Welp the Gay Agenda has ruined the lives of two teen girls...


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
Now see, the gay agenda is the blame for this mess. They've been convincing teens that being gay is innocent and normal. So now, we have an 18 year old teen ager being charged with statutory rape with a 14 year old girl.... Yes she was just 14 years of age.

They have these kids thinking that gay sex is 'safe' sex. Introducing them into sexual behaviour that they have no business doing. They are luring and brainwashing young children that it is okay to be gay.

Well it's not okay. Look at the damage that's being done to these young lives. :nono:

What's sadder is that the gay agenda will build this up as innocent when it is not. If anything, the parents of both of these girls should be suing the homo out of the LGBT and Glaad and all the rest of them, including our president for advocating this lifestyle. So proudly they hailed the gays and now this girl is about to be jailed.

Sad... :nono:

May 23, 2013 11:26 AM

Kaitlyn Hunt Update: Fla. teen charged over same-sex underage relationship speaks out


The girls were wrong, especially the 18 year old. She was wrong, period and her age determines her 'influence' over the 14 year old child that she chose to have sex with.

They can play this out to be as innocent as they want, but it's not innocent.

Gays want equality, welp... they got it. :nono: Do they really think that they can make this innocent because it's two girls and not a young girl and an older boy?

awwwww nope...and the gay agenda cannot fix this. :nono: It needs to be stopped and lessons need to be learned; protecting the gay way is not here to stay.
I can't even read the article. The devil is attacking the children for a reason. Just like when Moses and Jesus were born he began killing the children. He knows that when this generation turns to Jesus they are going be all the way in and get many people converted. I dont think any generation if youth has been attacked the way the youth of today are. Praying for them ...
I can't even read the article. The devil is attacking the children for a reason. Just like when Moses and Jesus were born he began killing the children. He knows that when this generation turns to Jesus they are going be all the way in and get many people converted. I dont think any generation if youth has been attacked the way the youth of today are. Praying for them ...

MrsHaseeb... you are so on point.

The enemy is after our children. satan truly thinks that he is the pied piper of this new generation, however he is not. God still rules and reigns and He has raised up a generation who may seem 'silent' and 'invisible' -- non-existant, however they are being prepared and shall be stronger than ever and they will indeed overtake this generation and God's Kingdom come, His Will shall be done, here upon this earth as it is in Heaven.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

The article (depending upon the sources reporting it) is encouraging because the parents of the 14 year old girl are suing for statutory rape. Time and again, I've said that parents are going to rise up against homosexuality and are not going to tolerate it being imposed upon their children's lives.

These parents are fighting back and they are going to win. More and more parents are going to rise up and fight against this mess being so permissive and they are going to silence the gay activists and repeal their access to their children in public schools and the media.

Watch... God is going to have His way and He will not be defeated, neither will those who file suit and take a stand against the gay agenda.

Watch... God is sovereign and He always stands by His Word.

The gay agenda think they have a victory, however they're soon to realize that they've been 'played' big time by satan...the voice and the spirit that they chose to follow. gay churches are going to fall for teaching false doctrine and leading many into disaster with this lifestyle.

Watch...the media will not be able to defend this nor will the gay agenda have any ground to stand upon; their defeat is imminent, for parents are not going to tolerate this mess in the lives of their children. :nono:
You know what?

I can't ...

This is just...

Somebody make it stop. Seriously. It's getting out of hand.


First of all, I've missed you and pray that all is going well. Give my love to 'Dad'. :love2:

Now, as an Attorney and a Christian Attorney which you are, how would you treat this case?

Personally, I feel badly for both girls. Although the 18 year old was out of order to be with a 14 year old child, folks may not believe this, however I feel horrible to think of her spending her life in jail.

Personally, I see both girls as victims of the influence of the education of the gay agenda and the media protecting this lifestyle. They were not 'born' gay; they have, however they've been programmed to fall into this behaviour.

So again, as an attorney, how would you handle this case for both the parents of the 14 year old and if you were an attorney for the 18 year old?

