Well I made it 3 months & BCed!


New Member
I went in to cw my hair to do my sew-in. However, I got tired of my thin ends, so around 3 in morn I decided to BC. It just felt like time. I was so over trying to hold on to the length. I know it can grow back so I gave caution to the wind. I started transitioning 12/8/08. I think I have a good amount of growth.

I talked to my mom about it and then she cut it for me. I am really not in shock about it. I kinda like it. I still have some small relaxed ends, bc my hair grows slower in parts and I didn't want it to look like plugs.

I can get it into a little ponytail so I can wear a phoney pony. However I will probably be doing sew-ins til summer.

I will attach before and afters.
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Your hair looks great and that's a lot of growth for almost 3 months!

I say enjoy it for a while before you get a sew in. It's so cute.
Your hair looks great and that's a lot of growth for almost 3 months!

I say enjoy it for a while before you get a sew in. It's so cute.

I am really thinking on it.

Congratulations! Your hair is very pretty.
Your hair must grow fast! You have a lot of growth for three months.

After I looked at it, that's what I said. My last texlax got y hair too straight so so this is definitely since then. Maybe it's the green smoothies.
Very pretty! Congrats on your BC! I did mine really late at night, too...seems like that's usually the case. :)

Your hair grows fast! That's a ton of growth for 3 months.