What can I put on my scalp to control dandruff? Please HELP!!


Active Member
Hi guys, I just got a sew-in (pictures to come on Tuesday), but my problem existed before the sew in. When I wash my hair 3 days later it is dandruff filled and I need to find something to put on my scalp to control it. I have a very well moisturized head of hair, but I'm stumped!

I used to shampoo with Nizoral, but that stuff is pricey (it worked though). I was hoping you guys could give me some ideas! I am banging my head against the wall...litterally...:wallbash:

How 'bout trying some jojoba and tea tree oil. It's great for dandruff . 10-20 drop per oz of jojoba oil. :yep:
I think a trip to the doctor could help. There are so many different reasons for dandruff. In my case, it was really bad dermatitis. In someone else's case, it could be a mild fungal infection. Once you know what causes your dandruff, the better prepared you'll be to find a solution.

I've read in some places how women have used Monistat for growth and found the extra added benefit of having no more dandruff.
Seems like when I started using Henna, my scalp issues got better.... Now, I don't any signs of dry scalp and also when I where braids I don't have any itchies.... HTH
Bene gave a good suggestion. I think good old fashioned SULFUR-8 or DAX SULPHUR with MSM have many benefits for scalp healing.
I know this isn't really gonna help but you should have dealt or found a way to deal with the problem before putting in the weave.
I used to have the same problem, so i couldn't imagine putting in a sew in because i need to be able to scrub my scalp. Anyways now i use bicarbonate of soda with water and tea tree oil and i have way less flakes at the end of the week. I've only washed that way 3 times too. So maybe try that.
Thanks guys! I willhave to try some of these methods. I'll start with cheapest and move up..I already have apple cider vinegar! I welcome other responses.

The nizoral was the suggestion of the dermatologist by the way. It did work, I was just looking for oher methods!
I used to have the same issue. I would wash my hair and in a few days- it was like a foot of dandruff on my scalp. Once I started cowashing though- it's been a year and a half since then and no sign of dandruff.
I think a trip to the doctor could help. There are so many different reasons for dandruff. In my case, it was really bad dermatitis. In someone else's case, it could be a mild fungal infection. Once you know what causes your dandruff, the better prepared you'll be to find a solution.

I've read in some places how women have used Monistat for growth and found the extra added benefit of having no more dandruff.
I was just gonna say the same thing. If it's that bad, it could be seborrheic dermatitis or something else. See a doctor. Also Paul Mitchel's tea tree conditioner is a great co-washer. The GVP Sally's version of it is pretty good. You leave it on your scalp until it tingles.
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I took my daughter to the doctor and he prescribed her something. I had tried everything and nothing worked. Shes fine now.

Maybe you should go to the doc.
Bene gave a good suggestion. I think good old fashioned SULFUR-8 or DAX SULPHUR with MSM have many benefits for scalp healing.

Wanna talk old fashioned? What about pine tar products like Grandpa's Wonder Bar soap and Frenchee's pomade? :grin: I love pine tar for both hair and skin.
Dandruff/Shedding Prepoo Recipe:
1 cup moisturizing conditioner (thick)
4 tsp 100% garlic powder
1 tbsp tea tree oil
1 tbsp peppermint oil
1 tbsp EVOO

Sleep in overnight. I use this prepoo treatment weekly before every wash. I also take two flax seed pills daily.
Sulfur 8 works but I do not like for my hair to be weighed down!

I had it really bad. I mean horrible dandruff. I have been using Rite Aid Coal Tar Shampoo. It is a knockoff from Neutrogena T Gel. I have tried the Neutrogena and it did not work. I lather with the Rite Aid Brand, massage my scalp, let sit 5 minutes, and rinse thoroughly. I then shampoo either with a clarifying or moisturizing shampoo. After using this once a week for 4 weeks, my problem cleared up. I still break it out every now and then but my scalp is clearer than it has been in years thank to this shampoo!

ETA- found pic of product from *deleted fotki* album folder on my computer


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Thank you for this thread OP and all those that responded. I have the worst seborrheic dermatitis and have hope now. I am going to go to the Rite Aid, Shtow and buy the Coal Tar. :) Sucks that I did a rollerset last night. I will try on Friday when I do another rollerset. I can't wait to be flake free.
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Thank you for this thread OP and all those that responded. I have the worst seborrheic dermatitis and have hope now. I am going to go to the Rite Aid, Shtow and buy the Coal Tar. :) Sucks that I did a rollerset tonight. I will try on Friday when I do another rollerset. I can't wait to be flake free.

Great, you won't regret it :yep: Let me know how it works for you. Please be reminded that it is a heavy shampoo so that's why I rinse very,very well and follow up with another shampoo.
Great, you won't regret it :yep: Let me know how it works for you. Please be reminded that it is a heavy shampoo so that's why I rinse very,very well and follow up with another shampoo.

Thank you. I already feel better and haven't even used it yet. I have a Rite Aid, right down the blcok from me. I will go buy some on my lunch break. :yep:
MN worked for me too. I've been a bit lax and need to get back to it, but I had a clear scalp after using this and washing/co-washing

ETA - i put in some oil, and included some sulfur8, tea tree oil, rosemary, and lavendar
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Are you wearing a satin cap or scarf when you go to bed at night? I had a long term problem with dry scalp, but when I started wearing my cap on a regular (every night) basis, it cleared up within a couple of weeks. I think the moisture was being pulled out of my hair and scalp. My hairdresser was very impressed and wanted to know what I was doing, but that was the ONLY change I had made.
The Nizoral may be temporarily masking the problem. Shampoos with harsh detergents (sulfates) make me flaky like crazy. We're talking big, thick crusty patches of scales :barf:

Perhaps switching to an organic sulfate-free shampoo will help. It definitely helped me.

Also, try lightly oiling your scalp every couple nights with something natural like coconut oil. You can add peppermint and rosemary oil to it (these things have cleared my scalp up like whoa :yep:)
When I started co-washing that helped out with my dry scalp tremendously. I use shampoo maybe twice a month - Giovanni Triple Treat (?)