What Bibles Do You Own? Which Bibles Are Your Favorite? (2017)


On break
Greetings, ladies! :love2:

The other day I took my mom to one of her favorite stores -- the HalfPriced Bookstore. While she was shopping, I browsed the christian section.

There I encountered a new-to-me bible that really spoke to me!

That's saying something, because I spent a lot of years and money in my 20s and 30s on various bibles, trying to hone in on 2-3 that really spoke to me and supported my spirituality/faith/discipleship/christianity/walk. As a result of that serious search/spending and finally finding a few great bibles for me, I've had little desire to continue searching/spending. So to encounter one that I couldn't stop photo-ing . . . That's saying something!

It inspired me to create this thread here at LHCF and ask you:
  • How many bibles do you own? Which ones?
  • Which bibles of yours do you read from frequently/regularly?
  • Which bibles of yours are your favorites, and why?
  • Is there a bible you've got your eye on for possibly purchasing next?
  • Is there a bible you recommend that we take a look at?
I only have one not counting my bible app on my iPad, and phone. It's The New Inductive Study Bible NASB version. I love my bible. I first purchased in early 2000, just got another one a few months ago. I also use DH's NIV bible because it is much thinner, and then on my iPad, I love to do a parallel of the NASB and amplified versions. I love parallel bibles, but they are too bulky in print, so on the iPad is perfect.

DH has purchased way more bibles then me over the years. He's even taken my daughter's bible cause he liked it, and had to purchase a replacement for her. And the last bible he got, which I referenced in the first paragraph, he wanted because I bought it for my son, and he liked it so much he wanted one. He has problems.:lol:
I only have one not counting my bible app on my iPad, and phone. It's The New Inductive Study Bible NASB version. I love my bible. I first purchased in early 2000, just got another one a few months ago. I also use DH's NIV bible because it is much thinner, and then on my iPad, I love to do a parallel of the NASB and amplified versions. I love parallel bibles, but they are too bulky in print, so on the iPad is perfect.

DH has purchased way more bibles then me over the years. He's even taken my daughter's bible cause he liked it, and had to purchase a replacement for her. And the last bible he got, which I referenced in the first paragraph, he wanted because I bought it for my son, and he liked it so much he wanted one. He has problems.:lol:

LOL! :lol:

This made me smile. Thanks for sharing!

I love that both of you are into the Word. Beautiful and sweet. :smile:
I used to own quite a few bibles (10+), but 4 years or so ago I did a purge and kept only the most impactful ones.

I grew up on the King James Version of the bible, and the first non-KJV bible I read was this one:

Amazon product ASIN 0840704607
It totally changed my world! LOL! I began to understand the bible more deeply than I ever had before. The language it uses is VERY simple: It is designed to be able to be signed (American Sign Language), and that's what accounts for its EXTREME understandable-ness. I no longer own it, but it's the easiest-to-read bible I ever owned. I could sit and read chapters and chapters and chapters at a time without even realizing it. Consequently, I read so much of the bible because of it.
Currently my main bible is the following, because the devotionals within are wonderful, and because it emphasizes the beauty of our relationship with God:

Amazon product ASIN 031044022X
This bible contains tons of devotionals, each linking or directing the reader to the next devotional. One Amazon reviewer breaks down the format of each devotional in the following way:

Here you READ your main story, almost always with a scripture verse included. If the topic is Our Identity, then the reading might include information about our position of spiritual authority in Christ, with scripture from Colossians and Ephesians. If the topic is on the Great rescue, it is more of a narrative story with more of a story feel to the reading (those are more engaging). But the mixture of stories and sound theology really helps build some important elements into ones life. This is not some light fluff about how wonderful love is. The focus is always to take the reader just a little deeper. And it is done better than any devotional I have seen.

Here you THINK and WEIGH what you have just read. The authors have specifically taken Paul's Romans model of 3 fold growth in Know, Consider/Weigh, and Present/Live. Paul often starts with what we out to know... "knowing this..." then he tells us to "consider this" to be true for us... weigh it... account it as true. Then he tells us to present ourselves to live that truth. It is this second element that this section deals with. And it is well done... it is the section that is missing from most devotionals. It explains the reasons for believing this at a deeper level.

This is a shorter section that specifically addresses how to apply this truth. So each devotional is very applicational. Good stuff.

This often has the reader look up a connected passage to read. It is wonderful that expands learning when you read a section and are moved by it... and want to know more. Sometimes it asks the reader to memorize a passage already mentioned. But usually, it is an additional passage that correlates with what was already mentioned.​
New world translation of the holy scriptures. Love it! Easy to understand, yet keeps to original content of Hebrew and Greek context of the scriptures. Also own King James. JW.org app able to download 5 different bibles to compare, watch movies and many encouraging videos.
New world translation of the holy scriptures. Love it! Easy to understand, yet keeps to original content of Hebrew and Greek context of the scriptures. Also own King James. JW.org app able to download 5 different bibles to compare, watch movies and many encouraging videos.


Do you have a link to this bible/version? TIA!
I grew up with the KJV too, and that's the one I feed on. I enjoy the Message Bible for its poetic style, and the Spirit Filled Bible for its great study content. I have many, many versions, but these are my favorites.
I wish I could find a NIV/ Amplified/ Message/ KJV parellel one but haven't been able to find that.

I have been using the the Zondervan classic comparative the most recently. It is NIV/KJV/NSAB and Amplified.
  • How many bibles do you own? Which ones?
A lot too many to list.
  • Which bibles of yours do you read from frequently/regularly? The one above is my favorite right now
  • Which bibles of yours are your favorites, and why? I love word on the street and the voice for youth.Kids love the action bible but also one as a secondary bible that I would parallel standard version for perspective and details
  • Is there a bible you've got your eye on for possibly purchasing next?I don't have any audio books maybe getting one of those .
  • Is there a bible you recommend that we take a look at? Love, love love amplified. Its my favorite from examining points. Its the version I always come back to.
I wish I could find a NIV/ Amplified/ Message/ KJV parellel one but haven't been able to find that.

I have been using the the Zondervan classic comparative the most recently. It is NIV/KJV/NSAB and Amplified.
  • How many bibles do you own? Which ones?
A lot too many to list.
  • Which bibles of yours do you read from frequently/regularly? The one above is my favorite right now
  • Which bibles of yours are your favorites, and why? I love word on the street and the voice for youth.Kids love the action bible but also one as a secondary bible that I would parallel standard version for perspective and details
  • Is there a bible you've got your eye on for possibly purchasing next?I don't have any audio books maybe getting one of those .
  • Is there a bible you recommend that we take a look at? Love, love love amplified. Its my favorite from examining points. Its the version I always come back to.

Oh, yes! You are so right! :lol: A NIV/Amplified/Message/KJV would be aaaaaaaaaaaaaaawesooooooooome! I've been looking for that as well!

I have "settled" on an NIV/Message until then.

I have the Joyce Meyer amplified one. IT ROCKS! :yep: My husband primarily uses it, since I use that Rescue NIV bible I linked above.
The past couple of years I bought a whole bunch of different translation Bibles to the point where now I'm not sure which translation I want to make my main translation. Once I do decide the main translation I want to use I'm not sure if I'm going to get rid of the other ones. Right now I bounce back and forth between the ESV, NLT, 1984 NIV, and NASB. Right now I think I am going to stick with the NASB. This is the NASB Bible that I use: