what did i do wrong????


Well-Known Member
i was relaxing my aunts hair and this is my first time doing a relaxer ever! idk y she let me do it but when she asked i jumped at the chance. anywho she used the soft and lovely brand with 6x more strength. her hair came out hard and brittle :wallbash:. idk what i did wrong. i overprocesses on some spots accidentily but not on the whole head!
i wont be using any relaxer that says 6x more strength, nah....

i hope her hair turns out alright! keep us posted please.
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the box said 6x more strength, i guess it was a protein relaxer so i told her to sit underneath a heating cap with the conditioner that came with it but it was still brittle

Maybe it was a bad relaxer? Had she used this brand before? Or was she trying something different? Perhaps too much protein and she needs to do a nice moisturizing conditioner. Just throwing out some ideas. I'm sorry it didn't go well.
Hmmm a protein relaxer sounds like it'd be a bad idea. Did her hair process at all/evenly? My knowledge of a relaxer is it's supposed to break the bonds of the hair, mixing protein into that process seems like a bad idea.
Try re-washing the hair & dc w/ a moisturizing conditioner to see if that helps. I'm sorry this happened L.Brown1114.
i would neutralize shampoo again, hopefully you did the first time, then do a deep moisture condish with some oils mixed into the conditioner. hot 6 oil is easy to find in beauty supply stores.

put a plastic cap on and sit her under a dryer for 20 minutes, or 30 if you have no dryer.

then style her hair in a low manipulation style, like a wet bun or twist. tie the hair with a satin scarf to keep the cuticles closed and flat and let it air dry.
She needs to wash and condition the hair again and perhaps PC. I would also recommend she keeps a rich moisturising conditioner on her hair for several hours.

ETA I don't think it's a protein relaxer, I didn't think that there was such a thing!? (:confused:). It just sounds like the relaxer was very very strong.
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WOW!:eek: That's Scary! :eek: IA w/the others Ladies. I would re-neutralize ASAP and allow the neutralizer to sit for a while to make sure everything is out of there.

ITA: It sounds like a bad/old perm. And the 6x's should have sent up a Big Red Flag to you.:perplexed

You shoulda' questioned her at length before you applied it. i.e. has she used that before etc.........:help3:

I would also DC with Moisturizing DC"er and like Cream Tee said, I would follow up with Porosity Control which helps with "Chemical Shock" and also helps balance the ph of your hair as well as flatten/restrict the cuticle.:yep:

The days/weeks following this process sounds like it will be crucial. Maybe she should look at getting some Nutrine Garlic Conditioner and follow up a few weeks with that (as a precaution).:yep:
Are you speaking of the Soft & Beautiful Ulimate Protection Realxer, it claims to have 6x more protection against breakage?

It probably came with a protein conditioner. Make sure you neutralized and then just do a moisturizing DC with heat for awhile. Don't panic!!!!
1. -- the condition of the hair BEFORE the relaxer will affect the results after the relaxer
2. -- overprocessing the hair affect different heads of hair differently
3 -- to compensate - do not attempt to relieve the brittleness with solely a moisture based product.

For starters try Wella - InDepth it is specifically made for this type of overprocessing. You can get it fairly easily at a Asian owned BSS.

After that - followup with Silicon Mix (I chose this as it has all the good elements, and it's fairly cheap and easy to procure)

DC 2x a week

**In a week or so - do a clarifying shampoo - or purchase Malibu Swimmers shampoo to remove calcium/mineral buildup. (If you live in a very hard water area, consider a shower filter)

Realize that overcoming this type of brittle coarse dryness is a long haul process.

There are protein "strength" no-lye relaxers - ex. is Optimum's No Breakage relaxer (it included ceramides to their formula) Other companies jumped on the train with their own version but it is a bit of marketing too when you read the fine print and see 6x more - compared to what.
thanks ladies!! i will tell her to wash her hair and do a SERIOUS DC with heat. she said shes used that brand before with no problem. ill keep you updated after i tell her all this because her hair was very healthy before and growing like crazy. im going to school for cosmetology but maybe im not cut out to do hair :-(
thanks ladies!! i will tell her to wash her hair and do a SERIOUS DC with heat. she said shes used that brand before with no problem. ill keep you updated after i tell her all this because her hair was very healthy before and growing like crazy. im going to school for cosmetology but maybe im not cut out to do hair :-(

Don't beat up too bad about it.:kiss: There is alot to take into consideration before applying a Relaxer. i.e. the Condition of the Hair prior to relaxing, what was was used on the hair prior to the relaxing process. It's a more intensive process than people think/believe.

Did you leave it on the proper amount of time to process it, how much smoothing was involved etc....it's more than just applying it. What steps did you do afterwards.:yep:
^^^Don't let this mishap take you off course. Just be determined to learn from any mistakes. Be sure to tell her to use a moisturizing conditioner not just any deep conditioner. And remind her to neutralize again. If she's used it before then I think it was probably a bad relaxer, a spoiled or bad relaxer will jack you up! Years ago I used to use creme of nature relaxer religiously, it was the only relaxer I could always count on, then one day I got ahold of a bad batch...
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thanks ladies!! i will tell her to wash her hair and do a SERIOUS DC with heat. she said shes used that brand before with no problem. ill keep you updated after i tell her all this because her hair was very healthy before and growing like crazy. im going to school for cosmetology but maybe im not cut out to do hair :-(

You could still do hair. I remember that my sister use soft & beautiful relaxer and it would leave white flakes in her hair all the time (it wasn't the relaxer and it left her hair under processed so maybe it's the relaxer and not your skills.
thanks ladies!! i will tell her to wash her hair and do a SERIOUS DC with heat. she said shes used that brand before with no problem. ill keep you updated after i tell her all this because her hair was very healthy before and growing like crazy. im going to school for cosmetology but maybe im not cut out to do hair :-(

Aww, don't say that! Trust me, I went to cosmetology school and waxed a whole eyebrow off a person! But it's all trial and error! Get used to it because you might as well get all the errors out the way so you can become a great stylist! How else will you know what NOT to do??
I'm surprised someone didn't mention this but some relaxers do leave your hair feeling hard, brittle like-even some of the professional relaxers. I guess it depends on your hair. The best relaxers to use are conditioning relaxers. HTH Don't blame yourself. You didn't do anything wrong.
thanks ladies!! i will tell her to wash her hair and do a SERIOUS DC with heat. she said shes used that brand before with no problem. ill keep you updated after i tell her all this because her hair was very healthy before and growing like crazy. im going to school for cosmetology but maybe im not cut out to do hair :-(

listen.....you keep your head up! doing hair is a skill that can be learned. there is nothing wrong with learning from mistakes. we all make them.

you can do whatever you set your mind too. if you are in cosmetology school, you are in the right place to get better.

keep doing what you are doing. learn from your mistakes. be willing to continue to educate yourself. keep an open mind. and excel!

you are a phenomenal woman. you are capable of greatness on your chosen path.
