What are the dos and don'ts of using hair gel?

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
Last Sunday I used IC Sparklelite gel on my plaits to flatten out the fly aways and hide the dried out looking hair. I did not rinsed it out, brushed it out or washed my hair since that day. Yesterday I finally removed the plaits that I've been rocking for weeks (without washing my hair in a few weeks), put conditioner (Giovanni Tea Tree) on each section, untangled only the ends to avoid knots (especially since the hair was super tangled and dry) and brushed the hell out of the hair (only the surface) into a bun last night. Man, this is why I work out my bicepts and tricepts, for this one moment when I have to put all that hair in a bun.

I should wash and DC today but einh, too cold...

OK, OK, I'll get to the point...how long can I leave the gel in my hair with no worries? Maybe I'll wash my hair during the week but I can't confirm nor deny that this will happen LOL.

When I first took down the first plait, I tried to brush some gel out, cuz it was dry and crispy and as soon as I saw some short hairs on the floor I stopped and applied the DC and spritzed it with some water to soften it up.

What are the dos and don'ts ladies before I jack up this hair?
If I use gel, I mix it with aloe vera gel.. the ratio 40% gel and 60% aloe.. that way I don't get the flakes when I brush it out and aloe does a great job as a gel also.. HTH
Naturals and Gels:

1. DO use it when your hair is damp/wet---says so on the instructions and is the best way to use it.

2. Do reactivate gel with water--freshens twist or gel treated hair and makes curls "pop"

3. Do use brown gel--I USED TO HATE BROWN GEL in high school..(but I was also relaxed and it was a taboo)I threw out a whole container of KCCC, Design Essentials and Pro-Claim cuz they made my hair flaky and left white ish all in it...brown gel for dark hair(makes sense to me). Try to stay clear of protein gels if ur hair is protein sensitive(mine isn't).

4. DON"T brush gel dried hair---that is breakage city. Dampen the hair to remove excess gel---or use a comb to distribute it better.

5. Do wash hair with/shampoo or baking soda if u are a heavy geller--especially if it is silicone laden.

6. DO read the ingredients---know what gels work best for your hair---clear gels are a no go for me...I stopped with all of them cuz they make my hair flaky.

7. DO add a primer(creamy or liquid leave in) when using gel--keeps it from getting too hard. Plus if you use "too" much gel...add more water and it will soften the hold of the gel.

8. DO pay attention to the hold strength of your gel--some gels are for making spikes, others simply enhance hair's natural curl pattern.

9. DO experiment with gel---don't be discourage because one brand didn't work. I tried like 6 different ones until I found one that didn't flake, wasn't too crunchy and makes my twistouts "pop"....and it is one of the 5 things I use for my hair now.

I am using Fantasia IC Thick N Shine Styling Gel with Silk, Wheat & Keratin Proteins. It is cheap, effective and my hair likes it.

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Also gel works well when u are a finger styler...I don't recommend using a comb either to style gel dried hair....basically working with gel in dry hair is a bad look.

I haven't had any gel snafus since I use it on damp/wet hair. My hair is 4a/b and is medium/thick in texture. I know some fine strand ladies don't like it cuz it is heavy. I love gel cuz it weighs down my coils without being greasy.
Naturals and Gels:

1. DO use it when your hair is damp/wet---says so on the instructions and is the best way to use it.

2. Do reactivate gel with water--freshens twist or gel treated hair and makes curls "pop"

3. Do use brown gel--I USED TO HATE BROWN GEL in high school..(but I was also relaxed and it was a taboo)I threw out a whole container of KCCC, Design Essentials and Pro-Claim cuz they made my hair flaky and left white ish all in it...brown gel for dark hair(makes sense to me). Try to stay clear of protein gels if ur hair is protein sensitive(mine isn't).

4. DON"T brush gel dried hair---that is breakage city. Dampen the hair to remove excess gel---or use a comb to distribute it better.

