What do you do to keep your relationship romantic and fresh?


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I do what me and my girls call "stepping out" on a random day. My bf might call and tell me he wants to have casual dinner at our favorite pizza place or something. Being a college student, he's used to seeing me in a ponytail, a hoodie, and jeans on a regular. I'll treat myself to a salon visit, go MAC crazy and doll up, and put together a really cute outfit. I almost can't enjoy my pizza without him telling me how beautiful I am every two seconds lol I don't know how romantic or fresh this is, but I think it's good to really doll up on a random day :)
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We search the city paper for new and different things we've never done or tried and do them. We like sharing uncharted experiences.
I cook his favorite meals.
I bathe him :yep: Bubbles, candles and lush foamy soap. It's actually more relaxing to him than sexual in nature.
I read to him.
We take naps together. :rolleyes:
As I think of more, I'll be back...
Bumping cause I'm looking for some ideas.


make my husband his favorite dessert
surprise him his favorite flower
give him a massage
if I hear him mention that he wants something in particular (oe., a cd, dvd, etc) I try to get it for him a few days later

That's all I can think of for now. Unfortunately I could use some help in this area....a LOT of help :ohwell: