What causes an itchy scalp?


New Member
I don't think I have dandruff...b/c I don't see any flakes but my scalp itches like crazy. Is it caused by having a dry scalp??


There are many things that can cause an itchy scalp.

What is your regime...has it changed lately iin frequency, are you using anything new.

In addition how long has it occured?
As long as I have been wrapping my hair (5 years+) I have had an itchy scalp. Nothing has really changed in my routine. I do not oil my scalp. So, I was thinking it may be dry.
When I get ready to unwrap my hair, I rub some oil on my hands and smooth it on my hair before I comb it down. Other than than my routine is pretty consistent.

I use CON or Eulecence Shampoo. And UBH/KENRA/or Aveda conditioner...
A poor diet (lots of refined carbs, simple sugars, not enough water, caffiene) could be causing it too. I do agree that you may be allergic to these products that you are using.
prettygrl said:
I don't think I have dandruff...b/c I don't see any flakes but my scalp itches like crazy. Is it caused by having a dry scalp??



Dry scalp and build-up from hair products IMO and a combination of suggestions above, Anky mentioned allergy.

Try massaging your scalp with the pads of your fingers when you shampoo or conditioner wash. This is what I do to avoid getting build up on my scalp, and rinse out your hair well under fast running water/shower. This helps.:)
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Stress can also cause it. Also, not washing it enough. Now that I put peppermint in my conditioner and wash it twice a week, my scalp itches less.