5. Do wash hair with/shampoo or baking soda if u are a heavy geller--especially if it is silicone laden.

6. DO read the ingredients---know what gels work best for your hair---clear gels are a no go for me...I stopped with all of them cuz they make my hair flaky.

7. DO add a primer(creamy or liquid leave in) when using gel--keeps it from getting too hard. Plus if you use "too" much gel...add more water and it will soften the hold of the gel.

8. DO pay attention to the hold strength of your gel--some gels are for making spikes, others simply enhance hair's natural curl pattern.

9. DO experiment with gel---don't be discourage because one brand didn't work. I tried like 6 different ones until I found one that didn't flake, wasn't too crunchy and makes my twistouts "pop"....and it is one of the 5 things I use for my hair now.

I am using Fantasia IC Thick N Shine Styling Gel with Silk, Wheat & Keratin Proteins. It is cheap, effective and my hair likes it.


I usually do #2
I made the mistake of doing #4 and stopped immediately!
#5 Not sure if my gel is silicone laden but will check
I always do #7
#8 gel is needed for curl pattern (only to slick back buns)

Well...I feel a lil' better. I hope it's OK to do a protein treatment after washing out the gel cuz I will be doing so today :perplexed

Thank you very much, great info!
Naturals and Gels:

1. DO use it when your hair is damp/wet---says so on the instructions and is the best way to use it.

2. Do reactivate gel with water--freshens twist or gel treated hair and makes curls "pop"

3. Do use brown gel--I USED TO HATE BROWN GEL in high school..(but I was also relaxed and it was a taboo)I threw out a whole container of KCCC, Design Essentials and Pro-Claim cuz they made my hair flaky and left white ish all in it...brown gel for dark hair(makes sense to me). Try to stay clear of protein gels if ur hair is protein sensitive(mine isn't).

4. DON"T brush gel dried hair---that is breakage city. Dampen the hair to remove excess gel---or use a comb to distribute it better.

5. Do wash hair with/shampoo or baking soda if u are a heavy geller--especially if it is silicone laden.

6. DO read the ingredients---know what gels work best for your hair---clear gels are a no go for me...I stopped with all of them cuz they make my hair flaky.

7. DO add a primer(creamy or liquid leave in) when using gel--keeps it from getting too hard. Plus if you use "too" much gel...add more water and it will soften the hold of the gel.

8. DO pay attention to the hold strength of your gel--some gels are for making spikes, others simply enhance hair's natural curl pattern.

9. DO experiment with gel---don't be discourage because one brand didn't work. I tried like 6 different ones until I found one that didn't flake, wasn't too crunchy and makes my twistouts "pop"....and it is one of the 5 things I use for my hair now.

I am using Fantasia IC Thick N Shine Styling Gel with Silk, Wheat & Keratin Proteins. It is cheap, effective and my hair likes it.


i TOTALY AGREE.... Myhair loves it! especially when primed first lots and lots of it, it actually was one of the reasons i maintained my length prior heat damage!
I had a bad experience with Let's Jam Gel several years back- so I don't use it at all.

What Happened I have some left and would like to avoid an issues!

When I used it before I cut my hair (I don't really use it at this point until I pop my phony pony's back on) I'd just apply it to dry hair, because I wanted to keep the tips dry I'd put it on the edges and an ample amount of EcoStyle Brown gel only gel I've really used for my PHony Pony's. I never comb or brush gelled hair, I wash it similiar to when I have the APhogee 2 step very carefully. HOnestly I washed it when I packed more gel in and it looked gruesome. LOL, I didn't have any problems with dry hair or breakage, just build up.

Right now I use a light gel like Designer Touch for my front edges only and only a finger tip because I don't want to waste any product.
I tried gel for the first time last night. I'm 7 months post and I wanted a nice neat bun. It worked (see siggy). I used Ecostlyer gel (clear). Now,I have a better idea as to what to do tonight...thanks OP for this thread.