Weigh in on this please


Well-Known Member
So I went to a wedding which was beautiful except for the groom slapped my bum with a full handed smack while I was dancing. I felt this was kind of disrespectful as he has sort of acted a little too flirty with me in the past. I felt he was waiting to touch my *** for a while and felt since he was married I wouldn't care. It made me uncomfortable as the bride saw, but I don't think it bothered her because she is a very secure and laid back woman. I could be wrong. Would it bother you? I told my now ex about this back then and he told me it wasn't a big deal. So if he didn't care and the bride didn't maybe it's not a big deal?

Another question: That night of the wedding, you would think the couple would be in their hotel room and not want to come up for air for the whole night. However, they both asked us to come up to their room and kick it all night long. I thought it was sort of weird, as they seemed like they were happy but didn't want to be alone together IMO. Maybe they just wanted to share every part of their wedding with us?
What?....This just has wrong written all over it from top to bottom.
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So I went to a wedding which was beautiful except for the groom slapped my bum with a full handed smack while I was dancing. I felt this was kind of disrespectful as he has sort of acted a little too flirty with me in the past. I felt he was waiting to touch my *** for a while and felt since he was married I wouldn't care.

Let him you know you did.. "don't ever do that again"

creep..taking advantage in public...not as opposed to private..
but using that as added advantage,banking on it that if you spoke up

you would be seen as the weirdo

Would it bother you?
no as I would not marry a man like that...I mean it!

but if I had....serious anullment negotiation
proceedings would have gone down before any
wedding night consummation:rolleyes:
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So I went to a wedding which was beautiful except for the groom slapped my bum with a full handed smack while I was dancing. I felt this was kind of disrespectful as he has sort of acted a little too flirty with me in the past. I felt he was waiting to touch my *** for a while and felt since he was married I wouldn't care. It made me uncomfortable as the bride saw, but I don't think it bothered her because she is a very secure and laid back woman. I could be wrong. Would it bother you? I told my now ex about this back then and he told me it wasn't a big deal. So if he didn't care and the bride didn't maybe it's not a big deal?

Another question: That night of the wedding, you would think the couple would be in their hotel room and not want to come up for air for the whole night. However, they both asked us to come up to their room and kick it all night long. I thought it was sort of weird, as they seemed like they were happy but didn't want to be alone together IMO. Maybe they just wanted to share every part of their wedding with us?

Dang Girrrl... that was so freaki'n disrespectful! You should have nipped that flirty mess in the butt right away. That way, he would not have ever tried you like that. Sometimes we tend not to say things right away & it will cause us to be disrespected like that.

That is a bit weird! They may be under cover swingers. :perplexed I definitely wouldn't have went to their hotel room with them. I would have felt uncomfortable being around him.

ETA: Please be careful...I wouldn't trust this guy.
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There are so many weird angles...the groom is clear and so is his wife so it made me feel like some piece of black booty meat. It didn't help that the ex thought I was the one with the problem and that it wasn't something I should be weirded out about. The couple and the ex are longtime roommates and they always wanted me to kick it but I didn't want to be around the weed and booze all the time, which is another reason I got dumped but anyway, right before the wedding, the couple had a huge argument and we all happened to be there. He was being very immature and talking bad about her to us. I felt sick to my stomach. He actually said 'why can't she be more like you?". I was then told this same thing from my ex saying I should be more like her(the bride)..because she let's the groom do whatever he wants.
There are so many weird angles...the groom is clear and so is his wife so it made me feel like some piece of black booty meat. It didn't help that the ex thought I was the one with the problem and that it wasn't something I should be weirded out about. The couple and the ex are longtime roommates and they always wanted me to kick it but I didn't want to be around the weed and booze all the time, which is another reason I got dumped but anyway, right before the wedding, the couple had a huge argument and we all happened to be there. He was being very immature and talking bad about her to us. I felt sick to my stomach. He actually said 'why can't she be more like you?". I was then told this same thing from my ex saying I should be more like her(the bride)..because she let's the groom do whatever he wants.

Okay I'm going to say it.

I wonder if they wanted to get their freak on with you...cuz none of that is normal behavior and even weirder at a wedding.
Okay I'm going to say it.

I wonder if they wanted to get their freak on with you...cuz none of that is normal behavior and even weirder at a wedding.

