Well, I broke down...


New Member
I got a "touch-up". I couldn't help it.

It had become a CHORE trying to reconcile the old hair with the new hair, and I CAVED.

I'm not upset, though. The next time I try to go natural, I'm just going to cut off ALL the hair and start from scratch.

After thinking about it for a couple of weeks, I realized my hair was getting bigger and my new growth gave me a small inkling of what my hair would look like if my entire head was covered with that texture.

I'm not ready for that, and my hair texture is nothing like 1913's, who is also a 4 something. I must be a 6 something, because my hair looks nothing like hers without the relaxer.

Nevertheless, the one thing the last 6 months has taught me is I don't have to relax every 6-8 weeks.

As Anky says in her "feature" post, she relaxes 3 to 4 times a year, and this is sufficient for me. It would have taken me forever and a day to go completely natural without chopping off the relaxed part, and I wasn't ready for that because I LOVE LONG HAIR.

Much love to everybody who wears their hair the way THEY want to and f**k what society or your mama says! :grin:

Oh! But check this out! I'm dumping my stylist. I've been going to him for about 10 years now, and I have HAD IT with him!

Number one, he is UNWILLING relax my hair the way I want him to relax it; and number two, he and the MANICURIST were fighting today! Loud in front of customers! I'm pretty sure they are going to fire his a$$!

I couldn't believe it! Loud-CALL THE POLICE-fight! Yea! It went down today! I don't want him doing my hair anymore anyway.

My next stylist will be trained by ME! I will ask them are they open to suggestions, because I have a certain technique *I devised it* as to how I want my hair relaxed and if I can't find a stylist willing to "cooperate", I'll do it my damn self!
That's okay Blossssom. I broke down twice during my transition to natural, but not because my natural hair didn't look a certain way. If you ever do decide to transition again, don't expect your hair to look like anyone elses.
And just cutting it all off does help with the temptation to relax. But I'm glad you're not upset about your decision, gotta do what you gotta do for your hair at the moment.
Happy hair growing! :antlers:
Thank you, hon...

Your hair is beautiful.

I admire natural ladies so much. God knows everyone is NOT able, regardless of the reason.
classimami713 said:
I didn't even know you were transitioning.

It's SO hard to find a good stylist!

You got that right!

3 months ago, I went to a Latino woman who also does black hair, and she trimmed me good.

She was really nice so I think I will try her in another 3-4 months for a touch-up, GRANTING she agrees to my wishes.
I sympathize with you....

I did the same thing three weeks ago after six months. It wasn't that I didn't like my hair but I didn't have the time that it takes to transition my hair. I like long hair also so I didn't want to chop it off.

I travel wayyy too much and I was too busy to give it the time that it deserves. I do think that now I can appreciate both sides, relaxed and natural. And, now I have an appreciation for both sides because anyone that takes the time to take care of herself along with everything else DESERVES MUCH RESPECT, ESPECIALLY FROM ANOTHER WOMAN!!!

So just know that you are not the only one......
Blossssom said:
You got that right!

3 months ago, I went to a Latino woman who also does black hair, and she trimmed me good.

She was really nice so I think I will try her in another 3-4 months for a touch-up, GRANTING she agrees to my wishes.

What are your specifics? Stylists get huffy when you dare (!) to tell them what you want. I just found out about a Dominican salon in my area, so I'd like to try them out.
classimami713 said:
What are your specifics? Stylists get huffy when you dare (!) to tell them what you want. I just found out about a Dominican salon in my area, so I'd like to try them out.

Yea, and he got huffy. And some stylists, just because they have a degree from "hairstyling school", think they know EVERYTHING and are 100% close-minded to suggestions or anything else.

That's why he almost got the cops called on him yesterday! That manicurist let him HAVE IT! Whew! I almost bounced out the chair!

Anyway, I told him that I wanted him to protect my ends (about the width of a paperback) when he rinsed out the relaxer.

Cussed out stylist: I can't do that.

Me: Why?

COS: It's not necessary to protect the ends when rinsing because the water dilutes the relaxer and it can't overprocess your hair.

Me: Give me some gloves and while you're rinsing, I'll hold on to them (the ends).

COS: *grumbling*

Me: Be gentle and let me know when it's all rinsed out and you're ready to wash.

COS: *stank attitude*

Also, I told him when he was done applying the relaxer, before putting it at the front of my head and the sides, to let me know because I wanted him to relax that section right before we rinsed.

More attitude. That's okay, though, because I'm pretty sure they are going to fire his intolerant a$$, and the next person I go to will do as I SAY or she/he won't get my business and it's that simple.
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avyance said:
I sympathize with you....

I did the same thing three weeks ago after six months. It wasn't that I didn't like my hair but I didn't have the time that it takes to transition my hair. I like long hair also so I didn't want to chop it off.

I travel wayyy too much and I was too busy to give it the time that it deserves. I do think that now I can appreciate both sides, relaxed and natural. And, now I have an appreciation for both sides because anyone that takes the time to take care of herself along with everything else DESERVES MUCH RESPECT, ESPECIALLY FROM ANOTHER WOMAN!!!

So just know that you are not the only one......