I'm asking as I respect your views. Thanks in advance. :yep:
First of all, I've missed you and pray that all is going well. Give my love to 'Dad'. :love2:
Now, as an Attorney and a Christian Attorney which you are, how would you treat this case?
Personally, I feel badly for both girls. Although the 18 year old was out of order to be with a 14 year old child, folks may not believe this, however I feel horrible to think of her spending her life in jail.
Personally, I see both girls as victims of the influence of the education of the gay agenda and the media protecting this lifestyle. They were not 'born' gay; they have, however they've been programmed to fall into this behaviour.
So again, as an attorney, how would you handle this case for both the parents of the 14 year old and if you were an attorney for the 18 year old?

I'm asking as I respect your views. Thanks in advance. :yep:
I missed you too and I will tell him you said hi. :grin:

As a prosecutor I would prosecute under the law but would not request a ridiculously tough punishment for the older girl. I've never been a fan of some of the sentences in statutory rape cases because this is the typical situation and its only a technicality that results in the older person being eligible for prosecution. But make no mistake she would have to answer to the law not only because she broke the law but because you would have a serious constitutional issue if you prosecute heterosexuals for this and not homosexuals.

As a defense attorney, I would argue for the lowest punishment possible. Can't argue ignorance of the law or that she didn't know the age. I could try a tricky argument about it being a friendship where two curious kids went too far and that it isnt statutory rape, but that wouldn't work either. So I would just go for leniency.
I missed you too and I will tell him you said hi. :grin:

As a prosecutor I would prosecute under the law but would not request a ridiculously tough punishment for the older girl. I've never been a fan of some of the sentences in statutory rape cases because this is the typical situation and its only a technicality that results in the older person being eligible for prosecution. But make no mistake she would have to answer to the law not only because she broke the law but because you would have a serious constitutional issue if you prosecute heterosexuals for this and not homosexuals.

As a defense attorney, I would argue for the lowest punishment possible. Can't argue ignorance of the law or that she didn't know the age. I could try a tricky argument about it being a friendship where two curious kids went too far and that it isnt statutory rape, but that wouldn't work either. So I would just go for leniency.


Thank you for sharing these answers. They're good. I agree that the extreme punishment for this girl is too harsh. At 18, there's still a lot of immaturity and development taking place. Now if this were an 'older' adult, in their 20's and older, I'd be for the more harsh sentencing.

I have to be honest, I see both of these girls as 'victims' and somehow I do not believe that either one of them are 'gay'. I see them as under the influence of the influx of the gay agenda activists who have bombarded the schools and the minds of young children that being gay is okay. They've glamorized this lifestyle and they have convinced children that they are basically all gay oriented and that they are 'safe' to express these feelings towards anyone they choose and are guaranteed the umbrella of protection from the LBGT and Glaad organizations.

I'm not 'stretching' with this. :nono:, not at all. It's in the public schools with rallies and special assemblies for gay freedom and experimenting to find out their true sexual identity is being encouraged. They are told that they have privacy and an asylum to keep this from their parents.

I don't care who denies this nor do I care who tries to disprove this. It's a fact. There are numbers of parents that I personally know, who have taken their children out of the public schools in Maryland and have their children in either private or home schools. Children are being opened up to sexual curiousity when they should be learning more academics.

More and more parents are going to begin rallying against the gay agenda for what it's doing to their children. They are not going to allow this to continue. These gay activists are in elementary schools taking to 5 and 6 year olds.

In the not so distant future, I see numerous lawsuits taking place and they will be against the gay activists and these folks will be reaping the havoc of which they have sown into the young lives of which they have no right to. The law and the government will have no other choice than to abide by the rule of the parents whose children have been invaded upon.

There's a law of reciprosity, that cannot be undone. It's a boomerang of justice coming against injustice.

A lot of folks online are blaming the younger girl's parents for filing charges against the older girl because it's a 'gay' issue. Yet these parents have every right to do so, as their daughter is far too young to be sexually involved with anyone for any reason. However, I still blame the gay agenda for what has occurred with these two girls and they will pay for the heartache for all who have been damaged by their works.
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But not in the Christianity Forum:yep:

Thank you! As Christians, we have our views, which are of much value, on this as well and should be free to discuss them without being imposed upon by those who support the gay agenda.

Here is a list of all the different countries and states here in the U.S. that have their ages of consent..some of their laws are worse than the U.S.


