What are you believing GOD for?


Well-Known Member
I know some of us have started praying on a schedule this week. Some may be doing it just to make it a habit, or to agree on one accord, or because we are believing in GOD for some things. I am doing it because I want to continue to put GOD first and because I am believing in HIM to bless me. Right now I am tired and stressed because I have a rental property that I am putting on the market but since my hubby is not here, a lot of the work is falling on me. At the same time I can't neglect my other duties as a mother, and minister. So I am believing in GOD for strength to finish and for rest, and for a quick and fair sell of the house. Actually I am believing in HIM to have it sold in 30 days and that I when I put my other house in GA on the market, it will sell the same. I will check back in and update you guys on how GOD is moving because I know hearing of HIS blessings encourage others. So put it out there and then in 30 days we can check back in, post, and rejoice for our blessings coming to pass. Q
THis is a great thread. I am believing in God to continue blessing my family. I am also believing that He will continue to guide me in producing a gospel play that I am working on. I'm believing that He will provide EVERYTHING that I need to produce the play and bring Him honor and glory and touch the lives of all who see it. I'm really excited and staying as focused as possible!!!!!

I'm also trusting God to guide me about my relationship issues. It's hard, but I have no choice.
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Yes, this is a wonderful thread! I am believing that God has a wonderful work in me. Lately I have felt like he has been calling me to a higher form of ministry, one that will hype up the young. I am still very young myself (early 20s), so I am trusting in him to move me in the direction that I need to be moved. I also believe that He wants me to stop stressing so much. I stress about everything, even other people:s problems! This prevents me from being a blessing to others.
Im beliving in GOD that he will keep me on the straight path and bless me with an ever lasting life in paradise inshallah!
I am believing God that if it is time for me to start a Doctoral progam full-time, he will provide a means for me to support myself and pay for school.