What are your pre and post s*x hygiene habits?

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
*Also posted in health forum*

Now that I have a new partner, and having 'it' frequently, I'm worried that I'll get the dreadful UTI and that microscoping tear between vag. and anus. UGH! I'm very prone to that type of infection...unfortunately.

What do you all do to keep in healthy AND enjoy frequent s*x?

Any and all details are needed!!! Douches, probiotics, teas, techniques etc. please share. I NEED to enjoy without stressing about what will happen after. I've shared the tips I got from the health forum with my partner and we'll implement them ASAP....

Thanks ladies.
Peeing after coloring is supposed to prevent infections. Ive never had a UTI and I didn't always pee after so im not sure if it works. I know all about that microscopic tear and what might help is maybe more lubrication? I don't know....
-Drink tons of water and at least 1-2 glasses of pure cranberry juice.
-You can substitute an oral cranberry supplement for the juice if you want to. Contrary to popular belief...cranberry juice does not actually treat a UTI, but it will help prevent one. It has absolutely zero antimicrobial effects but it will change the acidity your urine and makes it really hard for bacteria to adhere to the bladder wall.

Before sex...
-Make sure you are clean "down there", and if possible urinate before hand.
-Use plenty of lube and avoid really rough sex until you get used to having regular sex frequently.

After Sex...
-Excuse yourself to the restroom, urinate again (This flushes out any bacteria that may be in the urinary tract), grab a glass of water, jump back into bed, and bask in the ambience...
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Went to WF and picked up some D-Mannose (read about it online for UTI prevention) and some probiotics (per LHCF member rec.) and some 100% cranberry juice Not from concentrate. We'll see....cuz uhm Iz gon' be colorin' ya'll!!!!
Mai Tai ...i agree and to add..if you do contract a UTI..... please treat it with a prescribed antibiotic from a doctor. The OTC treatments just masks the pain and does not treat..cure..stop the infection! Eventually..if left untreated , the infection can travel up the urinary tract and may cause severe damage.
Wait a minute! I know about UTI prevention but explain this microscopic tear?

That sounds scary and painful. Who what where and why?
Wait a minute! I know about UTI prevention but explain this microscopic tear?

That sounds scary and painful. Who what where and why?

The perineum, the spot between the anus and vagina. One of the many reasons I stopped taking hormonal bc. I was tearing every single time because the bc pill contributed to the thinning of the lining there.
*Also posted in health forum*

Now that I have a new partner, and having 'it' frequently, I'm worried that I'll get the dreadful UTI and that microscoping tear between vag. and anus. UGH! I'm very prone to that type of infection...unfortunately.--

Olive Oil or Sunflower Oil on the perinium prior to intercourse :look: It helps the skin to be more pliable to prevent tearing.
I prefer sunflower oil since its 80% vitamin E that helps heal cuts and scars.
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