I didn't have the time anymore, either, trying to comb through the permed hair which was forever tangling, and then trying to comb through the new growth. It was taking me almost 30 minutes to comb it out!

And I could just tell I wasn't going to be happy with MY natural look. I was so looking forward to it, too, but maybe next time.
Well, at least you tried, and know you were close. Maybe next time, you might be able to finish your transition.

Some good did come out of this. Like you pointed out, at least you now know you can go longer than 9-8 weeks between relaxers. And you know how to care for your natural hair.

And I agree about looking for a hairdresser that is willing to do your hair to your specifications, and not theirs. :yep: I recently consulted with a hairdresser to do my hair, and she insisted that she trim it, because this is how she "runs her ship" (her words). Since it is my money and my hair, she should do it how I want it done. I told her thanks, but no thanks and kept looking. I found one who is not scissor happy that I will be going to next month. She was referred to me by my cousin's friend, who has hair down to her butt! :eek: At least I know this hairdresser won't sabatoge my hair goals.

HHG! :)
Thanks for all your support.

"Runs her ship", huh?

That burns me UP! Sorry, woman overboard... :mad:

I'm glad you found someone new :yep:
Denim And Leather said:
She was referred to me by my cousin's friend, who has hair down to her butt! :eek: At least I know this hairdresser won't sabatoge my hair goals.

HHG! :)

I think that's the key. Looking for stylists with clients who have long healthy hair. They are few and far between. I asked a girl I know for her stylists number but after thinking about it, I threw it away. This girl has had the same length of hair since I've known her (2 years). And it's not because her hair doesn't grow. her stylist clearly trims her hair regularly.
That is why I like "white" salons...or the one I found.;) When I go, she asks me what I want done, how much do I want trimmed, and I get exclusive service. No working on 2-3 heads while I'm burning w/ a relaxer on my head. Also no pissy attitude. She explains what she is doing and the products she uses. Most importantly, she is 10-20$ cheaper than my black stylist.:D My hubby is impressed with her because she explained to him about why his hair won't stay flat.(cowlick) Very thourough and professional.
AWW, Blossssom its ok! At least you didnt wait a year and then re-touch! :lol: I dont think I could have transitioned either. Just go for it again when you get ready.

The stylist and the manicurist were fighting???? Ghetto drama...one of the reasons why I hated going to the solon!
JewelleNY said:
Hey Blossssom, good for you for trying, I can't even get that far:lol:

so, can we see some hair pics:look: ;)

I really do need to get on the ball (not just the stability ball) and get photos taken.

I've been making excuses about not knowing how to work a camera; being embarassed to ask someone to take a picture; and all this other BS I love to spew.

I know how to take a picture, and other people are taking pictures of their hair in the mirror, so why not I?

Yes, when I straighten my hair (next weekend probably), I will take a picture.

Maybe I can send the pictures to a moderator and they can post them. Now that is no BS. I can't post anything except avatars.
hopeful said:
It's okay pumpkin:). Your next go at it will be easier.

Yea! I'm going to start from SCRATCH! That way I won't have any say so in the matter ;)

My mom looked almost FAINT when I told her yesterday about cutting it all off! LOL!
I don't know what was wrong with the manicurist yesterday, Naturallady...

It all started with me in the chair and I'm telling "Lazy" how I wanted my process done.

Old, Asian woman starts going OFF accusing "Lazy" of talking about her to ME!

SAY WHAT?!? LOL! That argument was loud and lasted about 10 minutes. I was *sssshhhhing* him because this is a "white" salon and he's the only black person that works there.

Anyway, I said goodbye to the manager when "Lazy" was done with my hair, and she didn't even see me so engrossed was she with heading to the back of the salon, and I know she was going to talk to him.

He might be gone today!
Blossssom said:
Thanks for all your support.

"Runs her ship", huh?

That burns me UP! Sorry, woman overboard... :mad:

I'm glad you found someone new :yep:

Thanks, chicka. I felt the same way after I thought about what that hairdresser said. :mad:

I'm sure you'll find someone as well (that incident you described sounded rather skeery) :eek:
I wouldn't want my hairdresser in a shouting match, and then take his/her frustrations out on my hair!
Blossssom said:
Yea, and he got huffy. And some stylists, just because they have a degree from "hairstyling school", think they know EVERYTHING and are 100% close-minded to suggestions or anything else.

That's why he almost got the cops called on him yesterday! That manicurist let him HAVE IT! Whew! I almost bounced out the chair!

Anyway, I told him that I wanted him to protect my ends (about the width of a paperback) when he rinsed out the relaxer.

Cussed out stylist: I can't do that.

Me: Why?

COS: It's not necessary to protect the ends when rinsing because the water dilutes the relaxer and it can't overprocess your hair.

Me: Give me some gloves and while you're rinsing, I'll hold on to them (the ends).

COS: *grumbling*

He would have to go for not protecting the ends alone...and the grumbling while he politely gives you your total and thinks he knows everything about YOUR hair...oh no...
He was just angry because that manicurist put him on front street... IN FRONT OF EVERYBODY!

He does need to just do what he is asked, but what's the saying? "Familiarity breeds contempt"?

Well, 10 years is long enough. When you can't do what I tell ya, it's time to go.