What are the benefits of conditioner washes???


New Member
I'v been searching to look for your responses about conditioner washes. I see that a lot of you do conditioner washes but I want to know exactly what does it do for your hair? How often do you wash it? What conditioner do you use to wash your hair? I'm trying to repair my hair, but I'm not sure if this will do my hair any good.
My hair was badly damaged and thin.

Conditioner washes helped me turn that around. They have kept my hair moisturized.

My hair is thicker more healthy. I do them every night and air dry in a pontail.
You can do a conditioner wash every night like Crystena77 said. I don't do them as often, but I do like to do them on random days when my hair doesn't need to be "shampooed", but I want to rinse it and freshen it up or my ends look like they could use some conditioning. It definitely keeps your hair soft and moisturized, but your hair also feels clean. I think I do them more during the winter than in the summer, because of they dryness of weather. They're like mini-deep conditions.

You can use any conditioner that you like. I actually did one last night with some leftover Biosilk Conditioner, since I needed to finish the bottle. Lekair Cholesterol might be a good one since you can buy it in large sizes and it's not that expensive. Pantene smooth and Sleek, Clairol 5x Renewal, and Motions Moisture Plus are good also.They also give a lot of slip(detangling help)when you rinse. Basically you're looking for conditioners that give you moisture boosts. I know there was a thread where everyone listed some of their favorites, so it might help to look for that one.

After I finish I also air dry my hair in a bun or french braid.
Welcome Elisa!

I am a daily co washer even while I am in braids.
The benefits I get from daily washing are less shedding, softer hair with more body, faster hair growth(because of the scalp stimulation)and little or no breakage.

I use just about any conditioner when doing this. My favs are any VO5 conditioner, Garnier Fructise 3 min masque, Loreal Unfrizz Smoothing Treatment and Clairol 5x's Renewal.
Conditioner washes have been really good for my hair as well. My hair stays softer and it is more moisturized. I try to do them everyday but lately since its been so cold, ive only been dampening my hair with water and spraying Hawaiian silky no drip curl activator and doing conditioner washes when I don't have to leave the house. I use VO5 and Suave Naturals Coconut right now. But after the rest of my conditioners run out which will probably be by this spring, Im going back to using Pantene R&N, garnier 3 min masque, and will continue using VO5 Strawberries n Cream. I would like to try Garnier Fructis Smoothing Hair Milk, Herbal Essences Fruit Fusions and one of their clarifying shampoos. Oh yeah i also notice less frizz as well and my hair stays curly longer
I just cannot figure out how those of you that do these type of washes can find the time! Even though my hair is baby fine it is VERY porous so it holds onto water forever! It would take over 24 hours for my hair to airdry and it takes over and hour and a half (sometimes longer) under a hooded dryer.
And it is too cold in Ohio to walk around with a wet head!
I can imagine not doing my daily co washes. I love the way my hair looks and feels afterward. Love the smell too. My hair has gotten so much fuller and responds well to all the daily moisture. The condition of my hair has improves to much since July 2003 when I first started co washes. The weather is not a factor for me I do my co washes in the evening and it is not a problem. Air dry always. It is not like we are standing out in the cold. I live in NJ. Not a problem.
It really doesn't take me long at all. I just get in the shower, rinse my head and kind of massage my scalp for probably 3 or 4 minutes. Then I apply the conditioner, put a plastic cap on my head and do all my other shower stuff. When I'm done with that I rinse from head to toe. Once I get out, I put in whatever oil or moisturizer I want and pull it back into the bun. It probably adds 10 extra minutes to my shower time at the most.

You can do it at night also, if you want it to dry some before going out. I just wrap it in a satin scarf before bed. The next morning my hair is already done. I just run a comb over the top to smooth it.
Also, regarding the benefits of conditioner washes in between your regular washes, in addition to moisture I feel the conditioner helps to rinse away some of the buildup, allowing your products to work better, etc.
I am completely no-poo (meaning I use no shampoo whatsoever) and my hair is loving me for it. I usually wash with Suave daily clarifying conditioner or aloe vera conditioner. I've found that the amount of frizziness at my crown has improved significantly, along with all those random flyaway hairs that keep your buns/ponytails from looking "smooth." In order to keep my hair clean, I do an ACV rinse once a week or so. I love it - the only time I will have my hair shampooed is if I'm getting it done and it is shampooed for me. Otherwise, I don't feel that I need it.
My hair loves it too...

Shampoo was too drying for me...I ended up adding so much stuff to my hair in order for it to feel moisterized and elastic afterwards...that I felt like I had to SHAMPOO again just for to feel clean and less goopy...

Conditioner did that...my hair is clean, yet moisterized and stretchy...

Conditioner washes saved my hair through my transition to natural too...the permed ends remained soft and did not get brittle and break from the natural hair...I was able to keep the permed ends as long as I needed to...until I got the length I wanted.
I'm another lover of conditioner washes (curly girl routine). My hair is soft and moisturized after air drying without needing additional products. I love it! I've been on a modified CG routing (shampooing 1-2 times per month) since October 2002....over a year, but I plan to eliminate shampoo altogether. I don't need it. I also want to start using the brown sugar recipe for the scalp, the baking soda spray to remove build-up, and the lemon/acv to rinse out the conditioner/oil. I was using acv/water to clarify before I knew about Curly Girl, but I want to try other methods that don't involve clarifying shampoos/conditioners.
Conditoner washes have help me with moisturizing my hair. I have never been a fan of getting my hair washed with poo ( when I was little I used to think shampoo in my eyes would make me blind
) SO I never between visits to my hair stylist until I found LHCF
I've been conditioner washing for about a year now. It has definatly made a big improvement in my hair. Usually I do one every other day, or whenever my hair feels dry. My favortie conditioner was motions, it made my hair really soft and silky. I recently switched to a different conditioner and I don't really like the results. After I rinse the condtioner i comb out my hair right there in the shower and then let the water push it back so i can put it in a bun. I've been using ORS olive oil cream and it's been working really well for me. Normally I've been using a variety of after wash hairdressings. Jojoba oil, ORS olive oil spray, more conditioner, etc...