What are steam rollers?


New Member
What are steam rollers, how do they work, are they damaging like a curling iron, will they make heat styled hair frizz, and are they the same thing as hot curlers?
They are rollers that you put on a steamer. Do a search of Caruso?

They don't damage but they tend to frizz coarse hair unless you use end papers on the rollers.

I used to like them. I stopped using them when my hair got in that in-between phase which means it is too long to wear curly curly and too short to have a white girl flip with curls.
I've never heard of anyone using them on wet hair. I just used mine last night. My hair came out great. I have thick 4B hair, but I also have a fairly new relaxer so I think that helped. I used it once when I was about 8 weeks post and it did not come out too great.. thick root sydrom!

Once the roller is hot, I shake the excess water off then roll from the very tip. Roll the whole head up, leave for about 15 min, remove and beatiful soft boncy curls. I think it's actually healthy for the hair. It's not direct heat is steam.
Do you still need to use a setting lotion or will a leave-in be fine. I am thinking about purchasing a set.
When I'm using my Caruso set the most I'll do is moisturise before. If you use a setting lotion your hair will be wet and take much longer to dry so I don't think that's advisable.