
New Member
Do I have the wrong strength relaxer? Am I not smoothing sufficiently? Do I need to leave it on for a freaky amount of time? Is my hair just THIS resistant??!! I don't understand why time and time again my hair REFUSED to straighten!! I'm gonna try this again t'night (it's been about 3 months i'd say, i've been wearing braids) Please...any last minutes suggesions? I thought that mild was about the same if you left it on for as long!! i have affirm mild and my hair is 4a/b and VERY thick. What should I do?? And how should my strand test turn out since your hair is not supposed to dry bone straight? Should i roller set that one section, blow dry it, or what? How much effort does it take to get your hair straight?? Please help! I'm desperate!!
Do you use permanent hair color? I don't know if you know this, but mild is mainly for women who color their hair. Before I went back to coloring my hair I used resisant or regular-I just left this on a littl bit longer then required because most stylist would tell me no one needs to use resisant or super. Maybe you could leaving it on 5-15 mins longer and see how this works. If it doesn't work go to a professional or have someone you trust help you put your relaxer in.

Good Luck
Check out the How To's thread. There is a step by step for relaxing that you can compare your method to - to see if your doing anything wrong. It is post # 18 by Mindymouse. HTH!
are you using a lye or no lye relaxer? Ive heard the hair tends to come out straighter quicker with a lye relaxer. Also maybe you should get it done by a professional once in a while. If you are content with doing it yourself i would just maybe look at another relaxer brand/type... maybe thats the problem.
I have very thick 4b hair and Affirm mild does nothinhg for me, I even use the one for Resistant hair. Maybe you should try the regular one at least. HTH
I tried the regular one, but the stylist left it on for such a short time, it didn't get bone straight, but I didn't mind that much. This time she used the resistant one and left it on for a very short time, and it got straight and I didn't burn.
Hmm...when I get the money, I would like to try that since I don't want to give up the quality line of affirm. Do you know about how long you had to leave the regular one on?