Went to Salon, to trim hair got it blown out. Is it okay to wash it out


Well-Known Member
Well today I went to Salon Bohemia in Brooklyn. For a trim

I was recommended by a friend to try it out. Since I really need a trim. No wonder I didn't+ retain anything. She said my ends were very thin.

I dont think I will be going back there. Because the lady who was doing my hair said certain clue words that made me not want to return there again .

For example
As soon as I set on her chair she said, Wow your really natural.

She a;sp kept on asking "Why dont you texturize my hair" about 3 times. I told her no. I'm allergic to perms.

And that the next time I set up an appointment. I should the receptionist that my hair is coarse. I wonder what she plans to do to my hair if there was a next time

She washed and conditioned my hair, blew my hair out. and then used the marcel stove to press my hair and then trim it. I so want to wash my hair out so bad. It smells like a hot press and I want to try and do the two step aphogee treatment.

Since I'll be getting crochet braids this week. Do you think this would be a good idea?
yes I would wash it.. I dont like that smell either.. you got what you wanted your trim so you should wash
I would prepoo, wash, cowash, protein, and deep condish! Next time, I would be straight forward and explain that your a natural and you'd like to know her advice and techniques she use for naturals. If she doesn't give you a wealth of information ask specific questions. How do you feel about sulfates and conditioner washing? What products protect hair from heat? If she can't answer some of these, before styling I would thank her for the time and explain that your looking for someone who caters to natural hair and can increase your knowledge. (sorry for punctuation errors, feeling lazy)
Yeah I would probably wash it, deep condition and make sure there's no heat damage

Oh and don't get offended at her comment. I go to the salon maybe 1-2x a year and I always get that same question "why don't you relax your hair?" its mostly to make THEIR life easier, not to make my hair look better. I just say no and remind myself to continue doing my own hair at home LOL