What are clarifing shampoo are you using?

I decided in my own little brain that a kids swimmer's shampoo would be a great gentle clarifying shampoo.

What do you think?

I use circle of friends swimmers shampoo. Its great. Gentle and very cleansing. I use it every wash on my sons locs

I really dont mind having my hair stripped by shampoo so I use neutrogena anti residue to clarify.
I always pre-poo with an oil and do a massage before I clarify. That may have something to do with it. My hair is never dry. Always feels great even before deep conditioning.

i had clarified on saturday and prepooed with coconut oil the night before and diluted the quantum in a applicator bottle less than half a ounce and still felt do dry especially on the new growth Angelicus
Yes Lilmama1011, all cleansing shampoos strip my hair and make it tangly. I've tried a range of shampoos with the same result. I now dilute to save myself the hassle.

i had clarified on saturday and prepooed with coconut oil the night before and diluted the quantum in a applicator bottle less than half a ounce and still felt do dry especially on the new growth divachyk
Lilmama1011, I've tried Quantum (stripped), Kenra Clarifying (stripped), ORS Aloe (stripped) to just name a few. I like HV Amala Deep because it's handmade although I must dilute it as well. A great cleanser that's a step down from clarifying that gets the hair nice & clean without stripping is HV Amala Cream Rinse. It's more of a co-cleanse. I do not dilute that one. Perfect, soft hair every time. I only use Amala Deep when I really need a deep cleansing. ETA: Hairitage Hydration's Dark Honey is a great cleanser that I don't dilute. I feel in order of cleansing between the 3 --- Amala Deep (diluted), HH Dark Honey (not diluted), HV Amala Cream (not diluted).
Lilmama1011, I've tried Quantum (stripped), Kenra Clarifying (stripped), ORS Aloe (stripped) to just name a few. I like HV Amala Deep because it's handmade although I must dilute it as well. A great cleanser that's a step down from clarifying that gets the hair nice & clean without stripping is HV Amala Cream Rinse. It's more of a co-cleanse. I do not dilute that one. Perfect, soft hair every time. I only use Amala Deep when I really need a deep cleansing. ETA: Hairitage Hydration's Dark Honey is a great cleanser that I don't dilute. I feel in order of cleansing between the 3 --- Amala Deep (diluted), HH Dark Honey (not diluted), HV Amala Cream (not diluted).

thanks so much, that was very helpful
I use clarifying shampoo to get all the crap out. Yes my hair feels a little rough (but never dry... I'm rinsing well with water, sometimes even prepping the DC by using a moisturizing shampoo). I make my deep conditioner do all the softening work, to be honest. It actually doesn't matter what clarifying shampoo I use... if my deep conditioner is garbage, my whole regimen falls apart. I hope that makes sense.
Right now I use Suave Daily Clarifying because it's cheap. It dries my hair a bit though.

I use to use ORS Creamy Aloe and I loved it but it's a bit pricey.
herbal essences daily balancing shampoo. smells great ,foams quickly, doesnt strip and rinses easily. everything a girl needs. also its accessible and cheap
I'm leaning towards the VO5 kiwi, giovanni 50/50, Ion hardwater shampoo, and ORS Aloe(I never knew that clarified hair before, i think i used that a while back....)