What do u do with ur hair when your sign other wants to do the wild thing


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies,

I've never been one of those AA women to make a big fuss about anyone touching my hair......BUT last night me and my honey were having a romantic evening and I was in the restroom putting together a reallly cute look and he said the dreaded... "Oh yeah and where your hair down"

I said to myself are you serious?! Becuase i'm 17 weeks post and its poofy when not slicked back in a pony :ohwell: So I let it down and was looking in the mirror and said the one line that people say AA women say about our hair, "He's not touching my hair" and then proceeded to pull out this wig that I use for fun and put that on instead. I was like he must be outta his mind if he thinks i'm a let him play in my new growth :nuts:

He was like.. I like you better with your own hair out it looks more natural... and I tried to explain but he's one of those guys that give the sideways look like "whatever" . So I just told him that my hair is going to get reallly frizzy and tangled if I wear it down. So he got over it but my question is what do you do when ur in the middle of a hair process whatever it may be and your significant other wants to play in it?
Okay, think about a body part on your man that you enjoy... what if he went and put on a fake what ever because he didn't want you playing with the real thing? It would take the mood away because you really wanted to touch the real thing. I say reverse of what you said and see how you would feel?

So Girl... let your man play in your real hair... A big High Five to him because he likes your real hair....

He seems like the type that wouldn't mind helping you comb it back to where it was if needed. Or putting some oils in it to smooth it back. The process will make you both feel closer to each other without being intimate.

TMI: Even after my BC my man still likes to run his fingers through my hair... and no, we ain't doing the sex thing because we are not married yet. But he was like it feels so soft and started caressing it. I think many men don't like the fake hair because it doesn't allow them to pull, touch it, and/or play with it while they are doing their thing...
To be honest, my DH loves to play in/massage my new growth. He is disappointed when I get a relaxer because its just straight and there is nothing to play with. Him playing in it is nothing more than a scalp massage. Wear that hair out girl!
Girl, your hair is your crown and glory. Let him touch your crown and enjoy the gloriousness of it, LOL!
I LOVE my scalp being rubbed lol!
but sometimes my hair is wrapped up or I leave it out. of course I guess all men prefer us with our hair out.

I think I saw an article that stated scalp massages help with the circulation of the scalp and promoting hair growth? lol!!!!
I forgot to add, I don't like strangers touching my hair, you know chicks ya work with but they are not your friends and they want to run their fingers through your hair to see if it's real lol!!! that I don't like my hubby and mom (she's my lifetime stylist lol!) can touch my hair. My mil touched my hair one time and it p'd me off, especially my hair is fragile.
I dont have long hair, but when I get it...I'm gone let it hang!! and let my boo play, pull or do whatever he want to it! Cant wait!!
I don't think she's just talking about him "massaging her scalp". My man tugs at it sometimes and i let him. Most of the time I get away with wearing a scarf.
Let him play. My man tugs, grabs, runs his finger through and more! If I have my scarf on when we start, I take it off!
Okay, think about a body part on your man that you enjoy... what if he went and put on a fake what ever because he didn't want you playing with the real thing? It would take the mood away because you really wanted to touch the real thing. I say reverse of what you said and see how you would feel?

So Girl... let your man play in your real hair... A big High Five to him because he likes your real hair....

He seems like the type that wouldn't mind helping you comb it back to where it was if needed. Or putting some oils in it to smooth it back. The process will make you both feel closer to each other without being intimate.

TMI: Even after my BC my man still likes to run his fingers through my hair... and no, we ain't doing the sex thing because we are not married yet. But he was like it feels so soft and started caressing it. I think many men don't like the fake hair because it doesn't allow them to pull, touch it, and/or play with it while they are doing their thing...
LOL!!!! I never ethought about it like that! I just realized how protective i've become over my hair ever since starting this journey and I never used to be this way. And he was the one that helped jump start me on my healthy hair journey and now i'm like a drill sargeant with my hair, LOL
I LOVE my scalp being rubbed lol!
but sometimes my hair is wrapped up or I leave it out. of course I guess all men prefer us with our hair out.

I think I saw an article that stated scalp massages help with the circulation of the scalp and promoting hair growth? lol!!!!
LOL, your right scalp massages are good for the hair's health. Okay so basically I need to change my way of thinking and turn it into something positive. :D
I forgot to add, I don't like strangers touching my hair, you know chicks ya work with but they are not your friends and they want to run their fingers through your hair to see if it's real lol!!! that I don't like my hubby and mom (she's my lifetime stylist lol!) can touch my hair. My mil touched my hair one time and it p'd me off, especially my hair is fragile.

I feel you on that, I know that this being my first 6 month stretch i'm a little unsure of how my hair is going to react to all of the "rough housing" as my mom would say ;) So i'm scared it will become a tangled mess that will take 3 hours to detangle. But your right, I should be so uptight about it... it is just hair :look:
I let my husband play in my hair.....freshly permed, new growth, wet, wash and go, etc...

It's here for his enjoyment.
My Little "Cougar Cub" :look:begged to stop by on Saturday afternoon right after I had Steamed for about an Hour. I told him my Hair was wet, unstyled, hit/through etc... Of Course That didn't stop him.

Chile' when they want what they want when they want it ....Honey You Could be Bald and it's not gonna matter.....:rolleyes:
Thankfully, my guy is not a play around in your hair type during, you know what...so my hair is the last thing I am thinking about..
My Little "Cougar Cub" :look:begged to stop by on Saturday afternoon right after I had Steamed for about an Hour. I told him my Hair was wet, unstyled, hit/through etc... Of Course That didn't stop him.

Chile' when they want what they want when they want it ....Honey You Could be Bald and it's not gonna matter.....:rolleyes:

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: I know, as long as you are in working order it is fine.
:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: I know, as long as you are in working order it is fine.

Girl, Doo Rag, No Rag, Rollers......They Still Look at you like You Da' Bombdiggity.:look: Sometimes I Look in the Mirror and just shake my head.:lachen:

*BabyBoy Just Glad to Be Invited to the Party*

If Only we Saw What they See, Women would be alot more Confident and Self-Assured.