What do you do if you don't have a steamer/drier/heating cap?

Superfly Sister

Well-Known Member
Is there an alternative method? I would love to own one but I don't really have a place to keep one unfortunately.

Is there another way I could deep condition?
Yep - wash and apply DC. Put a conditioning cap over hair (the plastic ones). Saturate an old medium sized towel in water. Microwave it for about 1 - 2 minutes. Put on house gloves and wrap around your head like a turban and then wrap with an old plastic bag to keep heat in. You can also double up the towels and keep them on while you soak in a warm bath.


ETA: If you have a hand held drier you can also get those inflatable hood drier things and use that to DC.

I DC on dry hair using the microwaved wet towel (wash cloth) method under a shower cap while I work out for about an hour or two. Works wonders for me.
I agree with the others about the wet towel method, but I use my SOs wifebeaters instead, just easier for me to manipulate and wrap on my head. and sometimes wrap around a saran covered conditioner saturated ponytail too.

(don't tell him)