what do you do for daily devotions?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Is there a particular book that you use? Do you do it at a certain time of day? How long did it take you to make this a habit?

Wanting to get into her own spiritual regimen,

Right now in the morning my son and I will read the Word and pray before school. We have a bible reading schedule that we go by. In the morning it's the New Testmant and in the evening it's the old testmant. We read the old Testmanant separately but the mornings is for us. If DH is up and feeling alright he joins us but I make it a point for me to at less get up with ds.
I use John MacArthur's Drawing Near daily readings. I typically try to read it in the beginning of the day in hopes it will prevent me from showing out.:look: