What do you do for "daily care"?


New Member
What do you do for \"daily care\"?

This probably seems like a dumb question, but I think this is the only part of my hair care regime that I can't seem to get together...I can do the whole wash, deep conditioning with quality products, and all that, and sleep with a silk scarf, but I think its daily maintenance that I'm still stumbling with. After the first wash day it looks great, but the following days its
I can't do daily conditioner washes because my scalp doesn't like them, and once the weather gets cold I won't be able to have a damp head....so I was wondering if anyone would care to share what they do on non-wash days?

*If you are doing the bun challenge, do you take your bun down at night, or just wear it through to the next wash?

*If you regularly wear a braid-out, what do you do to keep it fresh through the night to the next day...or next wash day?

*If you air dry (non-braid out) how do you keep your hair smooth, and what style do you wear? How do you keep from getting the fraggle-rock poofy look?

I appreciate any help anyone can offer me...
Re: What do you do for \"daily care\"?

I wear my hair straight with a litle flip on the ends. Before bed I mix almond oil with Giovanni's Direct Leave-In and put it on my hair espeically the ends. I finger part my hair in two sections criss- cross the two pieces and finger roll the ends and clip them down with a duck bill clip on boths sides of my head. Then I wrap and remove the clips. ( I leave them sticking out so I can gently slip them off ) The next morning I finger comb and put jojoba butter on the ends and go!
Re: What do you do for \"daily care\"?

I'm doing the bun challenge. I don't like to keep my hair in the same bun for long because I don't want any part of my hair to get "stressed." I take my bun down at night. I apply moisturizers if necessary and put it in either one or two braids, pinning up the ends or just making sure they are protected when I have my scarf or bonnet on. In the morning I'll put it back in a bun. I do CO washes every other day, so if it's not a wash day, I usually just put it up in the bun and go. If it is a wash day I do the normal routine with whatever products I happen to be trying this week
I let my hair air dry just hanging down until my hair is just damp. This is the most air exposure my ends have during the week. I don't go anywhere and I'm sort of "on edge" while my hair is loose. Lastly, I put in some break free before putting my damp hair up into a bun (and breathing a sigh of relief knowing my ends are safe. For real, this board has made me weird about my hair

I think the "less is more" mantra really comes into play when dealing with daily care. You want to find something simple you can do in the morning that doesn't require (or tempt) you to keep messing with it during the day.
Re: What do you do for \"daily care\"?

After a wash (co or shampoo wash), at night, I moisturize my ends and edges (front and back). If I want my ends curly, I apply leave-in conditioner to set them and roll them on perm rods. In the morning, I take the rollers out and put a little moistures on the ends and throughout the strands to put my hair up in ponytail scrunchy twirled up thingy or a barrette pinned-up thingy. To smooth the front on a daily basis, I spray with a little leave-in and water. Then I mix gel and pomade and apply. I smooth with my hands and sometimes a fine tooth comb (sometimes both). I put on my scarf for the remainder of the time it takes me to get ready. When I get home from work, I put more moisture on my ends. Then before bed, I start over with moisturizing the ends and edges. If I don't want to redo my braidout with rerolling, then I just pin the whole thing up on the top of my head with clips.

I hope that all makes sense...
Re: What do you do for \"daily care\"?

Hairlove what kind of perm rods do you use. The felix ones or the ones that look like a big screw ?
Re: What do you do for \"daily care\"?

cutebajangirl, I use the ones that look like a big screw. In my July hair album, I show a pic with the orange ones. I love these and wish I knew about them when I was relaxed. They hold hair into place very easily! I'm thinking of doing a whole spiral set with them!
Re: What do you do for \"daily care\"?

I roller set my hair on soft rollers each night, and then place a satin night cap over the rollers. I have roller set my hair for *years*, and have not had problems with breakage. In fact, my hair was shoulder length and healthy when I wore the hard plastic rollers. At the present time, my hair is at about at my jaw line. I am growing out layers from last summer. I use the 1 1/2 inch rollers and the 1 1/4 inch rollers, which give my hair shape and body. They are called "Just for Me", and I purchased them at Sally Beauty Supply. I also use the Isoplus Wrap Lotion, but just on the ends.

Regardless of whether I wear my hair down or in an updo, I roller set each night. I believe that it helps to keep my hair from drying out.

If my ends need extra lubrication, I do that at night when I roller set.

That's it!

Re: What do you do for \"daily care\"?

