What are you expecting in 08


New Member
I'm expecting God to give me an uncommon idea.

I'm expecting him to surround me with people that is going to help me fulfill my desire of making a christian movie.

I'm expecting him to just blow my mind this year.

What are you expecting?
I'm expecting for dh and I to be launched out into the ministry the Lord called us to.

I'm expecting God to use us more through our giving.

I'm expecting my children to serve the Lord with fervor and passion.

I'm expecting that my family will continue to remain healthy and strong.

I'm expecting for this forum (CF) to become the best forum on this site:yep:, with some more amazing people who love the Lord and are excited about His coming!
I'm expecting for dh and I to be launched out into the ministry the Lord called us to.

I'm expecting God to use us more through our giving.

I'm expecting my children to serve the Lord with fervor and passion.

I'm expecting that my family will continue to remain healthy and strong.

I'm expecting for this forum (CF) to become the best forum on this site:yep:, with some more amazing people who love the Lord and are excited about His coming!

I'm so glad to see your list and that you expect God to do something in 08. Without a vision the people perish.
I'm not expecting anything.

I'm tired of hearing people say "this is your/my year" etc. I have been hearing that line all my life and I'm really tired of it. :wallbash:

I feel like every time I "expect" something and try to have all my ducks in a row... nothing happens (at least happen the way I thought it would). :ohwell:

It's not even about lack of vision. For me personally, it's more about really trying to depend on God more. I'm realizing that I need help with that. I'm trying to find the line between being responsible and hard working on my part, and just depending on & trusting in God.

I'm not expecting anything anymore. There are things that I want in my life but I'm to a point where I don't even know how to ask God for it... or if I should even ask God for it. I'm just going to to invite God to come in and have his way...
I'm just going to to invite God to come in and have his way..
And, that's all God wanted to hear you say.....:yep:

Sometimes we try to do things our own way and in doing so, we find ourselves not in the position to be blessed of God. When we let God have His way in our lives, we learn to remove our wants and learn to receive because God already knows what our 'NEEDS' are.

The power of God is for ALL His children, not for a select few:yep:

Therefore, get into Position!

I'll be praying for you, sis....all is well!
I'm not expecting anything.

I'm tired of hearing people say "this is your/my year" etc. I have been hearing that line all my life and I'm really tired of it. :wallbash:

I feel like every time I "expect" something and try to have all my ducks in a row... nothing happens (at least happen the way I thought it would). :ohwell:

It's not even about lack of vision. For me personally, it's more about really trying to depend on God more. I'm realizing that I need help with that. I'm trying to find the line between being responsible and hard working on my part, and just depending on & trusting in God.

I'm not expecting anything anymore. There are things that I want in my life but I'm to a point where I don't even know how to ask God for it... or if I should even ask God for it. I'm just going to to invite God to come in and have his way...

I hear what you're saying, are you walking by faith or are you walking by sight. If you want God to really do something in your life, don't you give up on it because it didn't happen when you thought it should. Most times God don't show up when we want him to. I think he does it just to see how bad we want what we are asking him for. You know like your kids ask for stuff they really dont want it they're just asking and when you buy it for them they don't play with it to much.

So those things that you desire pray on it and God will answer you and let you know if your request is in his will, if it is in his will.

You keep on waiting on it until it shows up. But you can't wait with depression or sadness but you have to wait with ancitipation, and joy wait knowing that it will come to pass.

This year ask God to give your faith sight, without faith it is impossible to please God.

There's nothing wrong with allowing him to just do what he want to do in your life either., but don't let your heart desires go just because he didn't show up when you thought he should have.

Hang in there and keep on dreaming

Be blessed.
I take it that Dreamer and Nice & Wavy can sense my discouragement. :lol:

I guess I'm at a point in my life where (like everyone else) I've had experiences that I've prayed for certain outcomes to happen and they didn't. In fact, the exact opposite happened in many cases. During the times I prayed for them, I really felt and believed that I wanted these things in my life.

Now I'm faced with a whole new set of scenarios that have the potential to be great... at least from what I can see. That's the exciting part that wants me to be hopeful. The problem is that I am almost afraid to say "Jesus, can you do this for me or do that in this situation", because when I did those things before, the results didn't feel too good. As far as the new year is concerned... time frames seem to keep me anxious. If I start looking at all the goals that I believe I'd want to happen this year with no real idea of how it's going to come to fruition, I begin to feel doubtful and discouraged.

