What do you consider your ENDS??

OP, you're giving me a headache. :lol: Why you gotta ask questions that sound like trick questions or a philosophy exam? :whyme:

The tip of each strand? :dork: I mean, if I cut off my ends...regardless of which point I cut it, I'll still have gotten rid of that tip. So for me, it's the tip. :hide:
Right now, I consider my ends to be the last 4 inches of hair . . . that's more than most of you all. That's the amount that needs to come off from heat damage (I won't let go til I'm past bra-strap). But once that comes off, it'll probably just be the last 1-2 inches. :).
OP, you're giving me a headache. :lol: Why you gotta ask questions that sound like trick questions or a philosophy exam? :whyme:

The tip of each strand? :dork: I mean, if I cut off my ends...regardless of which point I cut it, I'll still have gotten rid of that tip. So for me, it's the tip. :hide:

LOL so the tip is the end?

Nonie I'mma knock you out!!!:lachen:

It started from thinking about homegirls thread saying she sealed her ends but woke up with a oily head of hair.....
So I got to thinking, well, how much are you sealing....
Which led to me thinking about how I seal just the last fistful of each layer....
Which led to me wondering about what others consider to be their ends....

Now I have a headache....:yawn:
LOL so the tip is the end?

Nonie I'mma knock you out!!!:lachen:

It started from thinking about homegirls thread saying she sealed her ends but woke up with a oily head of hair.....
So I got to thinking, well, how much are you sealing....
Which led to me thinking about how I seal just the last fistful of each layer....
Which led to me wondering about what others consider to be their ends....

Now I have a headache....:yawn:

Yes, I meant the tip is the end.

:rofl: @ you knocking me out.

OK, now I get what you were asking. I don't seal ends but I think if I did, I would seal the last inch. I hate ANY product on my hair unless I need to comb my hair so I'd apply it on the smallest section that'd make sense to me. One inch is plenty enough for me. :yep:

But if we're not talking about sealing, then I'll maintain my last stand: the tip is the end. :p
Yes, I meant the tip is the end.

:rofl: @ you knocking me out.

OK, now I get what you were asking. I don't seal ends but I think if I did, I would seal the last inch. I hate ANY product on my hair unless I need to comb my hair so I'd apply it on the smallest section that'd make sense to me. One inch is plenty enough for me. :yep:

But if we're not talking about sealing, then I'll maintain my last stand: the tip is the end. :p

Now....if I took a tape measure and put it next to the "tip" what would the length of the "tip" be on the measuring tape? :grin:
Now....if I took a tape measure and put it next to the "tip" what would the length of the "tip" be on the measuring tape? :grin:

It'd be approaching to zero. If I were to write it out, I'd write x ---> 0

You know, I was going to vote for you just now :lol: but now that you've given me a migraine, I'll just go take Excedrin instead.
It'd be approaching to zero. If I were to write it out, I'd write x ---> 0

You know, I was going to vote for you just now :lol: but now that you've given me a migraine, I'll just go take Excedrin instead.

LMAO votings over! ::handing Nonie a Percoset:: :drunk:
last fistful, so i guess thats why i end up so heavy handed with products xD thats like most of my hair, lol
LMAO votings over! ::handing Nonie a Percoset:: :drunk:

:lachen: Think I dunno? I was there for the whole ride. But I figured that since someone voted for you yesterday :lol: then I would too, but your cheekiness made me change my mind and go deal with my migraine instead. :lachen:

Oooh...Percocet! :drunk: