What did u do different in 2003 to your hair?


New Member
I gave up on everything heat. Curling irons,flat irons. blow dryers. I didnt think I could do it. I only use heat to deep condition and when I get a relaxer every eight weeks. I also have been wearing a fake pony to protect my ends, since october I ahave been wearing my hair slicked back...my only fear is that I will lose my edges.
I started wetting my hair practically every single day. Never in a million years would I have thought water could be good for my hair.
Everything. Before August 2003, I could give two hoot in a barrel about my hair. Its only hair. Never thought in a kazillion years that I could grow it out to unimaginable lengths, always thought I was doomed to have short hair. Now thanks to LHCF, I know otherwise. I've turned hair obsessed. I love my hair, its growing and will keep growing and growing and growing...
*I did away with heat styling, except for 3 times.
*I wore my hair in a bun everyday since May 1.
*I took my vitamins everyday
*I CO washed everyday for the month of July
*I kept my hair moisturized with curl activator, and discovered the vaseline cure for dry ends.
Oh wow, I have done soooo many things differently and they have all be beneficial to my hair.
In no particular order.....

*Believe that my hair can grow longer than it had been before
*CO washes in the summer
*moisturize ends EVERYDAY
*wear buns EVERYDAY
*spritz distilled water EVERYDAY
*New suppliments like MSM, Flaxseed oil and barley green
*making it a point to find specific conditioners for specific problems like Nexxus Keraphix etc.
*keep pillows in satin cases on the bed all the time
*become more aware of ingredients, which come first, last, what they mean, etc
Less Curling Iron Use (no more than 5X)
Less Blow Dryer Use
Washing and Conditioning More and Depending Less on my Stylist.
Learned to Rollerset.
Alot of things, since I discovered hairboards around january of this year.
--more hot oil treaments
--satin pillowcases and caps EVERY night and not sporadically like I used to
--seamless combs
--distilled water final rinses and every other day spritzes
--boards reminded me about coconut oil. My mom used to use it on my hair sometimes when I was little
--gentle shampoos
--protein conditioners
--conditioner washes
--more frequent washing
--self-relaxing (it hasn't worked yet but after my last professional fiasco I may give it another go)
--protective styling
--homemade moisturizing conditioners-my fave is avocado with honey and coconut oil
--msm, biotin, flax oil
--just tried bigen today, I'll let you all know how it goes.
I discovered that the cold air in my room was drying my hair out. I decided to get a pure silk sure from the salvation army and tie it around my head, added a satin bonnet over it to keep all the moisture in my hair. I worked out lots, (slacked off since i've been doing the christmas shopping thing), and eating better. I also drink plenty of water, do my multi-vitamin and calcium oyster shell + iron pill combo each day. I conditioner wash my hair once a week, but saturdays I do the full wash, or get my hair done by my stylist. I also wear a scarf out almost everywhere I go. Just take it off when I get into the store. Theses things have made a great difference. I hope to up everything in 2004. I also use better products, I pay more attention to everything on the bottle. My hair is not chin length, but it's a lot more healthy. My stylist says my hair grows pretty good but I just need to be patience.
It's been almost exactly one year since I joined the LHCF (12/22/02) and I have to say that I've done A LOT of things differently during this year!!

1) I completely stopped using my curling iron.

2) I learned how to airdry my hair and have it come out looking decent.
(I no longer sit under the hot dryer during the summer months!!

3) I wash my hair weekly as opposed to every two weeks like I used to.

4) I discovered protein (& reconstructors), which I think my hair was badly in need of!!

My hair is a whole lot more healthy at this point than it was last year at this time. I think I retained about 3 inches of hair this year, which is great for me, cuz for years it seemed like my hair was stuck at one length (probably due to breakage!!
) My hair strands also have alot more strength and elasticity than ever before!! My hair used to have NO elasticity whatsoever!!

---took biotin
---no mineral oil, petroleum
---no sls
---conditioner washes
---stopped brushing
---learned to wrap my hair
---learned to love wet sets
---stopped blowdrying
* No more blowdryers & hot combs
* Airdrying
* Rollersets
* I've been wearing buns and French Twists since 7/03
* Washed more often - every 3 days instead of every 7 + days
* added biotin and msm to my vitamin regime
<ul type="square"> [*]distilled water [*]ceased applying essential oils directly to my scalp [*]stretched time in between relaxers to 4 months [*]daily buns/baggie trick with phonytail [*]vaseline on ends [*]frequent conditioner washes [*]cellophane treatments [/list]
Started Vitamin Regimen
Protein Treatments
Distilled Water
Discovered several good Conditioners
Keeping Hair Moisturized
1. wearing buns regularly
2. condition washes
3. moisturize hair every single day
4. deep condition weekly
5. strech out relaxer
6. wearing a satin wrap every night to bed
More frequent washing, conditioner washes, better products, protective styles. I joined this site in 2003 so i learned everything off of here!
More frequent washing
Careful detangling
Fewer relaxers
No heat except for deep conditioning and rollersets
Satin cap(more diligently)
Better quality products(Keracare and some other board recommendations)
Main thing: I stop thinking that I had hair that couldn't be soft, manageable and stylish
I got rid of the good hair/bad hair mentality and started thinking about my hair in terms of the care I was taking in styling it.
~daily conditioner washes

~more protective styles

~learning my lesson of NEVER bothering with hair color again

~learning the value of joining online hair groups such as these

~learning how to accessorize my hair
Since I found LHCF in July, I have:
* used less heat
* learned to moisturize my hair
* began to wear buns more often
* spritz a mixture of water and V05 often
* began to wear satin caps every night
* less manipulation
* gentle shampoos
* protein conditioners
* more frequent washing