What about the bits that are too short to get in the baggie?


Active Member
Hi Ladies

I am very excited about the progress my hair has made. I have been baggying for some months now (wearing my hair in a bunned baggied day AND night continuously) and am AMAZED at the results. It seems like every single hair on my head has thickened up.

The only problem I have is the whole top front and sides of my head are considerably shorter than the rest of my hair since I had layers cut years ago and some are really short where they used to continuously break. I really want them to get down to shoulder length but since some of the hairs are t0o short to fit in the baggie I think this has slowed down my retaining length in this area.

I was wondering what any of you fellow baggiers with layers / broken bits on top have done to reslove this problem, have you tried an all-over baggie i.e. wore a plastic cap over your head overnight every night does it work? I am thinking of trying this.
This was a big problem for me. The all over baggie was tried but i felt clostaphobic. So I played with my shea butter recipe. Basically my shorties get more. once too twice a day all hair not fitting into baggie gets a nice saturation of butter and then a spray of water. This has kept the shorties and new growth just as soft and I have reduced breakage in those area's. The baggied braids only get butter twice a week and a spray. Less when it was cooler out. So my build up is nonexsistant on my longer hair and the new growth is so exposed to wind and rain it does not build up either. I do believe I am now retaining all new growth. :)