Weird Trimming Phenomenon


New Member
Okay, so the day before yesterday, I decided to trim off some of my nasty-looking ends. I put my hair in large twists and started cutting. I cut off what I thought was about 1/2 inch.

Well, to my surprise, when I went to see what length my hair was post-trim, it turned out to be the exact same length it was before the trim. Then, I thought about it, and my hair has always done that. No matter what I got trimmed, my hair always looks the same length.

And to be honest, it drives me crazy. My hair seems to be stuck at the same length no matter what. I could cut it all off, and in about a year's time (sometimes less), it will be back to this darn length. And, it seems like it just stops there. LOL.

I'm not complaining because I know I'm just starting a healthy hair regimen, and this could all change, but it really confuses me. I think I might have hair anorexia too.

Am I going crazy or does someone else go through this? Is it just my ends get so nasty they don't show my true length?

EDIT: To be clear, I'm just wondering about the trim part. How the heck does my hair look the same length before and after a trim (some parts actually looked longer)? Is there something about nasty ends that just make your hair look shorter?
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When your hair grows (because hair always grows) but seems like it gets to one length and stays there, you have breakage. Your ends likely needs a smidge of protein and way more moisture. Your hair is natural? I'm sure someone will come in and ggive better advice to deal with and prevent the breakage.
When your hair grows (because hair always grows) but seems like it gets to one length and stays there, you have breakage. Your ends likely needs a smidge of protein and way more moisture. Your hair is natural? I'm sure someone will come in and ggive better advice to deal with and prevent the breakage.

Yeah, that's why I said I wasn't complaining. In the past, I had really bad breakage. Right now, my hair is slightly longer than it used to be (mostly on the sides).
I think, for my hair, the my hair looks fuller & healthier after a tiny trim. I got a half inch trim last week & my hair actually appears longer and fuller because those messy ends are gone.

However, those inch + trims are hard for my hair to overcome & it always looks visibly shorter for a long time - I guess for the 2 months it takes for my hair to grow back to the same length.