what are you scared of?!


Well-Known Member
what hair products/appliances have you bought but are scared to use and why/when did you become afraid to use them? maybe some of the nice hair sisters will calm our fears

me first,

i bought infusium leave-in (regular) then after reading some reviews (it was drying some of the members hair out and making it hard) i went and bought the moisturizing one but i've pushed both UNUSED bottles to the back of the closet because i am afraid to use them

i am also afraid to use elasta qp shampoo for permed hair b/c it has little ball-like things in it, my heating cap b/c i think it will scorch me or explode. also the new aussie, dove, soft & beautiful, bone marrow, garnier fructis products that i bought.

although i am afraid of these products i LIKE 'having' them

is there a name for what i have? (hey, be nice now

okay. your turn!
ladylibra_30 said:
although i am afraid of these products i LIKE 'having' them

is there a name for what i have? (hey, be nice now

[/ QUOTE ]

I have the same sickness. I bought a bottle of surge and never used it, but I just had to have it! ( I am scared to death of using it ) I did the same thing with the Giovanni Direct Leave-in and the Joico moisturizing conditioner. I did also did this with the Aveda Leave-in (i used this once though).
-blowdryers, curling irons & flat irons: I became afraid of these about 3 years ago because of the deadly HEAT & MANIPULATION combination they require

-silicones (in all its various forms and names): dries out my hair something aweful, doesn't seem to matter what I do (probably why my hair loves nexxus products -- my staples don't have silicones -- therappe, humectress, headress, keraphix). Also, don't have to worry about 'clarifying' as I don't use stuff that builds-up

-combs that are NOT seamless: about 3 years ago when I found out they "catch" and rip hair

-brushes of all kinds: about 3 years ago when I found out they "catch" and rip hair (I found that I can "smooth" my hair just fine with a bit of water and my very own hands)

-rollers with "teeth", sponge rollers, mesh rollers: about 3 years ago when I found out they "catch" and rip hair

-scrunches that are NOT satin or silk: about 3 years ago when I found out they "catch" and rip hair

-headties, sleepcaps, etc. that are NOT satin or silk: about 3 years ago when I found out they "catch" and rip hair

-bobby pins, barrettes, and other hair accessories that are NOT seamless & smooth: about 3 years ago when I found they "catch" and rip hair

-shampoos with harsh detergents: about 3 years ago when I found consistent use drys out hair (I now use only 'poo with the mildest detergent -- sodium lareth sulfate)

This is a preliminary list as I'm sure there are more stuff. I really started researching hair about 3 years ago as you can see . . .
Tigi Ego Booster

Infusium Leave-In
Surge~use it anyway

Sponge Rollers
CON (build-up) ~use it anyway

Clarifying Poo~use it anyway
Glovers Anit-Dandruff Stuff
ORS Scalp Scrub
Definitely Surge. I had it for a while and I was contemplating using it. I did and I am happy with the results. Except a week or two ago I accidently sprayed some in my eye and MANN I thought I was gonna be stevie wonder. My eye burned so darn bad. It went away in about a 1/2 hour after a lot of rinsing but you should have seen me holler. All I could think about were those pictures some people posted from surge with their scalp peeling and I thought about that happening to my ey.
ladylibra_30 said:
whoa, neroli!
i scared just from reading your post but that is some very informative stuff. thanks!

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LOL!!!! Yeah, that's an example of waaaaay too much information . . .
I am scared to take my MSM tablets. I am scared that my face will break out.
I am afraid of my Surge, but I use it anyway.

I have a bottle of surge that I've had for a long time. I keep meaning to use it regularly, but I think I scared myself with that cetrimonium chloride thread

I even did a little test by spraying it on the back of my hand and leaving it on all day to see if I broke out or anything. Nothing happened, but then I was like, "Wellll, my scalp is probably more sensitive, so that doesn't mean anything..."
I'm on the front edges challenge and I want to use the surge for that. As a matter of fact.. *going under bathroom sink and digging out surge bottle from the back* I'm starting right now! I will not allow this hair product to cause me to live in fear!!
Face your fears ladies!! Go confront those products!
I'm scared of Surge. I bought a bottle and gave it away. Then I got a sample of another bottle and it's still there, looking at me.
The horror stories of red, raw scalps, uber dry hair and flaky scalp have all scared me from using it. I want longer hair but I'm not sure if I'm willing to pay that price to get it.
Neroli said:
-blowdryers, curling irons & flat irons: I became afraid of these about 3 years ago because of the deadly HEAT & MANIPULATION combination they require

-combs that are NOT seamless: about 3 years ago when I found out they "catch" and rip hair

-brushes of all kinds: about 3 years ago when I found out they "catch" and rip hair (I found that I can "smooth" my hair just fine with a bit of water and my very own hands)

-rollers with "teeth", sponge rollers, mesh rollers: about 3 years ago when I found out they "catch" and rip hair

-scrunches that are NOT satin or silk: about 3 years ago when I found out they "catch" and rip hair

-headties, sleepcaps, etc. that are NOT satin or silk: about 3 years ago when I found out they "catch" and rip hair

-bobby pins, barrettes, and other hair accessories that are NOT seamless & smooth: about 3 years ago when I found they "catch" and rip hair

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm scared of this stuff too. Unfortunately for me, for some of them, I haven't been scared long enough. Only since November 2003.
I'm scared of dyeing my hair a lighter color. In the past I have done it, and my hair turned brassy and dry. This spring I bought this bronze red hair dye, but I was too chicken to go through with it, so I got a refund.
hi ladies:
i see that we have alot of fears (we are very protective of our tresses)

it's funny that i keep seeing that infusium pop up...it must be a hair killer
Infusium keeps sending me sample bottles of there leave-in, I swear I must have about 10 now. They sent me a coupon for a free bottle too, of course I went to Wal-Mart and grabbed the biggest one they had (over $6). I just can't bring myself to use it, I don't even like the way it smells...it smells harsh.
Tigi Bed Head Health Goddness tried it and my hair felt wierd scared to try it again.
I have not even attempted to try the Tigi Chocolate Head Conditioner.
In my case, it is not so much a product which concerns be, but a technique: air drying relaxed hair.

Having said the aforementioned, I am willing to give it a try. Supergirl and others gave some good suggestions for air drying relaxed hair. So, I feel a bit more courageous.

Infusium Leave-In
combs that are NOT seamless
blowdryers, curling irons & flat irons
Hair spray
mineral oil or petroleum
Tigi Ego Booster -tore my ends up!
permanent hair dye
curling irons/flat irons I cringe evertime I have to use one
I'm afraid to use any type of brush, for fear that it will pull most of my hair out.

I was going to buy the aphogee treatment, but I didn't like the bit about making your hair hard, I was thinking that if my hair brushed against anything it would break off.
lol this is too funny, I have a 10 gallon tupperware container and all my hair stuff still doesnt fit in it, and I dont even use half of the stuff ever, but I like having my collection "around"!

Some of my fears:
Ceramic Iron--I know its healthier for the hair and Ilove the results but Im afraid Ill become addicted to using it and become dependant on it so I rarely do...

blow dryers w/ comb attachments=big ball of hair

SURGE (of course)

DRC 28 (sort of afraid of when or how often to use)

REFINED coconut oil....(could be drying since unrefined is the right kind)



Lets Jam gel

Regular (non BONE) combs

any kind of brush

any hair accessories that snag hair

Im sure there is more but Ill stop here!!!!

I can't believe there are so many of you who are afraid of using surge. I use this stuff every day and not just surge I actually add rosemary oil to it which is also known to irritate scalps. Now I am one who developed big, nasty flakes when I used to surge twice a day with no added moisture. However now I use s-curl immediately after spraying with surge (once a day only) and I've got no problems. If you've got this stuff use it. It's great!
Re: Surge?!?!?

I was scared of surge but I got over that, and I'm scared of curling irons and blowdryers now. I'm also scared of brushes now.
Re: Surge?!?!?

dahomey, I do plan to start using my surge again. I stopped because I was getting dryness and irritation but I will try again, this time following up with a light oil on my scalp.
Re: Surge?!?!?

Im afraid of combing and brushing my dry hair....I will never attempt this again.

Heat- Im afraid my hair wont curl back up
Re: Surge?!?!?

I actually have a phony pony stuffed away in a drawer. I've worn it like twice to make my bun look bigger, but I'm afraid to wear it in public too much! I guess everyone will know it's fake, and it might break off my hair from all the pins???!!