i am moreso than the good things.

I saw that episode of Joyce Meyers and she really spoke the truth. Alot of times we want things our way or in our timing not gods so we step out of his grace. Then when we fall we blame it on him.

I have gone through alot myself.I think that why I heart me some Joyce Meyer.She like me bold and strong and has gone through some things that God won't allow to be used as a crutch.I was raped,molested,turned tricks,slept around,shacked up and did all sorts of things and I look at myself and can't see anything.Its true that God will have you go through hell like obstacle course but you won't have a stain on you.

I know that your going through I am too which is why I feel your heart in your words.I feel like at times is this all worth it why bother being a good christian when I'm going through all this frustration.My car busted,I can't go to church,I work for a company that not bad just not being used effectively,i want to be a slim lady and I have a jacked self-esteem.However God is working on me on each level.It sometimes makes me want to say F#@* it but I know that the devil has tried to take me out 4 time by way of sucide..he failed each time..each time he left me half dead which means half of me was still alive and usable by God..God gives life to the lifeless souls..You will get through this and I know it has been a minute that your have been going through ...heck I feel that I have been going through since I was 10 but it won't be in vain.God must really have something huge instore bc the devil doesn't mess with losers and I believe im a VIP so Im assuming this the reason the devil has been working weekends and holidays..PM me if you need to talk...I will be here to listen...
I was reading another post on here and the basic jist is god puts us through the fire to refine us. I have personally been going through a very trying time over the past 5 yrs. I mean my whole life is basically in dissarray. Recently god has been putting it on my heart that the hard part is over and I need to get the courage to step out.

I prayed constantly. Finally, I told Him that I was going to do something and that I'd know if He made it flourish. It did. Doesn't mean doubt will not set in in later times, but there are often moments that you look behind you and wonder if you'd made the right choice. He provided the answer of "yes," each and every single time. The comfort zone is the most painful to us but we don't feel it to be at the time because the unknown is scary. G-d bless you on your journey.