What am I doing wrong (pics included)


New Member
Okay so whats the point of having natural hair if i always cover it up with wigs or weaves....
These are my attempts at a wash and go can anyone tell what im doing wrong? And whats my hair type the first pics are semi dry hair with a little conditioner left on it...




I think you are at an awkward length. Have you ever tried to pull your wash and go into a puff?
when i do my wash and go i usually don't detangle but if i do i use a comb.. do u use a leave in or something? i rinse and then put some more condish in it and then seal with my spritz and airdry
Maybe you
should try Bantu Knots,
braids outs, twists if
was n go's are not working
for you...
I think it looks cute like that!!

When I do wash n go's, if I want curl definition, I can't use a comb or denman. I do use the denman for detangling, but I fingercomb when doing wash n go's. It gives me way better curl definition.

So, my routine goes like this:wash with conditioner, fingercomb conditioner in, rinse, fingercomb leave in in, smooth or fingercomb gel in, wrap head (or you can plop) with Curlease towel or tshirt to catch dripping water, and then let air dry the rest of the way.

Might not work for you, but it works for me. You might also want to try shingling.
My attempt at a braidout wasn't so great either..I'm in between sl and apl but when it dried this is what it looked like..I also left some conditioner in their..anyone know my hair type
Christyb - your hair is very pretty. try headbands, combs, scarfs anything to play with it and jazz it up. use different products and maybe you will get the look you want. most of all enjoy your hair - it looks great to me.
It looks great to me but it looks like it has been manipulated too much to curl and clump up if that is what you are looking for.
Just like someone stated earlier, when doing a WnG, I do not manipulate my hair with a denman. I only use it to detangle during the wash and condition process, not to style.

In fact I never understood why some ladies make a project of a wash and go. Just wash and go.:lachen:I just leave a little conditioner in my hair and put a headband on. Done.
Your hair is beautiful. I don't care for the hair typing but according to the chart I would say a 3bc with some 4a.
I would say a 4a but I'm no expert. Don't give up we all have to find what our hair likes. I like your twist out. I think it would have looked really cute with a side part and a hair jewel/flower.

Try finger combing your wash and go and see how it goes. Also try the Pantene Curls con, I hear that works great.
Mmmm I wish I had ur hair, my natural hair is kinda short and I still got my permed hair on ends too cant cut now. Anyways your hair is pretty, try curl keeper and carefree curl moisturizer they r both water based. Curl keeper should be good for a wash and go, just put it in section wet hair and style it :) Try it you'll love it :D I hope.
My wash and go is simple. Wet hair put some coconut conditioner (I use Organix) don't wash the conditoner out (you can, but I don't) I part my hair and go. My hair curlsand it looks so cute.
you can always try cornrolling or flat twisitng for a more uniform curl shape when you tke them out. Maybe experiment with leave ins?
Looks like you are a 4a.
I have cottony hair like you and our hair will look wooly sometimes. What I have noticed with our hair type, you need a heavy product to help with the clumping. I cannot slick back my hair, it doesn't do that at all. It is best to know what we have and work on our strengths.

I would suggest, a conditioning gel, I have tried Shine, curl activator gel, it helps with my 4 a hair to clump better. I just co-wash, apply the gel and shake my hair when it was your length. Now, since my hair has grown and I work with what I have*key* my wash in gos are much simpler. I don't need a gel now, I just wash and apply a light oil and be gone. Also, using cone-free products has helped my hair to get more definition and clump. hth!
I would say try the kinky curly on sopping wet hair. My daughter is 4A and I use the denman with Kinky curly and it curls every time. If that doesn't do it, your hair just may not be the clumping type. I have a weave in my siggy but I have natural hair and it does not clump. I have tried everything under the sun. It is 4B. It does not clump. There is this belief that if you can just find the right product..........but I am not so convinced of that. Like someone said on here, work with what you got.
Christy, for sure your pix are too big-distorting the heck outta my screen but I see nothing wrong with your hair-looks pretty to me.