Wen/HairOne... More like a co-wash/shampoo?


New Member
A few questions for the ladies that use or have used Wen or Hair One...

If u had to choose... do u feel like using it produces results more similar to co-washing or shampooing, and how so?

I have used Hair One off and on for about a year, and I love the feel of my hair when I use it. I definitely seems more thick and lush and moisturized... however, I fear that using it all the time won't result in "clean" hair, but I really have no idea.

I definitely feel "cleaner" after using than after a co-wash, but not quite like a shampoo clean. My biggest concern is that washing w/ it wont allow my treatments to adequately penetrate, especially proteins, and my hair CRAVES its protein. But if I'm doing protein treatments once a week (I try to) then I'm hardly ever getting the chance to wash w/ Hair One for those soft results I love.

Sorry so long... please chime in w/ advice.

Thanks ladies!
I don't have an answer for you but I just wanted to second that not quite shampoo/not quite conditioner feeling. I've used Hair One the next day when my hair didn't feel quite "clean" after a cowash. I hope you find your answer hun!
I stopped using Hair One and Wen for this reason. My hair hair was soft but it never felt clean, then later on after continuous use my hair started to feel mushy. My hair needs shampoo and protein included in my regimine. As a matter of fact, my hair does not agree with any type of co-washing period.
I use Hair One Olive oil and my hair feels very clean after using it. I have been using it since January 1, 2010 and won't return to using regular SHampoo. I notice my hair has less split ends at the time of my relaxer when I usually get my trims. I still get my trims but they aren't necessary.

I also feel my hair has more body and overall more shiney and conditioned. I still use my regular conditioners after.

I don't know I love it, that says it all. :)
My hair feels clean. I don't use a lot of products and if you do, that may be the reason.

I understand that people are used to a certain feeling when using shampoo. Since Wen or Olive One are not shampoos; they are cleansing conditioners, they won't give you that "just shampoo'd" feeling.
I have been using Wen fig over 2 yrs and my hair feels healthy and well conditioned and moisturized I love it.
I just recently tried Hair One Olive Oil. My scalp felt clean and refreshed afterwards. I really like it and my hair was moisturized too. I think it has protein in it as well. So I would say that it works as adverstised as a cleansing conditioner.
I've been using WEN Fig since April and my hair feels clean and moisturize.

I don't plan on going back to using shampoo, only when I occasionally visit the salon of course.

My stylist even notice a difference in my hair strands...she tells me all the time keep doing what I'm doing b/c it's working.

My hair strands stay soft and smooth and I attribute most of that to WEN Fig.
My hair feels clean for the most part with Wen, but I have to shampoo my scalp 1-2 times a month in the summer or when I'm using lots of product.
Thanks for the responses ladies. My hair definitely feels clean w/ it too. I guess I'm more concerned w/ whether my protein treatment is "taking" b/c my strands aren't "shampooed" but maybe the only thing my strands are missing is being "stripped" which is good thing, I guess.
am a Hair one fan and do not miss regular shampoo. I did buy Lorea's Everpure shampoo and use it once in a while for that sudsy shampooed feel. But I am a loyal Hairone fan and they have made the pump better so that it is easier to get the shampoo out .
I think Wen makes a great leave in conditioner. I really don't know if I like it for regular use, though.:look:
I like HairOne and use it most of the time. I shampoo probably once a week, the rest of the time it's HairOne, with the occasional cheapie co-wash thrown in (my hair never feels really clean after a co-wash, I mainly do it to kind of rinse my scalp and strands).
I LOVE Wen Fig, and I've been using it for over a year. I also use the Lavender Wen too. My hair always feels clean, and I haven't noticed any buildup. It even removes gel or all the butters I use in my hair. If I do use a shampoo then it must be sulfate free. Overall, I use Wen as my primary shampoo, and as a leave in. I just love the stuff, and don't miss harsh shampoos AT ALL :)
I LOVE Wen Fig, and I've been using it for over a year. I also use the Lavender Wen too. My hair always feels clean, and I haven't noticed any buildup. It even removes gel or all the butters I use in my hair. If I do use a shampoo then it must be sulfate free. Overall, I use Wen as my primary shampoo, and as a leave in. I just love the stuff, and don't miss harsh shampoos AT ALL :)

Good to know the bolded above!! This is what I was afraid of!! For the Wen users... have u not tried HairOne or is there something about Wen you like better? I've only tried HairOne, and thought "if aint broke dont fix it" b/c I do like it. I'm afraid if I try Wen then I'll like it better and be stuck paying that price:nono:
Good to know the bolded above!! This is what I was afraid of!! For the Wen users... have u not tried HairOne or is there something about Wen you like better? I've only tried HairOne, and thought "if aint broke dont fix it" b/c I do like it. I'm afraid if I try Wen then I'll like it better and be stuck paying that price:nono:

Dollar for dollar Wen is a better value overall.

