Well Im official now~ intro and pics...


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies, well Im crossing over into the world of hair today! haha...you all are truly an inspiration in growing my hair out. I never knew it was possible for most black women to have long healthy hair(Im from the upbringing that only ppl with "good hair" can grow it long. Right now Im working on gaining health and length.

I started from a short ear length flip a year ago and wore it in a phonytail in the meantime and now its to my shoulders. my first goal is armpit length which I hope to reach by early in the year next year (not toooo ambitious but sooner would be nice!)

I started an album, see link below! Its only got a couple of pics but Im going to be getting together some more really soon....its just a start! I look forward to sharing my progess and seeing all of yours!

Here I am!
Welcome Leslie!

And um...
you didn't post the password.
Your hair is lovely Leslie. I'm hoping that my all of my hair will be at or around your length by September. You said you had an ear length cut about a year ago? Great progress.
What kind of rollers did you use for your wrap?
Erica, thanks for the compliment:) your hair is really pretty! Im sure u will get to the same length by september, my hair grew that much in the last few months even with 2 trims. I had thin ends Im trying to get rid of so I had it trimmed the last two times I had a perm...they look better so Im trying not to trim it for the next few months...good luck!
Welcome Leslie! Your hair looks nice and with your growth rate, you'll be at your goal in no time.
Nice length! I wouldn't be surprised if armpit length is where you're at in just a few months. Your progress thus far is amazing.
Welcome and you have a great head of hair. You have some good growth there.
cant wait to see you to reach your goal.
Your hair is pretty. I would never guess that the back grows faster than the front. It just looks like it is cut in a nice style.