I'm listing Florida only because it relates to the current news article. :yep:


The age of consent in Florida is 18, but close in age exemptions exist. By law, the exception permits a person 23 years of age or younger to engage in legal sexual activity with a minor aged 16 or 17.

794.05 Unlawful sexual activity with certain minors.-- (1) A person 24 years of age or older who engages in sexual activity with a person 16 or 17 years of age commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. As used in this section, "sexual activity" means oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another;

however, sexual activity does not include an act done for a bona fide medical purpose

Florida code, Title XLVI, Chapter 794

What on earth is a bona fide medical purpose for sexual activity, especially in the case of sexual abuse? :nono:
I'm listing Florida only because it relates to the current news article. :yep:


The age of consent in Florida is 18, but close in age exemptions exist. By law, the exception permits a person 23 years of age or younger to engage in legal sexual activity with a minor aged 16 or 17.

794.05 Unlawful sexual activity with certain minors.-- (1) A person 24 years of age or older who engages in sexual activity with a person 16 or 17 years of age commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. As used in this section, "sexual activity" means oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another;

however, sexual activity does not include an act done for a bona fide medical purpose

Florida code, Title XLVI, Chapter 794

What on earth is a bona fide medical purpose for sexual activity, especially in the case of sexual abuse? :nono:
I know...I couldn't figure that one out at all. Florida is crazy:nono::nono:
The relationship started when both girls were under 18. The parents just waited to charge the older girl once she turned 18. Before that there had been no complaints.

Didn't see the fact in the discussion, so decided to add it.
The relationship started when both girls were under 18. The parents just waited to charge the older girl once she turned 18. Before that there had been no complaints.

Didn't see the fact in the discussion, so decided to add it.
LadyRaider, Actually, that's not true...please read this:

In an interview with WCT, State Attorney Bruce Colton said the complaint did originate with the parents of the younger person, who went to the sheriff's office. From there, "law enforcement did an investigation and confirmed that under the law the defendant had violated a felony statute and got an arrest warrant and arrested her."

Asked if that was after she turned 18, Colton responded, confirming Gay's (Gay is the last name of the 18 year old uncle) words, "That's one of the pieces of misinformation going around. She was 18 before this relationship began, before she started talking to this young lady. She turned 18 in August of 2012."

He continued, "Based on the law enforcement investigation, they started talking with each other in September or October 2012, in school, and started a sexual relationship in November or December. So she was already 18 and considered an adult under the law when they began even talking to each other." Colton added, "It's been reported the victim was 15. The picture that's been painted is that this was a 17-year-old and a 15-year-old. It's actually an 18-year-old and a 14-year-old, The victim was 14 at the time this began and was 14 throughout. She did not turn 15 until two months after the arrest."(The arrest was in February and the girl turned 15 in April 2013)

About the nature of the investigation, Colton said that "they interviewed the victim and they interviewed the defendant and they looked at text messages. There was a controlled phone call [legal under Florida law, and not a wiretapping]. The victim, with her parents present and along with law enforcement, made a call to the defendant, and that call was recorded. In that phone call, the defendant talked about the sexual relationship."

Many of the press reports and Steven Hunt's petition state that the now-15-year-old was against filing charges. Asked about that, Colton responded, "I really don't know what she's saying in that regard, but the victim is a minor, and in this case, like any criminal case, while the victim is taken into consideration, the victim's wishes aren't what necessarily control the outcome of the case."

He expanded on the issue of consent: "It was a consensual relationship, but the law specifically states that consent by the victim is not a defense for this crime. When the legislature made the law, its purpose was to protect children from being influenced by older adults, so consent was specifically put in there as not being a defense."

Asked what he thought of the public response, Colton said, "I have no real response—it doesn't change anything. The problem I have with the public response is that many of the people who are making this response are under the impression that this had been an ongoing relationship from the time that they were both juveniles. That's not true. And also the misinformation is that this case is only being prosecuted because they're gay, which has absolutely nothing to do with it."
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I know...I couldn't figure that one out at all. Florida is crazy:nono::nono:

I had to let my computer run 'maintence' so I wasn't able to 'google' this, but I'm finna' to find out cause it's not making any sense to me at all. :spinning:

Folks are crazy enough and surely 'we' don't want to give them a 'medical' reason for abusing someone sexually. :nono::nono::nono:
The relationship started when both girls were under 18. The parents just waited to charge the older girl once she turned 18. Before that there had been no complaints.

