what about the broken off edges in the back of your head?!?


New Member
in the back of my head.. above my neck ... that hair is always short and breaking.. how do i protect that hair.. like wen i wear a pony tail i have to bobbypin those loose hairs up to stay in place.. n right now im sitting under the dryer n they r getting dry n brittle... help plz!

Make sure to apply a moisturizing leave in before or after your set. If they're dry a brittle it sounds like you need more moisture, HTH.
I have the same problem, but now I'm using different products on that area only, mostly heavier moisturizing stuff. Like butters.
I always triple moisturize, and I leave that area down. I don't bother pulling it up until it's long enough to actually 'stick' with the rest of my hair. It's the loosest section of my hair - so it's mostly little flyaway curlies, anyhow.
I try to give them a 'richer' moisture too - something that might be a little too heavy for the rest of my hair - I find that they tend to be finer, but they prefer heavy stuff.