I tried Hair One, the Olive Oil one. I liked it fine enough, but the Wen is a better product. I used the Hair One 3x and I liked the Wen better. I did give the Hair One to my aunt, who is natural, and she loves it. But then again, she has never tried Wen.
What do u ladies think is "better" about Wen? Cleanses better? More body, moisture, smell of hair, shine... anything?
When I used WEN a long time ago, it was so moisturizing. But I had a protein rich regimen so my hair never got mushy although I definitely saw that being a possibility. But, no, I couldn't replace shampoo with WEN. I prefer the cleaning of a shampoo.
What do u ladies think is "better" about Wen? Cleanses better? More body, moisture, smell of hair, shine... anything?

Some people like Wen Better and some like Hair One Better who've tried both, Each has their own reason I haven't tried Wen, but will take samples LOL! I love Hair One and I like the way it cleans, my hair has more body, less dry, Smell, well I don't smell it because I still use a DC afterwards.
I use Wen as my regular weekly shampoo, and if my hair starts to feel unclean, I use a gentle shampoo to clarify (Burt's Bees). So far I'm discovering that I only have to use Burt's every month and a half or so. I've been using Wen for the past 5 months. When I use Wen, I massage my hair and scalp REALLY WELL! Kind of like when you're washing out relaxer with a neutralizing shampoo. I REALLY get in there!:grin: It's the only way that my hair and scalp feel clean after using it.
I use Wen as my regular weekly shampoo, and if my hair starts to feel unclean, I use a gentle shampoo to clarify (Burt's Bees). So far I'm discovering that I only have to use Burt's every month and a half or so. I've been using Wen for the past 5 months. When I use Wen, I massage my hair and scalp REALLY WELL! Kind of like when you're washing out relaxer with a neutralizing shampoo. I REALLY get in there!:grin: It's the only way that my hair and scalp feel clean after using it.

This is the way I'm thinking about using these products. HairOne/Wen as my regular cleansing method and just "listening: to my hair for when it may need a shampoo.

Yeah, I'm pretty rigourous w/ the HairOne scrub as well, lol
Good to know the bolded above!! This is what I was afraid of!! For the Wen users... have u not tried HairOne or is there something about Wen you like better? I've only tried HairOne, and thought "if aint broke dont fix it" b/c I do like it. I'm afraid if I try Wen then I'll like it better and be stuck paying that price:nono:

I think of Wen and Hair One as an amped up cowash- my hair definitely feels cleaner than just a cowash alone. When I feel I need a deeper cleanse I use CON. I do still clarify monthly because I use lots of cones and gel.

I have tried Wen Fig, and Lavendar, and Hair One Jojoba. My hands down favorite is Hair One Jojoba- this will always be in my regimen.

The Wen Lavendar was just meh:perplexed

The Wen Fig I do like and will probably repurchase. But my hair feels better and just as clean with Hair One.
just started using hair one last month, I tried the olive oil type and found that it got my hair much cleaner than a co-wash, but if I used a heavy silicone product (like something with dimethicone) or a heavy oil it took a shampoo to get it completely out.

But I will say that my hair felt so moisturized afterward, and my scalp felt tingly from the peppermint oil in the product.

I also found that my skin liked hair one too... I used it on many occasions as a facial cleanser and a shaving cream and I was quite pleased with the results. I will be using this again (as a matter of fact I just purchased the jojoba oil type yesterday and will be trying it before bed this evening) and I will be trying the Wen as well sometime in the near future.

I will say that I probably will NOT use this product before a flat iron or rollerset as I need my hair to be as product free and clean as possible in order to have bounce and not smell bad when the hot iron hits it.
I just used Hair One Tea Tree for the first time after accidentally seeing it on Sallys Beauty with 85 reviews!! So I went and got it! My hair had that tingly minty fresh feel, it felt like an ongoing massage, and it felt clean to, I lathered and washed like a shampoo then left it in like a conditioner and let it out and added a little like a leave in... my hair is sooooo soft, the comb just glides through!!!! Helped make my first wet bun easy!
:bump: Another bump on this topic.

I take it that like with any hair care routine, you still need to clarify periodically.