I discovered that the cold air in my room was drying my hair out. I decided to get a pure silk sure from the salvation army and tie it around my head, added a satin bonnet over it to keep all the moisture in my hair. I worked out lots, (slacked off since i've been doing the christmas shopping thing), and eating better. I also drink plenty of water, do my multi-vitamin and calcium oyster shell + iron pill combo each day. I conditioner wash my hair once a week, but saturdays I do the full wash, or get my hair done by my stylist. I also wear a scarf out almost everywhere I go. Just take it off when I get into the store. Theses things have made a great difference. I hope to up everything in 2004. I also use better products, I pay more attention to everything on the bottle. My hair is not chin length, but it's a lot more healthy. My stylist says my hair grows pretty good but I just need to be patience.