What do you do to recover from a setback?


After I saw that pretty much I was not maintaining the length I gained I figure I need to start over. To do this I'm just leaving my hair alone as much as possible. I had it straightened (this is how I saw it was shorter) and I haven't done anything to it since then other than braid it and tie it under a scarf all day. I haven't washed my hair in two weeks :nono: bc I'm scared to make a move.


1. What types of setbacks have you suffered?
2. What did you do to recover?
I just don't do whatever it was that caused me a setback. Too much protein-then stop using protein etc etc....
What types of setbacks have you suffered? I had a minor (In my eyes) setback. My TU in eithier Dec or March caused me to be under processed in the back. Instead of doing a corrective when I planned I figured I could wait it OUT, WRONG!!!

It broke right to the demarcation line.

What did you do to recover? I am still recovering When I saw all the breakage I used heat, yes I used heat to correct the under processed hair and that was that.

I went about my daily routines.

I just kept it moving and vowed never to let that happen again. I was still learning how to relax properly and after I corrected it I went and I read ALL I could on self relaxing.

I was a nervous wreck up until the night before this last TU and I do have to say This most recent TU was was dam near perfect.
I think it would depend on what the setback is. For what you describe I would just start babying my hair, really caring for it and being gentle. I have had too many setbacks to list but going back to the basics of washing, dcing, protective styling, and regular moisturizing always seem to get my hair back in shape. Depending on the damage done sometimes I trim or cut.
After I saw that pretty much I was not maintaining the length I gained I figure I need to start over. To do this I'm just leaving my hair alone as much as possible. I had it straightened (this is how I saw it was shorter) and I haven't done anything to it since then other than braid it and tie it under a scarf all day. I haven't washed my hair in two weeks :nono: bc I'm scared to make a move.


1. What types of setbacks have you suffered?
2. What did you do to recover?

is it breaking off in pieces?? a lot or little?
Oh the damage I have caused on my hair. Pre-LHCF it was dye damage. The solution? A couple of big chops.

Post-LHCF: Conditioning like crazy, protein treatments, low-manipulataion, leave-ins, and wigs.
It really depends on the setback.

I had a minor setback when I had to cut more than I wanted to since the ends were a little chewed up. So after the trim, I paid way more attention by keeping my ends moisturized and detangled. By the next dusting period, I was back to just dusting...not a trim at all.
is it breaking off in pieces?? a lot or little?

My ends were breaking off, probably about little inch long pieces at the most but usually smaller looking pieces. Then again since my hair would usually be curly some of it might have been longer than it looked even though mostly the hair that would break off would be straight.
My setback was from too many braid extension styles. Killed my edges :nono:

I didn't panic I just stopped (totally and completely) wearing braid extensions and began very meticulous care for my edges and hair as a whole. I also started to take better care of my body. I did scalp massages with essential oils and made sure my hair was always moisturized. Edges are filling back in nicely and hair is much healthier. In the beginning is when we make our mistakes girl but don't give up its an ongoing learning process.
1. What types of setbacks have you suffered? I left the relaxer on my hair too long and it broke off right there before the hair was even dry

2. What did you do to recover? I started wearing box braids on December 2009. I will be wearing them for another 6/12 months.
I had to cut it. I accidentally gave myself bubble hair by flat iron on hair that wasn't COMPLETELY dry. Now I know my hair has to be 100% dry and preferably dried overnight and then flat ironed the next day.

Oh and this was using a wet/dry flat iron. So it just goes to show not all of us can do that. The hair remained "crinkled" even though it was flat ironed, so I knew it was damaged. I cut it off, and went for the "layered look". The back is still BSL and I have layers throughout.

But I had to cut it. That was the answer. It's growing back nicely and only I know why I changed my style. (lol)
I've had two setbacks that were trims gone awry. My hair was still healthy, just a lot shorter than I wanted....so I PS'd like crazy. A year ago when it happened, I was so pissed I put my hair away in a weave for a month and then wet bunned for two months straight, and I have no idea how it happened, but I got back the three inches I had lost to that SHS.

For a setback like yours, I would install some braids and be sure to stay on top of moisturizing and sealing. Braids are always good for me and great for retention because I do them myself, can make sure they're not too tight and redo them when need be.
I also had a set back of flat-ironing my hair for a length check and ended up frying my ends.:( I tried long and hard to PS it and nourish back to health but it kept breaking. Finally I cut off the ends and my hair has thrived since. For setbacks especially when you know you have to cut, it is best to cut, get it over with and start afresh.

1.Relaxer over-processing, from a corrective gone wrong. I recovered by relaxer stretching for as long as I could ~9mths, started DCing 2x a week, upped my protein by doing light tx weekly, hard tx every 6 wks. I addressed the resulting prosity issues by using porosity control every wash and using ceramides. I also M&S daily and wore half wigs for about 6months to PS and keep manipulation low.

2. Tons of split ends from too high heat when straightening. There were too many to search and destroy. I had to cut. This could have easily avoided by using a lower temp and upping the protein before and after using heat. Truth be told, I had been slacking on the protein and DC's around that time so I was just asking for trouble. I recovered by going back to what worked frequent DCs and frequent protein.
1. What types of setbacks have you suffered?

I have suffered from Protein overload and a bad texlax. Also these setbacks made my hair thin out and I had lots of breakage.

2. What did you do to recover?

Since both happened around the same time I decided not to use any chemicals in my hair anymore and also to stop using alot of products with protein. This happened in November of 2010 so instead of doing another bc I search for a phony ponytail to match my hair color and wore it for a year straight. Also durning that time I slowly cut off the damaged texlaxed hair and washed and deep condition my hair at least once a week. It worked wonders for my hair and it is back to being thick and happy. Also my hair is a little longer than shoulder length but I am happy that it is healthy and thick again.
1. My hair fell out to the scalp because of horrible hair stylists. I should have known better from coming here. One put too much heat on my hair and the other one permed and dyed it at the same time. She claimed that it was a new soy based dye and would not take my hair out. And stupid me believed her. I was also under a lot of stress at work. My hair fell out to my scalp.

2. I wore braids until my hair was long enough to cut the permed hair off. So I am now natural by default. I am wearing my hair in braids now as I learn how to style it and take care of it. I am also working at a new location with hardly any stress.:yep: