What Are You Looking For In A Partner/so? What Do You Expect Them To Look For In A Woman?


Well-Known Member
What are you looking for (or did you look for) in a partner/SO? What do you expect them to look for in a woman?

If you have an SO, is there anything missing on either side and how do you handle/navigate it?
I would say the non negotiable top things would be
Strong faith/prayer life, considerate, and resourceful/ambitious
I feel like with those 3 qualities everything else can be 'overlooked' or worked on.

The second question I really don't know. I guess I would expect him to look for things I bring. So I wouldn't expect my SO to be with me expecting this larger than life personality because that's not me.

It will be interesting to see if someone who's SO doesn't have what they look for or who doesn't have what their so looks for because to me I would think in the dating stage incompatibility would be established and the relationship would end.
My top non-negotiables are: intelligence, family oriented, and not being complacent. I can compromise on others without feeling like I'm settling just to have someone.

Every man I've had a connection with has appreciated the way I make him think and how I mentally challenge him. That's how we first connect. It's always been that way so I expect it now.

I'm curious how people who have SOs with something missing handle it.
In him: Intelligent, ambitious, protective, generous and family oriented.
In a woman- specifically me: Intelligent, ambitious, nurturing, funny and family oriented.

Status: Single & eligible
My list (I copied and pasted from another thread): +-1 year age difference, in the STEM field, Roman Catholic/Anglican/Episcopal, makes good money and have a realistic and achievable career trajectory, provider, showers me with gifts, taller, good family background etc. I also wanted a quiet, nerdy but sociable guy because really, I don't want to be sitting at home wondering if you're on the streets lol.

In a woman: Honestly, I want a man who wants in me his best friend and lover combined in one. I want him to value that I take good care of myself. I'm ok with him being smarter, being the bread winner, being the leader etc.

I got everything I wanted in my list...
My list (I copied and pasted from another thread): +-1 year age difference, in the STEM field, Roman Catholic/Anglican/Episcopal, makes good money and have a realistic and achievable career trajectory, provider, showers me with gifts, taller, good family background etc. I also wanted a quiet, nerdy but sociable guy because really, I don't want to be sitting at home wondering if you're on the streets lol.

In a woman: Honestly, I want a man who wants in me his best friend and lover combined in one. I want him to value that I take good care of myself. I'm ok with him being smarter, being the bread winner, being the leader etc.

I got everything I wanted in my list...

What are you looking for (or did you look for) in a partner/SO? What do you expect them to look for in a woman?

If you have an SO, is there anything missing on either side and how do you handle/navigate it?
I have an SO.
What I was looking for was an educated (bachelors or better), gainfully employed, B- type man who was 5'9"+, height/ weight proportionate, wanted marriage and wanted to be a father- honest, responsible, empathetic and loyal.
What I expected them to look for (what I had to offer) was a woman who was educated, gainfully employed, interested in a partnership, who was affectionate, works on her flaws, knows how to apologize and wants to be a wife and have more children. 5'1, height and weight proportionate, enjoys sex and pleasing him, knows how to cook a few meals, cleans, etc.

What I got with my SO is a man who hit most of my categories- he is lacking responsibility. Like he literally checked most of my boxes and even boxes I didn't know I had- such as enjoying spending time with my son and caring for his parents during illnesses. Anything he is missing (or stuff that annoys me) I talk to him about it... But I really evaluate if I can just learn to live.
For example- sometimes he is playing poker and forgets to check in with me. It is VERY annoying but I am not going to end our relationship over it. He is very consistent in his responses so I just learned to adapt to him. He has also worked to get better. The real test will be football season when he is glued to the tv for HOURS at a time.
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Goals, 5' 10"+, age between 25-32, not necessarily tradtionally educated (degree) but vocational school at least OR be able to hold stimulating conversations with logical insight (see Jesse Williams). Family oriented. No kids. Chivalrous but not to the point where he wants me barefoot and pregnant but definitely wants to be a provider and protector. Open religiously.
Strong in his faith, honest, straightforward, educated or skilled, faithful, tall, no baby mama drama, patient.

Me: Strong faith, loyal, faithful, intelligent.
In a man I look for kindness primarily. I also look affection, ambition, generosity, spirituality or a faith of some kind and someone who is mentally solid, an absolute no-no is mental fragility.