Thank you for posting ladies, your tips are giving me a place to start from, I really appreciate it!
Re: What do you do for \"daily care\"?

I am doing the bun challege...I redo my bun every night by oiling my hair and my end...then I put hair back up into bun to sleep.
Re: What do you do for \"daily care\"?

I like to wear buns or 1-2 plaits.

I'll moisturize (all over) with distilled water & Hot 6 oil (or pure glycerin) then make a bun or braids, cover with a satin cap. I love it cuz it's very low maintenance.

(If time permits, then I'll moisturize my new growth & length separately....new growth with distilled water followed by jojoba or castor oil; length with distilled water & Hot Six oil).
Re: What do you do for \"daily care\"?

For braidouts after the first day I make sure that every night I moisturize my hair with a cream and usually in the morning depending on how my hair feels, I like Elasta QP mango butter then I retwist or braid my hair in the same sections it was done the day before, personally I prefer the look of twist outs but it's the same routine. I can keep my hair looking nice for abotu 3-4 day with this technique and by the time it starts looking
, I either wash it or I put my hair in french roll, bun or hair claw, which tends to look nice with the waves from the twist/braid-out.

I try not to put too much stuff on my hair during the week or else it gets flat and clumpy looking. I think finding the right moisturizer whether it's a cream or oil is key, my daily routine got much better after I found a reliable one.
To prevent my hair from getting poofy I think moisture is key that way my hair absorbs less of the moisture in the air making my hair poofy, also a good serum along with my leave in conditioner helps ALOT.
Re: What do you do for \"daily care\"?

usually just a little jojoba or avocado on my hair and especially the ends.
Re: What do you do for \"daily care\"?

i wear my hair in the bun from one wash to the next. i wear a drawstring ponytail over it, but i take that off each night. i try not to put it too tight in the first place so i don't have breakage. in the mornings, i resmooth my hair line down with a activator/gel mix. i've been doing this for about 2 years now with no problems (once i stopped pulling the bun so tight).
Re: What do you do for \"daily care\"?

I think one of the first things I need to work on is finding an oil that is light enough for daily use. I love wildgrowth, but I can't use that more than once or twice a week without the yuck factor. I see ladies are using a light oil and a leave-in...I will reread the thread. I was using Infusium but after awhile my hair just didn't like it anymore (do open products have an expiration date? is that why they stop working?) but I think my hair really likes giovanni.
Re: What do you do for \"daily care\"?

I use a cream moisturizer keracare moisturizer with jojoba oil and infusium 23 original formula and put my hair in a bun and put a satin scarf on my head and its off to bed
Re: What do you do for \"daily care\"?

I usually wrap nightly and tie down with a silk scarf. FOr added sheen or for extra smoothness I might apply a little ORS carrot oil and then Keracare Sheen glossifier or Razac hair oil.. anything for a little sheen. I dont oil much so I would probably do this only 2x a week.
- when my hair needs a perm i pull it in a ponytail and spray some glycerin and distilled water on my headside and kitchen to soften a bit
Re: What do you do for \"daily care\"?

I usually spritz water throughout my hair and scalp, maybe add a product, srunch, and call it a day.

At night, I may add something to my hair and/or scalp, put my satin bonnet on, and I'm done.
Re: What do you do for \"daily care\"?

I keep my hair in a twist or braid out style. I spirtz with DI water w/ jojoba oil every other day.
If ends feel to dry, I drenched them in Mango butter and keep them hidden.
Once in a full moon I put my braid out in a pony tail on top of my hair but only using my hands and no brush, I manage to get the hairline down with DI water and some mango buter
Re: What do you do for \"daily care\"?

Hey Karonica,

I never thought about spritzing my scalp with the water!!! My scalp never looks as good as it does after being wet in the shower. Maybe for those "in-between wash" days, I can spritz my scalp. I'll have to try it when I get home, thanks!

Re: What do you do for \"daily care\"?

northernbelle said:
I roller set my hair on soft rollers each night, and then place a satin night cap over the rollers. I use the 1 1/2 inch rollers and the 1 1/4 inch rollers, which give my hair shape and body.

Regardless of whether I wear my hair down or in an updo, I roller set each night. I believe that it helps to keep my hair from drying out.

If my ends need extra lubrication, I do that at night when I roller set.

That's it!


I do the same. In the mornings though I lightly wrap my hair and put on my fall which Im using untill my transition is over. This way my own hair is up and protected while I can wear hair down since I dont like wearing buns.