I have so many things in my life that I want to see a change in. It feels so overwheming that I have to turn to God. Yet at the same time, I want to be cautious and not ask for anything that ultimately is not good for me. Lately, whenever I start to try to think on these things and figure out what it is I should be praying for, I receive no clarity. I've never felt this way before: this feeling or resignation. That's why I think I'm just going to chill...
I take it that Dreamer and Nice & Wavy can sense my discouragement. :lol: Ummmm...yeah:grin:

I guess I'm at a point in my life where (like everyone else) I've had experiences that I've prayed for certain outcomes to happen and they didn't. In fact, the exact opposite happened in many cases. During the times I prayed for them, I really felt and believed that I wanted these things in my life. There are things that I too had asked for many years ago and it has not come to pass. I don't doubt God...it's either in His timing or it was not meant for me to have. There were some things that I asked for, no..that I begged for and when He allowed it and I thought it was Him giving it to me....I found out later that I was truly in a fickle and this was not from God.

Now I'm faced with a whole new set of scenarios that have the potential to be great... at least from what I can see. That's the exciting part that wants me to be hopeful. The problem is that I am almost afraid to say "Jesus, can you do this for me or do that in this situation", because when I did those things before, the results didn't feel too good. As far as the new year is concerned... time frames seem to keep me anxious. If I start looking at all the goals that I believe I'd want to happen this year with no real idea of how it's going to come to fruition, I begin to feel doubtful and discouraged. Be hopeful girl...because hope does not disappoint. Don't let fear from the enemy stop you from asking God for the things that you need...not wants, but need in your life. Sounds like you are allowing the enemy to cause some discouragement where there shouldn't be any....just trust God.

I have so many things in my life that I want to see a change in. It feels so overwheming that I have to turn to God. Yet at the same time, I want to be cautious and not ask for anything that ultimately is not good for me. Lately, whenever I start to try to think on these things and figure out what it is I should be praying for, I receive no clarity. I've never felt this way before: this feeling or resignation. That's why I think I'm just going to chill...
Like I said before, don't let the enemy discourage you. Don't put God on the back burner....let Him be Lord over your life, completely. For He has need of you to be an open vessel, meet for the Master's use and prepared for a good work!

Stay focused. Get into position. Don't get off course. Stand your ground...you are a warrior and shall conquer your enemies. A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand...and it (that thing that is holding you back) shall not come nigh you. For you shall stand and see the reward of the wicked one, who has been stealing your joy.

Don't let the enemy win...he is a loser...always has been and always will be!

I take it that Dreamer and Nice & Wavy can sense my discouragement. :lol:

I guess I'm at a point in my life where (like everyone else) I've had experiences that I've prayed for certain outcomes to happen and they didn't. In fact, the exact opposite happened in many cases. During the times I prayed for them, I really felt and believed that I wanted these things in my life.

Now I'm faced with a whole new set of scenarios that have the potential to be great... at least from what I can see. That's the exciting part that wants me to be hopeful. The problem is that I am almost afraid to say "Jesus, can you do this for me or do that in this situation", because when I did those things before, the results didn't feel too good. As far as the new year is concerned... time frames seem to keep me anxious. If I start looking at all the goals that I believe I'd want to happen this year with no real idea of how it's going to come to fruition, I begin to feel doubtful and discouraged.

I have so many things in my life that I want to see a change in. It feels so overwheming that I have to turn to God. Yet at the same time, I want to be cautious and not ask for anything that ultimately is not good for me. Lately, whenever I start to try to think on these things and figure out what it is I should be praying for, I receive no clarity. I've never felt this way before: this feeling or resignation. That's why I think I'm just going to chill...

I'm responding to the bold part. When you pray and ask God for something , it's not up to you to bring it to pass or make it happen. If it is in his will he will begin to open the doors and arrange things in your life to make it happen. If you had to dream it and pray for it, then have the idea of how when and why, why would you need God to answer the prayer you can do it on your own.

I think you're putting to much pressure on yourself and not allowing God to be God.

If you pray and God says yes to your request, if it's going back to school you go and apply and watch him move, if you don't have the money apply for the loan and watch them give you money when ordinarily they wouldn't. If it's to buy a house and you have $50.00 saved you go and pick the house out and do what you can do and leave the rest to him.

God is not expecting you to have all the answers but he is expecting you to trust him in faith that he is well able to do that which he promise unto you.

When I get the ok from God I hold him to his word, and I stand on it until it manifest. I rejoice when it doesn't look like I'm getting it. I'm waiting now on God and it has been 3 years, but he's shown himself faithful to me so many times, so I'm standing and expecting him to do what he says.