That's interesting....the bride is very conservative though. Not that it matters but she was a V when she met her husband and doesn't seem like she would be like that. There were other people they called up to the room so it wasn't a sexual vibe. It was like they didn't want to grow up or something. Like they needed to kick it with us all night long in order to lessen the gravity of the commitment they made even though they were shacking for 7 years. I don't even think they consumated it that night. I do know that she doesn't really enjoy their sex together I guess because he's a minute man (he said this himself..)They also had friends come with them on their honeymoon...:perplexed
Like they needed to kick it with us all night long in order to lessen the gravity of the commitment they made even though they were shacking for 7 years. I don't even think they consumated it that night. I do know that she doesn't really enjoy their sex together I guess because he's a minute man (he said this himself..)They also had friends come with them on their honeymoon...

he's a minute man (he said this himself)
wait a minute ...eh.... how is that you & everybody in the world
are privy to this?:nono:

unless he was planning to do the entire wedding party and all friends and associates at some point in the future and was giving fair warning :lachen:
as ...um......courtesy,then...waaaaaaay TMI.....

frankly you are better off..w/out Mr Ex..
guilty by active association

& them? the NEWLYWEDS?
I give it a year :yep:
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You are dropping these people like a hot potato right. Please keep your distance this has disaster written all over it and the star in this crazy situation is you or at the very least the special guest start.

Something is wrong and you don't want to be around when it finally hits the fan.

PLEASE back off of this.
Maybe its time to get a new circle of friends.

They always asked my ex "why doesn't lenee925 never want to hang out with us?, is she stuck up?". I made it my business to avoid these people and stay away from their stupidity and now thank God I don't have to deal with my ex ever again. I was only around for the wedding and the few times my ex got me to hang out with them. He actually thinks these roommates are his friends and chose them over me in the end.
wait a minute ...eh.... how is that you & everybody in the world
are privy to this?:nono:

unless he was planning to do the entire wedding party and all friends and associates at some point in the future and was giving fair warning :lachen:
as ...um......courtesy,then...waaaaaaay TMI.....

frankly you are better off..w/out Mr Ex..
guilty by active association

& them? the NEWLYWEDS?
I give it a year :yep:

The guy tells people he has a small pen0r and that he's a minute man. I don't know why he does this. I know it's ignorant but I thought that maybe it was a cultural difference to be so open and laughing about it.

So you give it a year? I actually think they will probably hang in there longer than that but that's interesting you say that.
^^^ how did I miss you saying they were clear?


I've seen this type of juvenile, disrepectful and overly sexual behavior from white people all the time. I've also heard a few white men go on and on about their lack of sexual prowess...

I have no idea why some of them do this but it's not that abnormal.

ETA: By the way, he's attracted to you and she's pretending not to care. He also might be pressuring her to engage in some freaky activity and she's not sure what to do.
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I dont have an issue w/ them wanting you guys to chill w/ them. when my friends got married they were hanging out w/ us that night. I guess they figured they had the whole honeymoon to get it on.

The butt touching would bother me
the couple had a huge argument and we all happened to be there. He was being very immature and talking bad about her to us. I felt sick to my stomach. He actually said 'why can't she be more like you?". I was then told this same thing from my ex saying I should be more like her(the bride)..because she let's the groom do whatever he wants.

The groom is in love with you, and your ex was not as he just wants slackness. Be glad you're rid of both of them.

Like they needed to kick it with us all night long in order to lessen the gravity of the commitment they made even though they were shacking for 7 years. I don't even think they consumated it that night. I do know that she doesn't really enjoy their sex together I guess because he's a minute man (he said this himself..)They also had friends come with them on their honeymoon...:perplexed

She was DESPERATE to get this man, at all costs. Sounds like she's not "down" her the lifestyle, but she wants to be with him, so she allows his behavior. Not a great way to start a marriage.

& them? the NEWLYWEDS?
I give it a year :yep:

All of that? :grin: I give them til Christmas. The bride's gonna want to hang in there, but I feel that the groom will be feeling stifled soon enough, esp. if she decides that since they're married, that it's time to start a family. :yep: That dude's gonna be calling the OP by Christmas, if not before.

Maybe its time to get a new circle of friends.

DEFINITELY!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

ETA: By the way, he's attracted to you and she's pretending not to care. He also might be pressuring her to engage in some freaky activity and she's not sure what to do.

