Wet Buns


Well-Known Member
Okay, I have a question for those who dry their hair in a bun. How do you detangle and put hair up without breakage? I just tried doing a 'wet bun', and it felt like I was pulling my hair out. I could hear strands snapping and there was so much hair left in the comb. Oh, btw, I used Infusium 23 to detangle after co-washing with Sauve Citrus Smoothie. I also used coconut oil around the edges. Maybe the products I'm using aren't good for wet buns, or maybe I'm supposed to skip detangling? Y'all, please help!
Although i don't necessary dry my hair in a bun, i do dry it in braids.
For me, the wet buns DID NOT WORK, i was snapping my hair left and rite (my stylist even pointed that out to me). I detangle my hair, then i braid it in 2 plaits. I put a scarf on (to flatten it) then off to bed i go. When I wake up, my hair is slightly damp BUT it's detangled and flat (thanks to the scarf). I then undo the braids, gather my hair into my bun, comb the TOP layer of my hair onlywith a fine tooth comb, secure it, put the scarf back on and then viola. No breakage and a sleek bun to boot
When rinsing out your conditioner, try detangling your hair while under the shower stream instead of doing it after your get out of the shower. The force from the water helps your comb in the detangling process.
You may want to try a different conditioner that detangles the hair. I like NTM conditioner and leave-in. After usage my hair is very managble to comb through and the wet bun works great. It even leaves the ends soft and moisturized.
I had this exact question a few days ago, after my first try with ponytail drying. I went right online after I felt I had too much breakage and got great advice from the ladies on this board.

They suggested that I put my hair into the pony or gather it into the ponytail, and detangle while in the shower. That worked much better. I patted some of the moisture out of my hair when I got out of the shower, smoothed the leave-in over my gather hair, did not part it. Combed it with a large tooth comb only a little since it was already smoothed back while in the shower put the hair in a ponytail holder then put the pony tail on a roller to dry. (Oh, I also put some Wild Growth Oil on my hair and on the ends too). Tied my hair down and went to bed.

When I woke up it was still damp, but very little hair came out in the comb when I combed and parted to put surge and oil on my scalp. I've decided to do as little manipulation with my hair while wet as possible, and wait until it dries to apply things to my scalp, and since I do conditioner washes now, my scalp and hair that needs moisture in the middle should be ok until the hair dries.

Sorry so long...hope it helps.
I have an easy time combing my hair when it is wet. I hardly have any breakage. I comb with a wide tooth comb first then a fine tooth comb or brush (I do this VERY SLOWLY and GENTLE). But the only reason I didnt have success with a wet bun at first was because my hair was too short at the time and I had breakage when I tried COMBING OUT my wet bun after it was damp or dry. That was the big NO-NO for me.

But now that I have more hair and I want to start the bun challenge to retain hair length, Im just gonna leave my hair in the bun and not comb when taking it down to wash or moisturize. I'll wait to comb after I have a moisturizer in my hair. I hope that helps.
I also airdry my hair in a braid (and it STILL causes a little more hairloss than I like to see). I began having problems with wet buns when my hair got stoo far past my shoulders. There was too much hair to "put away" and I ended up trying to do too much to the length - to get it secured, to get the ends hidden etc...

The braid works better for me so far...
CaramelHonee said:
Although i don't necessary dry my hair in a bun, i do dry it in braids.
For me, the wet buns DID NOT WORK, i was snapping my hair left and rite (my stylist even pointed that out to me). I detangle my hair, then i braid it in 2 plaits. I put a scarf on (to flatten it) then off to bed i go. When I wake up, my hair is slightly damp BUT it's detangled and flat (thanks to the scarf). I then undo the braids, gather my hair into my bun, comb the TOP layer of my hair onlywith a fine tooth comb, secure it, put the scarf back on and then viola. No breakage and a sleek bun to boot

[/ QUOTE ]

This is basically what I do...esp in regards to the fine tooth comb!
I conditioner wash/shampoo & conditioner, comb my hair with conditioner in it, then braid (in one big braid) before I step out of the shower. When I'm ready to put my bun into place, I use my hands to smooth my hair back, no combs, no brushes.
Um.. don't know if I'm too late to post. I always wear my hair in a wet bun. I let the water detangle my hair in the shower. Then while the water is still streaming I use the afro pick to put it wherever it's gonna go. High ponytail, low ponytail wherever. It's just easier that way. I also use a brush to smooth just the top layer of my hair into submission but I NEVER brush all the way to the ends.
okay, i see what i was doing wrong. i detangled my hair in the shower, and tried to put it into the bun afterwards. i should have put my hair in the ponytail in the shower, and thern bun it! thanks y'all, you ladies are the best.