WHat are the best butters?


Well-Known Member
Ladies please post what you like and dislike about butters, whether or not they work good raw natural state or they need softening, mixing with other ingredients, and how they work on your hair and/or skin?

Personally my all time fav right now is avocado butter, you can use it without any mixing or whipping, it's soft and melts into your hair, and works great, I'm thinking of trying Kokum butter or macadamia nut butter, any reviews would be helpful. I had prob's using raw unmixed shea butter, it's very hard, and difficult to use.
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Avocado butter is my favorite too. It's soft and it melts in your hands. As long as FNWL doesn't send my gritty avocado butter, then I'm happy.

Aloe butter is my 2nd favorite, it's even softer and melts quickly. It's also cheaper than the avocado butter.

I also use the avocado and aloe butter on my face as well.

I don't like shea butter at all. It's too thick, it doesn't spread or melt easily, and it has that peculiar smell to it that I don't like.
I loooove avocado! It is absorbed by the hair also and helps the hair to retain moisture.
I love the whipped shea butter by Shescentit. It's fluffy & creamy at the same time. I just ordered the Green Tea butter by Hairveda, so I'm looking forward to trying it.
where do you ladies buy your butter?

Co-signing on the above and adding:


Snow Drift Farm also sells a Pistachio Butter I'm thinking about trying.

Shea Butter is too hard for me too so I melt it with a little bit of liquid oil (EVOO, Fractionated Coconut Oil, Jojoba oil, or Castor oil). I've gotten good results from all of them.

I just started using Avocado Butter and I really like it. It's been very helpful during this cold dry weather. It seals the moisture in well.

I've used Aloe Butter too and I noticed on my container it's a mix of Coconut Oil and Aloe. My hair doesn't like Aloe Vera by itself, but it doesn't mind the Aloe Butter.

A little OT, a gritty butter can be remedied. It just needs to be remelted and remixed while it's cooling. If I notice my butter is gritty then I scoop it into a Pyrex measuring cup, and melt it in the microwave on Low-power in 10-30 sec increments. Once completely melted, I stir it while it's cooling. Once cool and solid, I scoop it back into its original container. No more grit. :yep:
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I love Avocado and Hemp butters. Both are creamy and very moisturizing. I used to not like Shea Butter, but I think I didn't like the refined variety. I'm using up this one Shea Butter mix my mum gave me and it melts right into my fingers and hair.

I'm sure if I could find some unrefined shea butter, I would be a lot happier.
I'll take any butter good for the hair raw and unrefined for under 10.00 Alex...:lachen::lachen::grin:

I have tried shea, sweet almond and the mango by elasta QP. I think I like the shea the most so far. I want to try the mango butter raw and the avocado.
I'll take any butter good for the hair raw and unrefined for under 10.00 Alex...:lachen::lachen::grin:

I have tried shea, sweet almond and the mango by elasta QP. I think I like the shea the most so far. I want to try the mango butter raw and the avocado.

Mango butter raw is really hard and grainy, you'd have to mix it with something or whip it to get it soft and smooth enough to use. How was the sweet almond butter? was it raw?
Mango butter raw is really hard and grainy, you'd have to mix it with something or whip it to get it soft and smooth enough to use. How was the sweet almond butter? was it raw?

Yeah, I got it from from nature with love. I got the 4oz because I didn't know if I would like it. It definetly melts a lot better. Yeah the shea is thick but I usually melt it in my hand before I put it in my hair. And because it's so thick you only need a little and it lasts longer that way.
i like pure shea. it meets all my needs. i like it in the thick, thick paste form. i want to try whipped shea next....
I absolutely :infatuated: sweet almond butter, it makes my hair supersoft. I've also tried macademia butter and I like it too. I purchased some other butters from FNWL (avocado, pistachio and mango) but I haven't used them yet.
I Love Hairveda's Green Tea butter its very moisturizing and it smells good.
Thanks for posting about this butter, I just ordered it.

I agree avocado is hands down the best.

I like shea because its good for controling my hair in twists or when I brush it back due to it's stiffness. I think mango butter would be good for the same reason.
aloe butter sounds good Im trying that next my avocado butters finished.
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I love Avocado butter. I have coarse 4b hair and this is the only butter that really loosen my tightly coiled hair.

I also have a aloe and shea butter mix that I sometimes use. That is the only way that I can use shea butter. My hair does not like it in the pure form.
yeah I had alot of trouble with raw shea butter too it was hard. I like it whipped mixed with other stuff so it melts into my hair.
I ordered aloe butter to try this time. Is aloe butter pretty much the same ingredients from one company to another?
I ordered form snowdrift instead of FNWL b/c they were much cheaper once you add the shipping costs. So the aloe butter would be about the same right?
I have bought all of my hair butters from http://www.camdengrey.com

I have tried the following butters:
palm red

I have liked most of these. I especially like avocado, almond, jojoba, and sunflower.
I jus recently purchased some Cupuacu butter from gardenstatenaturals.com. It hasnt came yet, but ive read so much about it. I think it has natural ceramide properties from the description of it and its also an ingredient in the Kan Kanechomn Karite Butter conditioner..... Im always searching for ceramides... I cant wait to try this butter on my hair:lick: