What Do I Do? ** Advice Needed **


Well-Known Member
My friend seems to think if she uses the same products I use her hair will look like mine. We don't have the same curl pattern!

She asked me to do HER hair! I hope she forgets or gets busy, but what if she doesn't??

What do I do?
Tell her your hands shake and you're not comfortable doing someone else's hair. :yep:

You'll be telling the truth because you really don't feel comfortable, hence your post .
She won’t buy that. Plus, in all actuality I really only know how to do MY HAIR - and sometimes, not even that.
I have had people approach me wanting to know how I get my hair to curl. I tell them the product I use but I also say "it works well for me but it depends on your curl pattern".
She won’t buy that. Plus, in all actuality I really only know how to do MY HAIR - and sometimes, not even that.
This is exactly what I say when people ask me to do their hair. "I would, but I don't know how to do hair, I only know how to do MY hair" Most people don't believe me and think I'm lying but honestly I don't care because I already know that even if I did their hair it wouldn't come out the way they wanted because some people still have unrealistic expectations when it comes to natural hair.
I have had people approach me wanting to know how I get my hair to curl. I tell them the product I use but I also say "it works well for me but it depends on your curl pattern".
There was a lady at the bus stop asking me what product - chemical I use for my curls. I said I don’t use chemicals and she didn’t believe me. So, I shrugged and told her to go get the SM JBCO leave in I had in my hair at the time. Too funny!!