Didn't see the fact in the discussion, so decided to add it.

That's not true, the older girl was always 18 during this encounter. Having sex with a 14 year old is still unlawful, even if this older girl was 17 (which she wasn't).

Since posting this thread, I've further learned that the older girl was asked by the younger girl's parents, TWICE to leave their daughter alone. However, the older girl, rebelled and continued to entice the younger girl rather than respect the younger girl's parents. She was wrong, wrong, wrong.
LadyRaider, Actually, that's not true...please read this:

Nice & Wavy, thanks so much for posting this. I mean it.

As badly as I feel for both of these girls, the more facts I read about this case, the more error I see on the older girl's choices to ignore the parents and to continue to have sex with their 14 year old daughter. She was wrong and a lesson is to be had here for both of them.

And to put it out there, the gay agenda can't make this right with gay marriage or any of their other attempts to validate and protect their mess.
Ah... the first reports I saw showed the relationship was fairly long lasting. I think the younger girl is 15 now.

Regardless. Kids shouldn't be having any type of sex. Reminds me of that black young man who had sex with a white girl, though. Parents don't like that either... even though it was consensual as well.
Ah... the first reports I saw showed the relationship was fairly long lasting. I think the younger girl is 15 now.

Regardless. Kids shouldn't be having any type of sex. Reminds me of that black young man who had sex with a white girl, though. Parents don't like that either... even though it was consensual as well.

I totally agree, no child should be having sex...at any age, Period! Until they are full grown (at least 18) and married (male and female), then sex is acceptable, not before and in no other structure outside of marriage between a man and a woman.
The Parents Did Warn the Older Girl:



The 'abuser' Kaitlyn Hunt refused the plea bargain. Why? In comparison to the trial placing her in jail.

Florida teen rejects plea deal in controversial same-sex case


Does she truly believe that because she has the gay rights activists backing her that she will walk away scott-free?

"Anonymous" vows to petition case of Fla. teen charged over underage same-sex relationship"



The Plea Bargain:




I can't believe that so many people are blinded by the truth/the fact that an 18 year old is guilty.

She actually 'abducted' the younger girl and took her to her home to have sex with her. The parents of the younger girl found their daughter 'missing' from her room only to discover later that Kaitlyn Hunt (AFTER being told to leave their daughter alone), drove to the younger girls home, took her, without the parent's consent, to Hunt's home and kept her there via sexual activity.

Under the law, that's abduction. It's abduction to take an under aged child from their home without the consent of the child's parents.

I pray to God that the Hunt family loses this case to serve justice for all. If they 'win', then predators everywhere will use this as a platform for their equality and will continue to use this as a platform to harm innocent children who deserve to be protected.

A 14 year old is not responsible for their lives, period. They are neither mentally, socially, nor hormonally responsible to make an adult or responsible decisions for their lives. This entire scenario proves it. The more I read about this 18 year old, the more I see her as a negative influence, totally disrespectful and rebellious, leading the younger girl into a lifestyle that is not acceptable, both because it's sexual and it's homosexual. Period.

See, this mess with the gay agenda is backfiring and it's only going to grow worse for the gay activists. More and more parents are going to take a harsh stand and fight against them and their agenda and they are going to win to save their children.

This is the affidavit of what the 18 year old initiated upon the younger girl who was a virgin child. This was not the first time for the 18 year old:


I suspect that this 18 year old did to the 14 year old what someone else did to her. The sin is being passed on. Both of these girls are victims of a gay encounter which should have never taken place in their lives to 'confuse' their sexual mindset.

School is not a 'safe' place for children in so many ways. If it's not guns, it's drugs or gang fights being shown on youtube. And now sex in the girl's bathroom between two girls (page 2 of the affidavit) . This is just plain crazy. :perplexed: No one did this when I was in school and it wasn't that long ago.


satan truly needs to back off of these children.
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If its not right for an 18 year old boy to have sex with a 14 year old girl, the same should apply in this situation...to say that the family has an agenda is ridiculous and to say the family would have been more accepting if it was a boy is equally wrong.