And with God it is well worth the wait.
I'm expecting restoration in 2008

Restoration, in my finances, my home, school

Its 2008,

It is time for me to enter into the ministry that God has called me for!
And all though I'm SO SO SO scared, I cant run any longer
I'm expecting restoration in 2008

Restoration, in my finances, my home, school

Its 2008,

It is time for me to enter into the ministry that God has called me for!
And all though I'm SO SO SO scared, I cant run any longer

I know how you feel, I ran and ran and ran from what God called me to do, but it wasn't until I stopped running and surrendered did I have true peace and contentment. You know what I enjoy doing what he's called me to do and he also makes me look good doing it.

Be blessed.
I am expecting a fiancee/husband because I am finally choosing to be obedient to god.

I am expecting to be able to stop working so much and spend more time with my son.

I am expecting to finally sell my house, and free up some of my money so I can be a faithful tither and not worry about if my home will forclose.

I am expecting my hair to finally reach armpit about 4inches to go!!
I am expecting that God and I will be closer than ever before and that He will help me to be more quick with speaking aloud His Word about Him loving me and being with me when I start feeling lonely or rejected.

I am expecting that every part of me will accept and adore God being my best friend so that I don't have to be sad about having hardly any friends.

I am expecting that I will be able to give even more financially to Missions work.

I am expecting that every morning I will wake up with a song of love to God on my heart or me reciting a scripture. This has been happening for the past month and I love it!

I am expecting that I will hear the Holy Spirit's promptings clearer so that I know that it's Him keeping me in check.

I am expecting that God will show me opportunities to minister to people and make people smile on a daily basis.

I am expecting that if I work my schedule around God and not cut into His time, I will find sufficient time to study for the CPA exam and pass with flying colors.
I am expecting a fiance. I don't know who/where he is, if we've met once before, or how we'll cross paths, but I know we'll end up together in 2008. I'm very serious about this matter!
I am praying for God to continue to guide me and hubby in the direction He wants us to go.

I am praying for God to continue give me knowledge, and understanding of His Holy Word.

I am praying for God to continue to use me for the purpose He has in store for me.

I don't feel right having "expectations" of God. I am here to serve and do His will and whatever He has in store for me, is for my own good.
I serve a loving and faithful God.
I am praying for God to continue to guide me and hubby in the direction He wants us to go.

I am praying for God to continue give me knowledge, and understanding of His Holy Word.

I am praying for God to continue to use me for the purpose He has in store for me.

I don't feel right having "expectations" of God. I am here to serve and do His will and whatever He has in store for me, is for my own good.
I serve a loving and faithful God.

I understand what you're saying, but we're not demanding anything from God. The bible is full of promises of God why shouldn't you expect some of those promises to manifest in your life. You can't get anything unless you'll willing to expect it to happen.

If he says he'll keep you in perfect peace, why not expect it
If he says he'll give you the desires of your heart, why not expect it
If he says he'll make your enemy your footstool, why not expect it.

When you are pregnant and expecting the baby you don't wait til the baby get's here to buy the crib.
I'm not saying in no way be disrespectful and demanding anything from God but just be in a expectation mode so when he blesses, you are ready to handle his blessing.

Thanks for posting.
I understand what you're saying, but we're not demanding anything from God. The bible is full of promises of God why shouldn't you expect some of those promises to manifest in your life. You can't get anything unless you'll willing to expect it to happen.

If he says he'll keep you in perfect peace, why not expect it
If he says he'll give you the desires of your heart, why not expect it
If he says he'll make your enemy your footstool, why not expect it.

When you are pregnant and expecting the baby you don't wait til the baby get's here to buy the crib.
I'm not saying in no way be disrespectful and demanding anything from God but just be in a expectation mode so when he blesses, you are ready to handle his blessing.

Thanks for posting.

You're more than welcome:yawn:.
I am expecting to grow spiritually which will eventually lead me to a broader audience.

I am expecting God to continue to give dh and I favor and even more in our marriage, financial affairs, and ministry.

I am expecting God to continue to use me to bless people.

I am expecting God to bring some of the things I have prayed for to come to pass.

I am expecting what some say is impossible because with God all things are possible. Q
I am expecting peace all around me

I am expecting growth in my spritual life

I am expecting the home that God has promised

I am expecting the double for my trouble

I am expecting that our ministry will grow and we will move into our new church home

I am expecting healing for my husband