what causes the snapping noise


Well-Known Member
...when i GENTLY finger comb my hair????

I stopped detangling and finger combing my hair when it's dry... but now i'm beginning to think this can't be normal. I'm texlaxed and only detangle when I DC. Is it caused by tangles, knots, or moisture/protein imbalance?

I'm thinking about DCing 2x a week to see if it makes a difference, but I'd like a second opinion.
That's usually the sound of your hair breaking. If you're lucky, that's the sound of a hair snapping out of a knot without breaking, but not usually the case. That sound from breaking is probably caused by breaking through knots and tangles, which in turn can have several causes.

When you are combing and you hear that sound, don't you feel any resistance or pulling at all (right before you hear the snap)?
You are probably snapping through tangles. Therefore, there will be some breakage. When I come across tangled hair when I finger comb, I try to separate my hair from the tangle instead of continuing to run my fingers through. I always finger comb with conditioner in my hair to limit the snapping. If I find a knot whilst styling my hair, I put some oil on it and it usually separates easily.

I also limit knots and tangling by not manipulating my hair too much, oiling my ends, keeping my hair moisturised regularly (through baggying and co-washes) and using a wide-tooth comb every 2-3 weeks.
I'm trying to figure out the best way to manage my hair now.... should I just avoid touching my hair until wash day? I don't feel much resistance when I finger comb and hear snapping. So I guess my hair is kind of weak or I have some serious knots or tangles....
When you are combing and you hear that sound, don't you feel any resistance or pulling at all (right before you hear the snap)?

Nope. I don't feel any resistance. Occasionally I do, but I stop and try to detangle it. I won't feel a snap in that situation but that doesn't happen often.
My hair does this sometimes when it is too "stretchy" from over-conditioning, it follows my comb, then snaps and breaks. I usually spray a light leave in protein treatment and it stops that.

It could be from a number of things though, that was just my experience.
I'm trying to figure out the best way to manage my hair now.... should I just avoid touching my hair until wash day? I don't feel much resistance when I finger comb and hear snapping. So I guess my hair is kind of weak or I have some serious knots or tangles....

Some people do not handle their hair much until their next wash day. They put it in a protective or low-mani style and then detangle, wash, condition etc on their next wash day.

However, for others the no-comb route just isn't for them. They have to detangle with a comb (and sometimes a Denman brush) regularly and it works for them. I believe Cichelle was one and her hair is about hiplength (iirc).

I kind of do a compromise by co-washing most days and finger combing when I do. However, I also use a wide or medium comb every 2-3 weeks. I always section my hair into four when I dentangle (with fingers or a comb) otherwise there will be more snapping.
it is when u put too much tension on a strand & it breaks @ the weakest point giving off a snap sound. it is hair breakage.