Well ladies, I do believe I am finally at Brastrap.Pic.


Well-Known Member
Yep. After 1 year and 2 months of growing out a chin length cut, I finally made it. The longest layer of hair is right on the top of my brastrap. I currently have 3 1/4 inches of new growth, so it'll be at BSL for sure when I get my touch-up in...I dunno. I said April 3rd, but right now my hair is shedding because I got more growth than I expected and I need one like, yesterday.

Uncombed, slightly stretched:

Whether I keep it at BSL depends on how raggedy my ends are when I relax. Actually, tommorow I'm flatironing my roots and I'll trim then. It's been a long journey (okay, not THAT long), but with all you guys help and most importantly, CARE, my hair is thriving like it was when my Mama was doing it. :lachen:

I'll update my album tommorow. I've been slacking due to sickness. Stop hating on me because I look at WebJunk 20.
OK, I am officially jealous:rolleyes:.....from chin length to brastrap in 14 months!!:clap: :clap: :clap:

Now tell us what you think contributed most to your growth and retention :bookworm:
DSylla said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: You look at webjunk???

seriously though, congrats!
I'll be checking the album tomorrow. :)

*LOL* :grin: :grin: :grin: Starian's "webjunk" secret is out! :look:

Congrats Starian! Your hair grows so FAST! Amazing! I am 1 year and 1 month into LHCF and I just went from neck length to about 1 inch past top of armpit. What is your growth secret? Is it diet or vits or MTG? Do share. :p