What Am I Doing?


Well-Known Member
I met this guy on line recently, and we have gone out a few times. Even though he has nice qualities, and some of the wants I have been wanting in a relationship, I'm not really feeling him. I haven't made a clean break because he has good qualities and I don't want to regret it later. The thing is I do not have any romantic feelings for him and he does for me. He calls me and texts all the time. He wants to spend a lot of time together, and this all would be cool if I was feeling him like that.

He has noticed that I don't seem that interested but, he still stays around. I should probably cut it off at this point. The problem right now is we are supposed to go to an event that he has already purchased tickets for. Should I just go to this and then end it?
I think you should go. He already purchased tickets. Also this will give him one more chance to see if you're certain that you cant like this guy.
You are using him...Stop be honest with him and yourself..
The only reason you thanked runway was because she said what you wanted to hear>
What is it that you think you don't like? Is it the lack of physical attraction? Or is he just not "thug" enough for you? Do tell?
Perhaps he can find someone else to go with him to the event.

I think you should let him know how you feel.
I just recently got out of the exact same situation. I ended because he just wasn't what I was looking for. We met online, we went out a few times and he wanted a relationship with me. I just wasn't feeling him like that no matter how hard I tried. He had some of what I was looking for, but I just couldn't develop romantic feelings for him. I kept telling him this but he stilled wanted to try. I feel so much more relieved that its over instead of staying and trying to force it. I say end it now and don't waste any more of his time or yours. Hopefully he can find someone else to go with.

The guy I was dating text me the other day and asked for his mixed CD back. :lachen: