What are Three SignsThat It'sTime for a Retouch


New Member
What are Three SignsThat It\'sTime for a Retouch


I am now going to ten weeks (this weekend) post-relaxer. Thanks to the good advice on this board, I haven't really felt like it is time to retouch.

But I would like to be careful... What are the three warning signs that it is definitely time for a get a RETOUCH?

I can only think of one. For me before it was shedding at 9-10 weeks post-relaxer (no shedding now thank goodness
). Can anyone else think of other warning signs so that I could be on the lookout for them?
The minute I notice them, I will call my hairdresser to schedule an appointment! Thanks.

Re: What are Three SignsThat It\'sTime for a Retouch

Beads, Beads and more Beads!

Just kidding becuase our natural hair is beautiful also!

I think you hit on the main key the shedding...once I start to see more hair on my brush or in my comb I know it is time. I have type 4b hair so I can definitely feel my new growth coming in....basically I think if you are use to getting a touch up after a certain number of weeks you should just stick with that...even if you feel like you could go longer maybe stretch it out a week or two but no more then that. Part of keeping your hair up is getting your touch up regularly.

Good luck!
Re: What are Three SignsThat It\'sTime for a Retouch

for me, shedding and tangles. I get it real bad about wk 10 and by wk 12 I'm so tired of "babying" my newgrowth and taking forever to comb after washes and airdrying that I give up and grab the phone. I get freaked out about the stress the two textures might be causing the longer I let them clash and really notice the increase in shedding.
Re: What are Three SignsThat It\'sTime for a Retouch

increased breakage

hair that refuses to "take" a style.. no curls after a rollerset, that kinda thing
Re: What are Three SignsThat It\'sTime for a Retouch

the roots roots roots if the are kinky and curly girk is time for you to get that tuch and if its breaking and makes you conditon
Re: What are Three SignsThat It\'sTime for a Retouch

Some tension/tenderness in scalp

Itchy, dry scalp

Some breakage, from two textures

..the first two used to be my telltale signs. If I waited too long, I'd started to get the breakage
Re: What are Three SignsThat It\'sTime for a Retouch

-breakage (past 24 wks) or
-unmanageable new growth or
-just ready to get my "cute" on
(seriously though, the 2 signs above let's me know "it's time")
Re: What are Three SignsThat It\'sTime for a Retouch

For me it's the extra head that grows from my crown giving me a natural 50's beehive look and the refusal to hold a curl.
Re: What are Three SignsThat It\'sTime for a Retouch

Some tension/tenderness in scalp

Itchy, dry scalp

Some breakage, from two textures

..the first two used to be my telltale signs. If I waited too long, I'd started to get the breakage

[/ QUOTE ]

Re: What are Three SignsThat It\'sTime for a Retouch

Losing more hair than usual during comb-out when washing (hair more tangled)

Puffy roots that make it harder to roller-set

Roller-set comes out looking too thick in the root area
Re: What are Three SignsThat It\'sTime for a Retouch

This is an interesting topic because I'm used to getting my touch up after 8 weeks but now I'm thinking of stretching it to 16. This week will be 8 weeks so for the next 8 weeks I was going to wear cornrows (off course touching them up every 2 weeks since I plan to do conditioner washes everyday) Do you think jumping from 8 to 16 will cause major breakage even with the daily conditioner washes and oiling??? Sorry to hijack your post.
Re: What are Three SignsThat It\'sTime for a Retouc

For me... it is when I am unable to wear my hair down in wrap because the roots are really FAT. UHHHHHH, I hate this especially now that I have my hair cut it needs to be permed more often. I am going to try to go 10 weeks instead of my usual 14-16 weeks.
Re: What are Three SignsThat It\'sTime for a Retouc

I think like everyone else said shedding, breakage and when you seriously can't put a comb through your dry roots without alomst breaking the comb and you hair these are all signs but since I have started using oil in my roots more often, I feel better. I am on week 7 now and haven't done this in years. I have been the 5 or 6 week wonder for many years but I think this will help my hair get thicker and have more body. I just wanted to ask: My hair dresser said that you shouldn't go more than 8 weeks without a relaxer, but from what I've seen on this board and other places, the people with the longest hair(also the healthiest) wait a lot longer than 8 weeks and many of you have the same hair texture that I have. So is this just another thing hair dressers are taught to tell clients?
Re: What are Three SignsThat It\'sTime for a Retouch


Some ladies that were able to extend their times between relaxers slowly progressed to that type of extension of time. Others just make it a week by week decision--depending on the condition of their hair. If their hair is breaking and completely unmanageable, even with the proper tools and products, then they may finally relax. So I guess the choice to extend is based upon how much you can manage your hair with the two different textures. Sounds like you have a pretty good plan to extend it by wearing cornrows. Be careful that your stays moist....

Re: What are Three SignsThat It\'sTime for a Retouch

Thanks Candycane.

I guess I will play it by ear between the weeks that I take the cornrows out and see if it is breaking or shedding to determine if to go ahead and touch up.

I told my sister what I was going to do and she said did u ask your hairdresser about that...and I'm like why would I do that......LHCF knows more about haircare than her.
Re: What are Three SignsThat It\'sTime for a Retouc

I was thinking aobut this very thing -- is it better to wait or to go ahead and relax so as to save hair? I mean what's the purpose of stretching out relaxers if we are losing a lot of hair in the process? The other thing is my new growth is so soft because of the castor oil and I guess the MSM. I also recently discovered Africas Best and that gives so much slip, when I couple that with Le Kair with aloe cholesterol -- I could easily go without a touch-up except for all the hair on the bathroom floor. This is very confusing to me.
Re: What are Three SignsThat It\'sTime for a Retouch

-----------thread corrupt -----------

OK, I couldn't resist watching a conversation between Kandyland and Candycane

Re: What are Three SignsThat It\'sTime for a Retouch

Is it true that the longer your hair gets, the longer you can go between touch ups cause thats how it is for me. Cause I just went to the hairdresser for a wash and flat iron and my hair looks like i just got a relaxer...Maybe b/c its getting heavier and heavier, its pulling the hair more downwards...?
Re: What are Three SignsThat It\'sTime for a Retouch

yes its true because you have more versatility to hide it and like u said it gets heavier and heavier. i know i need a t-up when my scalp is dry and tender and i shed more and i can wear my hear down without looking like a helmet head.