Maybe this will be a lesson to others out there.
If its not right for an 18 year old boy to have sex with a 14 year old girl, the same should apply in this situation...to say that the family has an agenda is ridiculous and to say the family would have been more accepting if it was a boy is equally wrong.

Maybe this will be a lesson to others out there.

This is so true about if this were a boy as the older. :yep:

If the older girl was innocent (in other words, she truly didn't commit the act), than I could 'see' all of the fight for her defense. However this is not the case.

This is only the beginning of the gay rights/equality agenda's backfire upon them. It's going to get even worse for them. Far worse then they thought and there is absolutely no escape for them to ride upon. :nono:
If its not right for an 18 year old boy to have sex with a 14 year old girl, the same should apply in this situation...to say that the family has an agenda is ridiculous and to say the family would have been more accepting if it was a boy is equally wrong.

Maybe this will be a lesson to others out there.

In the article noted up thread:

Hunt has been expelled from Sebastian River High School in Sebastian, Fla. and was charged in February with two counts of lewd and lascivious battery of a child 12 to 16 years of age as a result her relationship with a 14-year-old girl.

Now it was noted in the affidavit that she initiated a 'sexual encounter' in the girl's bathroom at school with the 14 year old. That alone is definite cause to be expelled from school. She committed an unlawful act on school premises. :nono:

This lawsuit is the consequences of their behavior. I still blame the gay agenda for their seductive influence upon the children encouraging gay behavior as being normal and innocent with a sanctuary of protection called 'gay rights'.

Not so...truly not so. :nono:
This is so true about if this were a boy as the older. :yep:

If the older girl was innocent (in other words, she truly didn't commit the act), than I could 'see' all of the fight for her defense. However this is not the case.

This is only the beginning of the gay rights/equality agenda's backfire upon them. It's going to get even worse for them. Far worse then they thought and there is absolutely no escape for them to ride upon. :nono:

wait a minute, where was Kaitlyn parents when this child slept over at their house....for them (Kaitlyn and her mom) they think that she didn't do anything wrong, it just 'sex' to them and this is why they can't see what the big fuss is about.

Really Kaitlyn preyed on the younger girl.
wait a minute, where was Kaitlyn parents when this child slept over at their house....

...for them (Kaitlyn and her mom) they think that she didn't do anything wrong, it just 'sex' to them and this is why they can't see what the big fuss is about.

Really Kaitlyn preyed on the younger girl.

That's a good question as to the parents of Kaitlyn's whereabouts when the younger girl was 'staying' there.

Kaitlyn's parents HAD to be aware of this relationship between the two girls, especially if a neighbor knew about it and then related it to the younger girl's parents.

The neighbor who made the younger girl's parents aware did not think it was right for Kaitlyn to be with the younger girl, hence they felt responsible to make the younger girl's parents aware of it.

NOW, if the neighbor knew about this, how could Kaitlyn's parents not know.

Can't they be charged as an 'accomplice' to this? :nono: It appears that they did not care until their child was arrested and charged.

People are crazy with their comments on this case. They're trying to make Kaitlyn out as truly innocent in this and placing the blame on the younger girl's parents. :nono:
It's a sad situation all around, people are blaming the young girl's parents yet for me, this case speaks volumes of the times and culture we're living in. It's a 'new normal' and even that seemingly nothing is wrong with a 14-year-old having sex, like it was no big deal. The same law that applies to an 18-year-old boy applies to her.

A lot of folks online are blaming the younger girl's parents for filing charges against the older girl because it's a 'gay' issue. Yet these parents have every right to do so, as their daughter is far too young to be sexually involved with anyone for any reason. However, I still blame the gay agenda for what has occurred with these two girls and they will pay for the heartache for all who have been damaged by their works.
It's a sad situation all around, people are blaming the young girl's parents yet for me, this case speaks volumes of the times and culture we're living in. It's a 'new normal' and even that seemingly nothing is wrong with a 14-year-old having sex, like it was no big deal. The same law that applies to an 18-year-old boy applies to her.
It should but as you said, it's a 'new normal' and because she is gay, this is the only reason why so many people are ok with what she did. It's pathetic and sick. I remember when I was 14 and I was a baby. I didn't even think about having sex and barely had a boyfriend. The closest thing we came to sex back then was this:
