what are the benefits of cod liver oil?


New Member
and ginger? I bought some this weekend.

Hey, I am taking cod liver oil, to help keep my hair thick, I dont know about ginger, I take mine with yogurt and honey, Are you talking about applying it to the hair or drinking it?
, It is suppose to help with hair growth too, and make it shiny and thicker, I am not taking it daily but I really need to,

Cod liver oil has fair amounts of Vitamin A (preformed kind) and Vitamin D. Be sure to check your label. It's also a good source of essential fatty acids, specifically Omega 3's. You just don't want to overdo it with cod liver oil. And, remember it is derived from the cod's liver...not a great source in terms of purity. You might want to choose Carlson specifically for this reason. It's some of the best. Same thing with their fish body oils.

With the ginger, for your hair specifically, it is fairly stimulating and encourages moisture retention. It's also excellent for immunity and when you have an actual cold/flu to ease it a bit.

I started taking cod liver oil over a year ago to prevent colds. Last winter was the first winter that I didnt get at least one cold. It wasnt until recently that I learned that it is good to moisturize and soften the hair from within. I also take Flaxseed and Evening Primrose Oils for this reason.
hey you two, thanks for responding
I was taking it because I read somewhere that it helps your skin. But knowing that it helps hair too is even better.