Yep, you beat me to it. They invited those 'other people' so that you wouldn't be weirded out, but they were supposed to leave, and you weren't, but you weren't playing their game. Kudos for getting them out of your life!
About that last part, idk that sounds very weird, hope they werent expecting you guys to be cool with swinging. How well you know these people? lol
So I went to a wedding which was beautiful except for the groom slapped my bum with a full handed smack while I was dancing. I felt this was kind of disrespectful as he has sort of acted a little too flirty with me in the past. I felt he was waiting to touch my *** for a while and felt since he was married I wouldn't care. It made me uncomfortable as the bride saw, but I don't think it bothered her because she is a very secure and laid back woman. I could be wrong. Would it bother you? I told my now ex about this back then and he told me it wasn't a big deal. So if he didn't care and the bride didn't maybe it's not a big deal?

Another question: That night of the wedding, you would think the couple would be in their hotel room and not want to come up for air for the whole night. However, they both asked us to come up to their room and kick it all night long. I thought it was sort of weird, as they seemed like they were happy but didn't want to be alone together IMO. Maybe they just wanted to share every part of their wedding with us?

She married a CAD. :barf: Maybe they are swingers?

Is the wife a friend of yours? Or are these people your SO's friends?
That's interesting....the bride is very conservative though. Not that it matters but she was a V when she met her husband and doesn't seem like she would be like that. There were other people they called up to the room so it wasn't a sexual vibe. It was like they didn't want to grow up or something. Like they needed to kick it with us all night long in order to lessen the gravity of the commitment they made even though they were shacking for 7 years. I don't even think they consumated it that night. I do know that she doesn't really enjoy their sex together I guess because he's a minute man (he said this himself..)They also had friends come with them on their honeymoon...:perplexed

this is way to much for me to grasp. i mean seriously. did they marry each other for financial gain ?
About that last part, idk that sounds very weird, hope they werent expecting you guys to be cool with swinging. How well you know these people? lol

I honestly don't think they are swingers because I probably would have noticed in the time I did hang out with them. I knew them well enough I guess, they were mere acquaintances.

She married a CAD. :barf: Maybe they are swingers?

What's a CAD?

Is the wife a friend of yours? Or are these people your SO's friends?

No, not really but she's the only one that seems like she has some sense. She is not into drama at all and her husband is. He sort of acts like the woman. Gossipy, dramatic, whiny. She acts more like the guy in terms of emotionally. I think the guy is gay myself or bi-curious. I don't have proof just women's intuition.

this is way to much for me to grasp. i mean seriously. did they marry each other for financial gain ?

No, they did it because he was her first and really loves him so she puts up with whatever he does. Sometimes I've seen her put her foot down, but it's rare. He married her out of familiarity and because "she was loyal to him all these years" and "put her time in" is what my ex told me. :ohwell:
The groom is in love with you, and your ex was not as he just wants slackness. Be glad you're rid of both of them.

-Man, this was the hardest thing for me to accept, but you are right.

She was DESPERATE to get this man, at all costs. Sounds like she's not "down" her the lifestyle, but she wants to be with him, so she allows his behavior. Not a great way to start a marriage.

-She was but played it like she wasn't. She hung in there for her ring. The things women have to do to get a ring. :nono:

All of that? :grin: I give them til Christmas. The bride's gonna want to hang in there, but I feel that the groom will be feeling stifled soon enough, esp. if she decides that since they're married, that it's time to start a family. :yep: That dude's gonna be calling the OP by Christmas, if not before.

-The jerk don't got my number girl! please! He probably helped convince my ex to dump me.

DEFINITELY!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

Yep, you beat me to it. They invited those 'other people' so that you wouldn't be weirded out, but they were supposed to leave, and you weren't, but you weren't playing their game. Kudos for getting them out of your life!

Thanks. First it was them, then my ex removed himself as well.
^^^ how did I miss you saying they were clear?


I've seen this type of juvenile, disrepectful and overly sexual behavior from white people all the time. I've also heard a few white men go on and on about their lack of sexual prowess...

I have no idea why some of them do this but it's not that abnormal.

ETA: By the way, he's attracted to you and she's pretending not to care. He also might be pressuring her to engage in some freaky activity and she's not sure what to do.

LOL...there's something I forgot. My ex told me back then that his roommate proposed to her (out of the blue IMO) because this brother(the 'friend' and neighbor) who loves beckys was coming on to her and kissing her cheek and touching her all the time. So instead of checking old boy, he marries his girlfriend because she started to get a lot of attention from the black dude.

The more you guys analyze this the more I'm glad I no longer have to pretend to be cool with these people.